View Full Version : Oroville event canceled

p28 renegade
06-08-2011, 06:57 PM
It is with true sadness that NCOA will join the ranks in having to
cancel an event.:( This weekends Oroville event regretfully has been canceled.
The decision is purely financial. The officers of NCOA had full intentions of running
the event with an accepted loss. Based on the committed entries, that loss far exceeded the comfort zone of the officers. Those of you who submitted your
entry , we thank you and we apologize.
We are considering a new date for the Oroville event for late August or mid September. We will be in touch.

Ron Hill
06-09-2011, 09:05 PM
I talked to Bill Boyes, today. He informed me Chowchilla was also canceled.

I guess boat racing has imploded.

06-10-2011, 10:23 PM
I talked to Bill Boyes, today. He informed me Chowchilla was also canceled.

I guess boat racing has imploded.

It is really sad to see the races being canceled. The economy isn't getting any better, some have lost jobs, fuel prices have skrocketed and there is less discrecionary money
to spend on hobbies.
When we run into a wall and it looks like we have been stopped, sometimes we can try a different route to get passed the wall and reach our goal.
We have taken a different route at Delta Thunder III in Isleton. We can't depend on entry
fees so we are out beating the bushes and raising the money to put on the race.
I can guarantee you that we will be staging the Isleton race Oct. 1, 2, 2011. We will be
offering prize money and tow money.
No, boat racing hasn't imploded. Only the economy has imploded. People still want to
enjoy this great hobby and they just need a little financial help.

Jim Corsaut
Delta Boat Racing Assn.

06-11-2011, 07:49 AM

What would it take to get Chowchilla UN-CANCELED? Entries? Is the water gone? Officials? Money?

I want to go racing

bill boyes
06-11-2011, 08:45 AM
Couple of things
Lack of officials Scorer and Assist Referee
lack of entries on past events
sst45 Series pulled out as the they wanted Tow Money to attend per Ross Wallach.
Lack of club funds to take a loss on the event.

Ron Hill
06-11-2011, 08:51 AM
I called to offer a couple hundred dollars. He said they needed a couple thousand...

Un-canceling would be cool......but.

06-11-2011, 09:32 AM
New Thread---Chowchilla

06-11-2011, 04:31 PM
I called to offer a couple hundred dollars. He said they needed a couple thousand...

Un-canceling would be cool......but.

Ron, if Darrell doesn't want the money, we can use it for Delta Thunder III and it is tax