View Full Version : Interesting Numbers...

Ron Hill
11-03-2010, 07:57 PM
I looked on line at Hydroracer.net and they had 52 people on line. I looked at Performance Boats, they had 333 on line. I looked at BRF, no advertisers, no real agenda, just boat racing, we had 348 on line.

I must admit, I do have an agenda, and that agenda says EVERYONE should own a race boat.

I talked to and EX boat racer today. His son and daughter raced. He grew up next door to a boat racer whose son and daughter raced. So, this guy didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

This guy is 57 years old, and has just helped a man get his two daughters racing, but he had some comments that I thought everyone should consider.

1. Everyone is busy and to HAVING to get to a boat race at seven in the morning to race at three thirty makes little sense. Why does eveyone have to be at the driver's meeting? Don't you know the rules? Show up for the race, go home, play soccer!

2. Saturday racing SUCKS. The new guy, not knowing his *** FROM A TWO BLADE PROPELLER comes out and races, runs last or turns over, while the OLD PRO gets their points.

3. Points should be for the race. Another words...400 points in the MAX you get for a weekend. 200 on Sat and 200 on Sunday, or 400 points for Sunday's race. NO ****ING DOUBLE POINTS for a local race!

4. New races for the first three years, should have a advocate on the judges stand to help them to NOT be disqualifed for all kinds of bull ****. If a new person wins, usually, they get DQ'd for something.

5. APBA is SLOW to modernize....NO **** SHERLOCK!!!!

Anyway, this guy has no plans to get back into racing but is helping me get some water for a race. It is amazing to me to run into people, all the time, who have quit because of the BULL **** in boat racing.

Randy Pierson is going to a Go Kart Race in Las Vega, this month, November 2010, where they are limiting the cars to a class to 80, 6 vlasses, 480 entries. $800 entry fee.

Randy tells me when he quit boat racing and went Go Karting with his kids, he felt he'd died and gone to heaven. He says, you show up to a track late, they welcome you and ask if you need test time. He says, they bust *** to make you feel and be welcome. Free entry fee for out of area drivers...


11-03-2010, 08:10 PM
As far as i'm concerned, i get on about 10 times a week.
Keep up the good and your Bro. ain't so bad. If he just stuck to racing stories.

Ron Hill
11-30-2010, 10:12 PM
9:10 California time, we had 428 on line. Hydroracer.net had 28, Performanced Boats had 227. Time zones change things, yes, but I think we have wide appeal to boat racers and performance boaters world wide.

It makes me feel ggod top see this many on BRF at 9:10 California time!

Keep being part of boatracingfacts.com

Gene East
12-01-2010, 05:39 AM

I'm sure I speak for many BDODR's as well as current racers when I tell you how much we appreciate BRF and the work you do to make this forum available to us.

This old man was not in your count at 9:10 PST last night. That's 11:10 in Quincy. I was sound asleep just like you probably are right now!

Thank you and your under paid staff so much for all you do!


"Thirty days hath September, April, June and November".

Today is December 1! May I be one of the first to wish everyone, "Merry Christmas"!

PC is just another way of saying BS!