View Full Version : Having Trouble Posting??

Ron Hill
10-15-2010, 09:23 AM
I wanted to tell Wayne "Master Oil" my tip to not being timed out. and I could post on "The Baldy Story". I've ben told some people are having posting troubles....

Are you kiddding me? I got timed out. I was trying to tell Wayne my TIMED OUT tip but got timed out.

Bill Van Steenwyk
10-15-2010, 10:26 AM
This happens to me quite often Ron, (couldn't have anything to do with me being long winded I'm sure) but it usually is no problem and I do not ever lose what I have typed to post.

What always happens with me is when I click on the "submit reply" area after completing my post, if I have "timed out", it just always rolls over and says "you are not logged in" or something similar, and then gives me the box to put in my user name and password a second time, and then automatically puts my post up.

Don't know whether I am just lucky or not, but I have not lost a post in quite some time. It did happen a couple of times several years ago when I first joined BRF, but nothing since then. Perhaps there are settings that allow this that are not enabled on your or Wayne's computer?

I don't know why mine works this way, it just does.

10-15-2010, 10:28 AM
one way to get around the time out is to type your post on wordpad or whatever you use and then copy and paste it to the posting box.

Bill Rosado

Master Oil Racing Team
10-15-2010, 11:21 AM
That would be a good trick to use Bill if I knew how. Generally I can do what Bill Van did and it works, but twice I looked up info on Lake Guerrero while writing my post and it told me that I had already signed in and so I lost the material. I figured out not to do that anymore. I've never used word post, but maybe some day I will. The method Bill Van uses generally works, but there is a trick. When it says you are logged out, do not....repeat....do not log on at the traditional 1:00 spot. Log back in in the lower and wider box in the middle of the page. Sometimes it will fake you out and make you think it didn't work, then pop up in a little while, but usually it works. But.....if it hot outside and a lot of ether traffic....and the computer is slow...and you time out, then sometimes the uplink is knocked off the air and you're screwed.:mad::D

So Ron.....what's your tip? I got timed out on the Aloe story also because I kept getting phone calls, but I was able to save it by Bill Van's method.....now I will continue a little further.

Ron Hill
10-15-2010, 03:03 PM
We always had to watch him, Billy,
BECAUSE he was so fas.

Billy's "TIP" was a good one..

Click "SUBMIT REPLY" about every four paragraphs. Your paragraph will be saved...Then, click "EDIT POST" and it brings the post back.

Then click "Save Changes".

At the bottom of your post it will save edit by Master Oil...

Also, for my Propeller Articles, I write myself and e-mail the I cut and paste the e-mail. (Right click, turns coy blue, right click again says copy..."

10-15-2010, 06:00 PM
Both good schemes that I have used even though I never get timed out

Master Oil Racing Team
10-15-2010, 06:05 PM
But Sam....your brain scans in millibytes,while mine and probably especially Ron's;):D brain meanders through minutes until we figure....uh oh....!:)

10-15-2010, 07:31 PM
brain meanders through minutes until we figure....uh oh....!
So that's why i'm so short winded