View Full Version : Coachella Valley Water District Cancels SO Winter Nationals

02-09-2011, 05:50 PM
On behalf of SCOA,

We regret to inform our fellow racers that the 2011 Winter Nationals are not going to be held in Indio, Ca on March 12-13. We have decided to let the SORC decide what to do next. To make a long story short...I am posting the direct correspondence between Ernie Dawe and the Coachella Valley Water District.

From: DawecraftBoats@aol.com
To: jeff conant
Sent: Mon Feb 07 16:20:17 2011
Subject: Re: APBA/SORC loan

Jeff, I am going to call you this evening as we are getting a runaround from the ranger and the county. I want to fill you in and I will know more later if the county gets back to Bill. Ernie
From: DawecraftBoats@aol.com
To: jeff conant
Sent: Mon Feb 07 21:10:58 2011
Subject: Re: APBA/SORC loan

Jeff, I was going to call you tonight but I will wait until tomorrow after I have talked to the Coachella Valley Water District. I have been on the phone 1/2 the day with Bill Sandberg and even drove out to the lake. The ranger says we need a plan to take care of any fuel spill that might occur, do you have any thoughts? Also, when I talk to the water district I have to find out about the mussel that is a problem. They are requiring things that have never been required and I hope that Bill and I can solve this. Talk to you later. Ernie
From: DawecraftBoats@aol.com
To: eurban@cvwd.org
Cc: jeff conant; rcinr12@aol.com
Sent: Tue Feb 08 11:30:19 2011
Subject: races at Lake Cahuilla

Mr. Urban, enclosed is our plan for the fuel and for the zebra mussel. I hope that this meets with your approval, if not please let me know. If you would prefer one of your people to inspect, please let me know, if our inspectors will do could you get me inspection guidelines for them to follow? Thank you for your help. Ernie Dawe

For fuel: We will require that all boats be fueled out of the water and have something under them while fueling to catch any fuel that is spilled. In case of an accident our reuse boats will have some absorbent pads to pick up any spilled fuel. Most of the boats only have a fuel tank that holds less than 1 gallon and in some classes the boats have a system where by the gas cannot escape when upside down.

The Zebra Mussel: At all of our events all boats must be safety inspected before they are allowed on the water. If it is acceptable to you and you can provide us with inspection guidelines, they,our inspectors,will also inspect for the mussel. We would be willing to pay for an inspector if you feel it is necessary. The inspector would need to be there around 6 am to inspect the boats and should not be over an hour. These boats are never stored in water and 99% of them will not have been in the water for at least 3 months. We will also provide a way to wash them if necessary.
Please advise me as to the acceptability of our plan and any other requirements that you might have. Thanks for your time and help. Ernie Dawe
From: Eric Urban
To: DawecraftBoats@aol.com
Cc: jeff conant; rcinr12@aol.com
Sent: Tue Feb 08 14:08:14 2011
Subject: RE: races at Lake Cahuilla

Ernie, after further review we will not be able to allow the use of your boats on the Lake at this time. Sorry for the inconvienance.

Re: races at Lake CahuillaTuesday, February 08, 2011 4:53:45 PMFrom: "Eric Urban"
To: "DawecraftBoats@aol.com"
Sorry Ernie, This has now become a direct order from the assistant GM. We spend well over a million each year to prevent the Quagga and other species from entering our system. If by any chance they were to get into our piped system it would cost us many more times that to get rid of them. Since there is no way to be 100% sure we will not take a chance. I have also instructed Riverside County to not get anyones hopes up in the future.

Sorry I could not assist you in this. Eric
From: DawecraftBoats@aol.com
To: EUrban@cvwd.org
Cc: jeff conant; rcinr12@aol.com
Sent: Tue Feb 08 17:01:06 2011
Subject: Re: races at Lake Cahuilla

Mr. Urban, this is more than an inconvenience to us as we have people who have purchased tickets to fly here and also made reservations. It also makes it impossible for our Association to plan and hold this event somewhere else. We used to hold these races for many years and never had a problem and I don't see how it could be a problem now. Thanks for your response. Ernie Dawe

My opinion...as SCOA Race Director...All the hard work our club has put into making this happen is for not. All because off the poor communication between CVWD, Riverside County, and Lake Cahuilla. With the help of APBA Legal Council, SCOA is looking into a possible small claims court suit to recoup lost expenses. Our original proposal to deal with the muscle and gas spill threat, was approved by the CVWD and the Lake. County approved our insurance coverage from K+K/APBA. Lake Cahuilla Park has already cashed our rental check as was ready for the event. The CVWD found a way to once again stifle boat racing in Region 12. Heck, the lake is fed by the Colorado River..it is infested with the muscles. Riverside County is extremely disappointed in the decision made by CVWD, and has requested copies of all correspondence between SCOA and the CVWD. So bummed....our club and region is devastated over the decision the CVWD made.

Jeff Conant
SCOA Race Director

02-09-2011, 07:10 PM

I don't think you should talk about a lawsuit, I think you should enter into one. Have everyone around the country submit their lost expenses, plus punitive damages, of say a million dollars for breach of contract.
I also think you should write a press release and send to all local newspapers stating the damages done to their area. Explain (in exaggerated terms) the costs that the "Water Boys" are costing their local merchants.
Also we need to generate documentation that shows that our boats running on their lake will do no more damage to their lake than a fish worm does on a hook, and noting that their action is illegal, capricious, and intended to do harm to many people. Not just our racers are victims of their action but the hundreds of local people who enjoy the races and look forward to them each year.
Provide us with names and addresses of people we can write to make or case--a few letters for a few distant states would carry some weight, particularly if published in the local papers.
I believe the decision is still reversible or at least assure us of good treatment in the future.

Allen J. Lang
02-09-2011, 07:25 PM
This is a bummer deal. My wife and I were looking to book a motel and attend. I am an old time stocker and really enjoyed meeting some of the current racers at the Parker and looking forward to meet up with others. My wife hasn't been able to get out for sometime and was really looking forward to this trip. When you will work with someone on a big event like this and a lot of time has been put in from volunters and many having made plans for time off and some flying in really makes this a tragic affair especially for those driving so far and last minute canx.:mad:

02-09-2011, 08:54 PM

Your notes say the following: muscle and gas spill threat, was approved by the CVWD and the Lake. County approved our insurance coverage from K+K/APBA. Lake Cahuilla Park has already cashed our rental check as was ready for the event.

Do we have a signed letter of agreement? Please send me a copy of both sides of our check to Lake Cahuilla and copies of any other solid proof of our "contract" I'll go to Indio tomorrow and present it to a judge and get a restraining order to nullify the cancellation. These guys can't jerk us around this way.

If you want me to help, give me the go-ahead and send me copies of all documentation


02-09-2011, 11:41 PM
Are any boats allowed on the lake for recreation purposes? If so, their justification is not valid.

02-10-2011, 09:04 AM

I have cancelled rooms and flights..... which had been revised two times before.

Thanks Ernie and Jeff for all your work. It is totally not your fault.

The reasons for not letting us on the lake have obviously been there for months.

To cancel us on this short notice is the most un-professional thing I have ever seen.

See you at the races.

Dean.............................................. .................

02-10-2011, 09:15 AM
This is right off their web site home page.

"Friendly smiles and courteous, professional service greet those who visit Coachella Valley Water District facilities."

Go figure..............................

Ron Hill
02-10-2011, 09:47 AM
Are any boats allowed on the lake for recreation purposes? If so, their justification is not valid.

Race boats are the only boats on the lake...or it used to be!

10 Million dollar law suit sounds better...After we won, we could buy the lake!

The APBA Stock Outboard Chairman is an attorney! Oh, I forgot, APBA sanctions races, collects fees, counts points......and sells insurance!

Bunker Hill
02-10-2011, 10:33 AM
"Do we have a signed letter of agreement? Please send me a copy of both sides of our check to Lake Cahuilla and copies of any other solid proof of our "contract" I'll go to Indio tomorrow and present it to a judge and get a restraining order to nullify the cancellation. These guys can't jerk us around this way."

"If you want me to help, give me the go-ahead and send me copies of all documentation"


The CVWD should be held responsible for all flight, hotel and other non-refundable expenses AND the time spent on making said arrangements!
This is a BS deal and these guys need to be held accountable, there is a
complete breach of contract here and pain and suffering in the form of frustration and loss of tradition. The communities surrounding the lake will also suffer, we probably would have conservatively rented aproximatly 300 or so hotel/motel nights, that adds up pretty quickly!
We all should take the initiative and writ every newspaper in the whole region explaining the situation
We have been pinched out of too many spots in region 12 we can sure use outside support!



Bunker Hill
02-10-2011, 11:12 AM
Please let the people at the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)
know how you feel and what you think!!
Contact them at:

Please vent there!


Bunker Hill

02-10-2011, 12:27 PM
Dear Mr. Urbin,

Your web site home page has this slogan right on the top:

"Friendly smiles and courteous, professional service greet those who visit Coachella Valley Water District facilities."

I have raced boats for 50 years with APBA and have never seen such un-professional things.

Coming from Washington we have had plans made for months and had to change them due to your "Re-scheduling" the race already prior. Now cancellation.

The reasons for cancellation have obviously been there for months, if not longer. To cancel this major APBA event at this late notice is the most un-professional thing I have ever experienced.

You need to revise your web site slogan.



02-10-2011, 12:37 PM
Bill Sandberg just called me and gave me the email address of Vernessa Garcia, the Manager of the lake
vgarcia@rivcoparks.org He couldn't post, so asked me to post that address

I rcommend being polite, firm and specific. Tell her about real costs lost.


Russ Hill

02-10-2011, 02:25 PM
Steve Robbins, General Manager-Chief Engineer

Dear Mr. Robbins: I write to you with regard to the recent event the American Power Boat Association (APBA) had planned to hold on Lake Chuhilla next month. By way of introduction, I am the Stock Outboard Category Chairman for the APBA. The APBA is the United States National Authority for the Union of International Motorboating (UIM) which is the world organization reconginzed by the International Olympic Committee as the authority for power boat racing across the globe. The Stock Outboard Category is the largest category of racing in the APBA and we had planned to run the APBA's largest class, C Stock Hydro, as well as other Stock Outboard Classes at the event at your lake for the 2011 APBA Winternational Championships.

I wish to respond to the decision that was apparently recently-made not to allow power boat racing on this lake due to a perceived risk of infestation of the lake with Zebra and/or Quagga Muscles coming from our members' racing equipment. I can assure you that this concern is unwarranted.

Our members utilize specialized equipment made solely for racing purposes. In fact, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has granted the manufacturers of the engines for our category of racing special permits for the production and use of these engines solely for racing purposes. This means that none of our members' equipment is designed for pleasure use. This, in turn, means that our members' equipment is only placed in the water for the short period that the equipment is actually being used for racing. In fact, our racing boats and motors are stored on the beach when not being used even while the equipment is at the race site. Even in between heats of racing, the equipment is nearly always removed from the water for refuling and/or adjustment. I believe that this removal was even part of the re-fueling plan filed with your organization with regard to dealing with fuel spills by the conducting club, Southern California Outboard Association (SCOA). Thus, it is only when the equipment is actually being raced that the boat equipment is placed in the water. This is true for all of our events. Therefore, the time that the equipment is actually physically located in water is so short a duration, it is nearly impossible for one of these animals to attach itself to our members' equipment.

Thus, the risk of infestation of our members' equipment by these animals is virtually non-existant. The risk of infestation would be similar to the risk that a swimmer might pose of transfering these animals to a waterway. Since the equipment is never in the water long enough for the muscles to attach themselves to the equipment, the risk of transfer to another lake or water way is nearly non-existant.

I would ask that you reconsider the decision not to permit powerboat racing at your lake. As I am sure you are aware, this is a large event for our organization and we have many communities that bid for these events based upon the positive economic impact the event can have for a local community. In fact, based upon the information that has been received in the last 48 hours with regard to the decision made with regard to this event, I have already received three (3) requests to hold this event at other locations: one in Northern California, one in the State of Washington and one in the State of Georgia. While transfering the event to another location might be possible, it would be an extreme hardship for our organization to do this and for our members who have already made travel plans to attend the event in Southern California.

I would appreciate it if you would advise me directly of your final decision no later than the close of business tomorrow, February 11, so that our organization may make a decision with regard to where this event will be held. We will make this decision over the weekend.

Thank you for your kind consideration,

Edward W. Hearn, SO Category Chairman,
American Power Boat Association

cc: Gloria Urbin, Executive Director, APBA
Stock Outboard Racing Commission, APBA
Mr. Ernie Dawe, SCOA
Mr. Roger Carr, SCOA

02-10-2011, 02:28 PM
I agree with Ed.....Please do not write these guys and tell them they are unprofessional, stupid, incompetent or other similar characterizations. You will not be helping our cause if you do that.

Just write them, tell them about what we do, why it would be impossible to get the muscles in their lake from our equipment and ask them to reconsider.