View Full Version : The INDIANS are Coming!

Original Looper 1
02-07-2011, 11:59 AM
I came across this alarming LA Times story today:

Surge of immigrants from India baffles border officials in Texas

By Richard Marosi and Andrew Becker
February 6, 2011

Thousands of immigrants from India have crossed into the United States illegally at the southern tip of Texas in the last year, part of a mysterious and rapidly growing human-smuggling pipeline that is backing up court dockets, filling detention centers and triggering investigations.

The immigrants, mostly young men from poor villages, say they are fleeing religious and political persecution. More than 1,600 Indians have been caught since the influx began here early last year, while an undetermined number, perhaps thousands, are believed to have sneaked through undetected, according to U.S. border authorities.

Hundreds have been released on their own recognizance or after posting bond. They catch buses or go to local Indian-run motels before flying north for the final leg of their months-long journeys.

Also from the story......
The trend has caught the attention of anti-terrorism officials because of the pipeline's efficiency in delivering to America's doorstep large numbers of people from a troubled region. Authorities interview the immigrants, most of whom arrive with no documents, to ensure that people from neighboring Pakistan or Middle Eastern countries are not slipping through.

Indians are now the largest group of immigrants other than Latin Americans being caught at the Southwest border.

There is no evidence of the kind of persecution that would prompt a mass exodus, they say, and Sikhs haven't been targets since the 1980s. The prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh, is a Sikh.

"There is no reason to believe these claims have any truth to them," said Sumit Ganguly, a political science professor and director of the India Studies Program at Indiana University.

Some authorities think the immigrants are simply seeking economic opportunities and are willing to pay $12,000 to $20,000 to groups that smuggle them to staging grounds in northern Mexico.


To read the rest of the story, go to:

There are over 6 billion people in the world, and 5 billion of them live in abject poverty. If they all decide to come here, who are we going to say no to?

The time is now to seal our borders to the north AND south, not only for our security, but also for our ECONOMIC SECURITY.

Apparently, the only people that Congress is hearing from currently is Wall Street and their corporate lobbyists, who obviously, in my opinion, want to turn the United States into a 3rd world country.

The next job these illegals come for may be yours. Call your members of Congress now. The Congressional switchboard phone number is: 1 - 202 - 225 - 3121.
