View Full Version : Raymond McKean

Tammy McKean
08-10-2010, 12:58 AM
Hello, My name is Tammy McKean. I am my Father's "Raymond C. McKean" daughter. He Raced boats when I was a new born about 50 years ago. I am reaching out to anyone who knew my father or raced with him/remembers him so I can strike up some conversation or dialog that may enhance my fathers quality of life. He is now "86" years old but still has his faculties, although he is bedridden. I know that my Brother TC McKean has spoke to someone here a few years ago. You may pass this message on to anyone who may be able to help me. I would really appreciate any help you can give me! My father owned Kean Craft boats. He built his last boat about 10 years ago.
:) Thank you very much!...Tammy :)

Ron Hill
08-10-2010, 08:26 AM
I knew Ray when he build boats for Joe Moore and my brother's fraternity brother, Dick Riley.

Do a search here on www.boatracingfacts.com (http://www.boatracingfacts.com) Ray McKean comes up in many articles. Jimbo McConnell's first race boat was a Kean Craft...