View Full Version : A dumb prop question.

05-11-2010, 06:14 PM
Probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. Some props (racing props I presume) that are made for a splined shaft have what appears to be no safegaurd against a catastrophic collision with a log, or hard bottom, etc. So when the prop strikes something, what happens? Destroyed prop? Destroyed lower unit?

05-11-2010, 06:46 PM
Most of the time damaged prop,but someti
mes both get damaged.

Ron Hill
05-11-2010, 07:03 PM
Some race boat use a shearpin. Shearpins used to be brass and were designed to shear when you hit something. If you've ever lost or sheared pin in a race, you know this ain't cool.

Many rubber hubs, when running the blades half in and half out of the water, will sometimes shake like crazy. Solid hub "CLUNK" when you shift them, but many a racer with a shifting gearcase doesn't shift them anyway for fear of gearcase damage. In fact, we wire our shifting cases in forward so they won't jump out of gear when we aren't expecting it.

If you hit anything with a race prop, you are going to damage the prop becasue they are thun and sharp!...