View Full Version : APBA members...Do you know So-and-So?

07-11-2010, 07:21 AM
Do you know So-and-So?

In the June issue of Propeller, Ernie Dawe wrote about that indispensable person "So-and -So".

"When you are at a boat race and something goes wrong— the motor won’t start, you’ve got a hole in the boat, etc.—you ask, “Who can help me?” The answer is, 'See So-and-So!'

"Every category and every region has a So-and-So. Who is this person? Someone who is willing to help anyone and everyone at any time—and we are all thankful for these so-and-sos. They make our sport of boat racing unique."

Do you know a "So-and-So" who is always there to lend a hand? Write a brief description of the person and what he/she does to help others. If you can send a digital photo also, great.

APBA plans to include a monthly article on the So-and So-'s in the monthly Propeller magazine.
Email to DawecraftBoats@aol.com or propeller@apba-racing.com

Ron Hill
07-11-2010, 08:55 AM
You Jeff ARE a "So and So" but most people seems to be "Not Me's".....I will be looking for the "so and So's" articles...