View Full Version : A sad day in Aussie racing

John Howe
04-03-2010, 11:19 AM
A sad day in Australia as racer Brian McCosker was killed in an accident while racing in "Liberty". Nothing but the deepest of sympathy to all that loved him.


04-03-2010, 02:48 PM
A sad loss indeed...RIP Brian McCosker

04-03-2010, 05:02 PM

the last race on saturday was the stuart doyle memorial for blown boats
there were 7 boats, liberty was in pole 6, 2 thirds down the start straight
on the first lap, liberty disappeared in a wall of spray, boat sank imediately.
they had brian in a rescue boat very quickly, he never made it, the instant
story around the pits was when the boat was taking on water in the prevoius race and
it had a split in front of the shaft log, that theory, the floor opening up, matched
what it looked like. but when the boat was craned out it was almost in tact,
the deck next to him and the blower hat seamed to be the only bits missing the
front of the deck had opened up and released the tractor tube but was back
in place.
the prop and shaft were in the correct place, the rudder was at 90 degrees
but i couldn't see any holes in the hull.

there would have been dozens of cameras on him, so I expect something
will turn up on u tube or some were
let you know if i here more
__________________________________________________ _______________

Very sad.
Brian was a great guy and did much to develope the sport.
Sincere condolences to all his familly and friends.
Ken Warby

Master Oil Racing Team
04-03-2010, 07:08 PM
Always sad to hear of a loss in the boat racing community. God rest his soul, and God bless his family and friends.

04-03-2010, 10:43 PM
Yesterday was a very bad day for Australian powerboating....RIP Brian.

Unfortutantly, there are unconfirmed reports of another accident today..Dont know anymore at this stage.

04-03-2010, 10:51 PM
I just cracked a Beer and tosted a very good friend and fellow racer.

04-03-2010, 11:15 PM
News out of Taree is that Dave Bryant (2009 APBA Summer Nationals K-Boat Champion) was lost today in "She's the Culprit" BAD boat.......Dark weekend of racing reminds me of Parker 2001. My thoughts and prayers are with LeAnna and the family.


04-04-2010, 02:41 AM
The thread at PB was locked, (temporarily), and some posts deleted because of the timing. Please be careful because we don't know about notifications of extended family...The race was held on Sunday, right? A day ahead of us, so it is possible the news may not have reached everyone that needs to be reached...Ray

PS I will respond further when the time is right....

04-04-2010, 09:17 AM
The thread at PB was locked, (temporarily), and some posts deleted because of the timing. Please be careful because we don't know about notifications of extended family...The race was held on Sunday, right? A day ahead of us, so it is possible the news may not have reached everyone that needs to be reached...Ray

PS I will respond further when the time is right....

True Ray...thanks.
I do know that Leanna was in Taree with Dave. Phil and Brian Bergeron as well. Keep us posted. Thanks


04-04-2010, 10:57 AM
True Ray...thanks.
I do know that Deann was in Taree with Dave. Phil and Brian Bergeron as well. Keep us posted. Thanks

Jeff, I don't have an inside source to information, just what is bouncing sround at Oz website....

Mike still has the thread locked at PB, but it would seem word has gotten around to those that needed to know. Jezzes, was Dave's wife with him? I know Kenner was suppose to drive the "Liberty" boat in competition, and had, in fact, done some testing in it before the "Old driver" got in it for some legends, or other class, race. Wayne was also suppose to get some seat time before the Sunday race. It's weird, they are a day ahead of us, so I'm not sure which days they were talking about on "Ozboatracers.com".....Truly a sad day in International boat racing.....Ray, numb with disbelief....

04-04-2010, 11:17 AM
Jeff, I don't have an inside source to information, just what is bouncing sround at Oz website....

Mike still has the thread locked at PB, but it would seem word has gotten around to those that needed to know. Jezzes, was Dave's wife with him? I know Kenner was suppose to drive the "Liberty" boat in competition, and had, in fact, done some testing in it before the "Old driver" got in it for some legends, or other class, race. Wayne was also suppose to get some seat time before the Sunday race. It's weird, they are a day ahead of us, so I'm not sure which days they were talking about on "Ozboatracers.com".....Truly a sad day in International boat racing.....Ray, numb with disbelief....

Got the call from Ty and Charlotte Newton Sat. night around 11pm which was around 1100am Sunday morning Aussie time. They were pretty broken up as they had gotten the call from Tony Scarlotta. RIP Dave...thanks for the guaranteed smile and laughs over the racing weekends.

Jeff Conant

04-04-2010, 12:51 PM
What an absolute tragedy this weekend has been. To lose one of Australia's and America's best drivers at the same event is catastrophic. Saw the video of Dave's accident and there was NOTHING he could have done to prevent it. I read that Brian's accident was almost identical. It is a very sad day for boat racing. My condolences go out to both families and friends of these two great drivers.

04-04-2010, 08:19 PM
Two legends taken from us to soon, I just hope i don't ever have to attend another meet like this one that is if i ever go back to one.

04-04-2010, 09:11 PM
Hang in there mate, unbelievably sad, I can not believe what I saw...


04-04-2010, 10:44 PM
it is hard to believe the people we dream to be taken away in front of your own eyes I'm still waiting to wake up from this f**ked up nightmare

Ron Hill
04-05-2010, 07:39 PM
I had a depressing Sunday, but then I said, "Well everyone know capsule have worked and they are cheaper than $100,000 motor."

Freddy Hauenstein passed OPC Capsule rules after the death of my old student Teddy Whalen. I wonder how many outboarder's lives have been saved by Freddy "Stepping Up" on safety rules.

Their is a game called "Russian Roulette", I'm never played it. Driving a K-Boat, GN, Super Stock or Pro Comp without a capsule is "Russian Roulette".

Don Ermshar died in a capsule, (BLow Alcohol Flat) but he was 67 years old....and may have had a stroke before the accident!

Deaths are SO BAD for any sport!!!! Look what NASCAR did after Dale Ernhardt's death.. These type of boat shuld not be allowed on the water without capsules!

721 Jr.
04-05-2010, 08:23 PM

cut and paste this link

04-05-2010, 08:39 PM
I had a depressing Sunday, but then I said, "Well everyone know capsule have worked and they are cheaper than $100,000 motor."

Freddy Hauenstein passed OPC Capsule rules after the death of my old student Teddy Whalen. I wonder how many outboarder's lives have been saved by Freddy "Stepping Up" on safety rules.

Their is a game called "Russian Roulette", I'm never played it. Driving a K-Boat, GN, Super Stock or Pro Comp without a capsule is "Russian Roulette".

Don Ermshar died in a capsule, (BLow Alcohol Flat) but he was 67 years old....and may have had a stroke before the accident!

Deaths are SO BAD for any sport!!!! Look what NASCAR did after Dale Ernhardt's death.. These type of boat shuld not be allowed on the water without capsules!

To keep all things in perspective either one could just as easily have been killed on the way to the airport in a traffic collision. A quick look in the paper on any given day will show that.

In the entire history of K-Boats there are a total of two fatalities. SuperStock, ProStock and Grand National have a track record of about one fatality every 10 years.
As much as I would love to have met Gordon Jennings Sr, and to see Tom Conant and Paul Brocheuser in the pits and God knows I would love to chat with Lance Faulkner still on a daily basis and hang out with him I believe, that taking in to account any activity that takes place, that is outstanding in regards to crash statistics.

You can actually find a fair amount of crashes in capsules which have resulted in deaths. You can also fine a fair amount of crashes without capsules which have resulted in deaths.

04-05-2010, 09:13 PM
I believe we need to slow down the K's and PS boats, restrict the size course, or put a lid on them cause they are only getting faster. Doing the same thing (nothing) is getting us nowhere every 10 years, when the technology is available and utilized successfully in other forms of boat racing. It's time to waive the costs associated in implementing capsules with boats that now compete well over 100mph entering a turn.

do the math since 2001....Faulkner, Hoban, Brocheuser, Schade, Rawleigh, and Bryant from Region 12 alone...time to look toward a safer future

04-05-2010, 09:21 PM
Capsules save lives, period. We should use the tools that we have to help save lives and not doing so is tragic, period.

Ron Hill
04-05-2010, 09:25 PM
Freddy MIller and I have been friends for only 44 years. His son Gordie was quite the 45 Tunnel racer. Fred while working with his son and promoting races realized that the CRASH RATE was pretty high.

Freddy came up with a great idea and that was to keep the 45's on a 35 second course. I'm really not sure when he came up with this idea, but it has been around for about 20 years.

This is such a great "CONCEPT" it saves lives and equipment!

Capsules are GREAT, so are short tracks.

Bill Vukovich the III was killed testing a sprint car at Mesa Marin Speedway in Bakersfield. His Dirt Sprinter, on the big paved track just went too fast and he lost control, killing him. Mesa Marin decided that sprint cars didn't belong on paved tracks like they had.

At DePue, Illinois I was watching the 500 CC runabouts when one boat went sideways, causing a four boat wreck. One boat had hit a carp, it appeared, and turned sideways.

Looking at Dave Bryant's accident, his boat appeared to hit something. I will say this, those courses in Australia are F*^king long...too long, I think...

We have some great races at Long Beach....Long Beach IS PRETTY SHORT, REALLY...

04-05-2010, 09:26 PM
The cost, come on. Is there any cost greater than death. There are cheaper version's of capsules out there that are just as effective. Revolution does great work and if asked I'm sure could work it out. The time came a long time ago for action. No excuses lets start keeping our extended families in the pits racing with us.

04-05-2010, 09:44 PM
That's just it...cheaper versions are always available, is that a good thing???...there needs to be standardization among minimal manufacturers for quality assurance in my opinion.

04-05-2010, 09:53 PM

You hit something with shorter courses and it would salove several issue. Leave safety aside...It gets pretty boring wathcing a race with a boat count low when they all get strung along the course. My thouht at Pudding stone would be that for the small boats, they could take about 150 yards out of the straights and add a lap or two. It would make for a more exciting race, and slow things down.

04-05-2010, 10:05 PM
Jeff there is, every new capsule has to meet the same test's as any other capsule. A champ boat does 120-130 mph, I saw them at kankakee and they also do not slow down in the turns. And these capsules hold up. At the nationals there where quite a few crashes through out the weekend and I never turned my head and said oh *&%$. I just waited expecting to see a helmet pop up and everthing to be ok. And it was for the most part. If us sst45 drivers can go racing on budgets with capsules ?????????????

04-05-2010, 10:15 PM
Please use capsules. Drivers are dying faster than one every ten years, but regardless, one is too many. 164 feet is a long fricken way to be thrown from a boat doing 120+ mph. A capsule would prevent that. Please use them. This is very sad.

Racer BOB
04-06-2010, 02:24 AM
Come on guys this is not the place, it has been one of the hardest weekend over here in OZ with Brian and Dave passing. R.I.P gents.

721 Jr.
04-06-2010, 06:56 AM
Everyone involved in this sport does it because they love it. I personally feel more comfortable in a capsule I believe it has saved my life. We all know the dangers as do our loved ones and crew. I think everyone knows that on any given weekend it could be any of us. As of right now the V-Drives have the choice to decide of they want a capsule or not. What has taken place is tragic however this is something that should be brought up at the National Meeting.

This post was started to remember the legacy of a fallen racer. I think we should all show the respect deserved.

04-06-2010, 12:43 PM
Come on guys this is not the place, it has been one of the hardest weekend over here in OZ with Brian and Dave passing. R.I.P gents.

Sorry...the capsule issue needs to have its own thread in time...no disrespect to anyone. We all care about our sport no doubt, and those we have lost are dear to our hearts. GODSPEED to all of them.

Jeff Conant

04-06-2010, 12:51 PM
Picture of Dave and Brian at Taree
Cell pictures of Dave after winning the 2009 K-Boat Summer Nationals at Long Beach, CA. Dave getting congratulated by Tony Scarlotta

04-06-2010, 05:25 PM
Don't want to nit pick, but I believe the top picture is more likely to be Dave in 'She's the Culprit' and Chris Kenner in 'Liberty' along side.
Only clue is Brian wore Blue race suit with Red Helmet and Life vest.

RIP Brian and Dave.

Cheers Haych :cool:

Joe J
04-06-2010, 06:24 PM
This thread belongs to the memory of the drivers lost over the weekend. The capsule discussion is for another time and place.


04-11-2010, 04:54 AM
Two legends taken from us to soon, I just hope i don't ever have to attend another meet like this one that is if i ever go back to one.

I will never forget sitting in the crash boat in 2007 watching these guys race for the world title at windsor,it was mind blowing at water level .i still cant believe there gone,true champions R I P guys. Keep your chin up tomorrow daz you guys did all you could to help on the day......say a prayer from wayne and i .