View Full Version : Chowchilla, July, 2011

Bunker Hill
06-11-2011, 09:37 AM
We want to have a boat race!
What is needed to make this event happen??


bill boyes
06-11-2011, 10:28 AM
plus a Scorer and Referee.

06-11-2011, 10:30 AM
Chowchilla is officially un cancanceled. There are, of course, a number of outstanding issues, but we'll solve them.

It is officially an East Bay Boat Club and we will do what is necessary to support them. Money is the biggest issue and as a result all other forces have shut down. I don't know yet how but we will raise what is required.

I have been in contact with several of the appropriate people and will continue to be the focal point.

Keep watching this thread.

06-11-2011, 12:01 PM
I'm using this site for a focal point, so please stay on and answer any questions directed to you.
Roger Carr--are you going? Are you Modified Stock Outboard approved for inspection
Rod Zapp - Are you planning to run the CORs? How many boats can you have?
Everybody - Anything you have to say--are you racing, have any spoare money--whatever

bill boyes
06-11-2011, 07:33 PM
OK So what is your plan. Time is short. Need Sanction and Insurance money.

Ron Hill
06-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Kevin Taylor will bring his COR Boat. I will bring Mickey's # 28 Stoker.....We will pay $150 entry fee each. That's $300.

I will add $200 for sponsorship.

Anyone wanting to help Sponsor Chowchilla can donate $5 to $50 through my PAY PAL account which is ronhill@hillmarine.com Or contact me, with your email address and I'll send you a Pay Pal invoice.

Picked up my new Fat C today. Am planning on getting it ready for Chowchilla to run Sport C...

06-12-2011, 12:56 AM
I'm using this site for a focal point, so please stay on and answer any questions directed to you.
Roger Carr--are you going? Are you Modified Stock Outboard approved for inspection
Rod Zapp - Are you planning to run the CORs? How many boats can you have?
Everybody - Anything you have to say--are you racing, have any spoare money--whatever

I can volunteer as the OPC inspector.

Jim Corsaut

p28 renegade
06-12-2011, 12:01 PM
any word from the club officers? i dont think they monitor this site.

entry count is the key factor. 50 plus migh bring a break even event.

06-12-2011, 12:28 PM
I say lets get a roll call going on here to see who wants to go. Ill bring my a hydro and c hydro. I know of at least 4 other region 12 racers that will attend this race with there hydros

06-12-2011, 02:35 PM
any word from the club officers? i dont think they monitor this site.

entry count is the key factor. 50 plus migh bring a break even event. From P28 --I don't know how to do that fancy copy

Yes, Julian. My first call was to Darrell, then Frank Banducci and Gloria, Debbie Nunes, Charlie Heuman (He's not the sponsoring club, but he's available for help) ANDof course, My Brother, Ron.

They should monitor this site, I suggested that they do for this project. I don't want this race to be canceled. So far this year, I believe more races in Regions 11 and 12 have been canceled than have been run. Let's all pull (or push) for this one.

06-16-2011, 06:50 AM
It seems like everyone wants this race to happen, but not badly enough to do anything, except Ron. He's chasing down money, alternative insurance and entries. So, drivers, tell us your intent to be there.

And COR, you going to have a race? How many boats

I haven't heard anything about officials, APBA sanction application, arrangements for patrol boats or general facilitation details. This race is not going to happen, it's going to be made to happen or allowed to die like the majority of all Regions 11 and 12 races this year.

bill boyes
06-16-2011, 10:22 AM
Alternative Insurance??? What is a new one.
The Chowchilla event was allowed to die this year for the following reasons.
1.Lack of Clubs funds.
2.Lack of entries for for Salt Springs and Oroville
3.County cancelling the July 4th to a week later.
4. SST45 series pulling out or wanting tow money to attend.
5. lack of officials.
Now at this late date if EBBC had $3500 in its account today and I mean today it could happen. MAYBE. depends on permits with the county.
If you want to loan that amount with a payback of 80 cents on the dollar I am sure that EBBC would take another look.
Chow is a fun race GREAT pits and race water.
Some years the race was cancelled due to lack of water. It was dry most of the year.

Ron Hill
06-16-2011, 12:25 PM
NBRA sanctions races and so does AOF.... Seems they are racing every week or so.

Region 11 and 12 don't have enough boats, I guess to put on a race.....
Chowchill expenses APBA

1. Water and restrooms $500
2. APBA sanction and insurance $3,000
3. Divers $500
4. Ambulance at $80 AN HOUR $1,200

Total $5,200

Chowchilla NBRA

Sanction and insurance $1,000

Cost $3,200........

But NBRA doesn't offer APBA points......

Personally, I feel like renting the lake and paying the NBRA insurance and have a test day....AS I'M sure no one in region 11 would LOAN their patrol boats or NOR CAL 400 boats to an NBRA CLUB....

bill boyes
06-16-2011, 01:19 PM
Ron,Please does not make this an APBA vs NBRA issue.
Besides NBRA does not Sanction Inboards nor OPC which we have in Region 11.
NBRA does what they do and are good at it.
What Region 11 needs is boats at the races. Plenty of race boats in the Region just the owners cannot afford to come to the races.
Blame BUSH. OH wait must be the Great one that is causing the problem.

Ron Hill
06-16-2011, 02:46 PM
I wasn't thinking OPC or Inboards. All the Cracker Boxes I've talked to are going to Black Lake that weekend...and the OPC said they were NOT coming...

So, to run an NBRA you could save another $500 by not having divers..

So, to run a race with NBRA the costs would be:

$500 water
$1,000 insurance
Ambulance $800



bill boyes
06-16-2011, 06:12 PM
I then what do we do with the Sport C people? that is our Regions biggest class. The 36 class of Region 11.

Ron Hill
06-16-2011, 08:22 PM
Or run AOF where they run everything....Or cut a deal with K and K for five or more event for $5,000 annually, and run all races under Nor Cal rules....

Why is APBA's insurance $2,300 when the same policy can be had for half or less???

You need to have five event to be a sanctioning body as K and K defines it. They charge $5,000 for the first five events......as I understand it, they don't charge more for 6-7-8 events....

Probably too late for this year, but there is always next year.....

bill boyes
06-16-2011, 09:22 PM
Ron K&K is more than that for a OPC class on the event. $2681.00
No OPC or Inboard the K&K insurance fee is $2073

06-18-2011, 02:43 PM
We put together a 45 this past winter to have some fun in racing it. Fat chance! It appears all the races will be cancelled this season. Good grief, even though race car counts are down, they still have races. Lucky for me, I still have our Sprint car to race this year to satisfy my adrenalin "fix"!!!!

bill boyes
06-18-2011, 06:36 PM
don't recall seeing your on-line entry for Salt Springs nor Oroville. Both events were cancelled for lack of entries.

06-19-2011, 01:46 AM
I just got back from watching car racing at Antioch and it was very entertaining. As for the question on my pre-entries or should I say the "lack of", the last couple of boat races "cancellation notices" of those races were e-mailed out before I had a chance to pre-enter.

From what I found out, both races only had 34 pre-entries turned in and I bet it was the same people for both races. I'll tell you what, I will pre-enter the Chowchilla race right now and the other races as they come up so it will make that 35 entries instead of 34. Will that help?

Look, I'm not trying to be a wise guy but I think Mr. Hill has the right idea here. Apparently, APBA is too expensive for the majority of people who live on the left coast to race boats. Maybe it's time to try some other organization which could possibly make it more affordable.

Last October at Minden I believe we paid somewhere around $285.00 for the two day event. Of course we had to pay the single day event price because we did not join APBA, but I believe that was only about $40.00 more than if I was a member. Anyway, $240.00 is pretty pricey to race. Now in contrast, it only costs me only $30.00 to race my car at any of the three tracks that I race at.

Anyway, I really do enjoy racing a boat and the people who are associated with boat racing. Everybody is saying the economy is at fault to which I concur, but it isn't going to change for a long time and something has to change to make racing a boat more affordable!

06-19-2011, 01:56 AM
Tried to pre-enter the Chowchilla race but it only shows the past 6/11 and 6/12 race at Oroville. I tried!!!!

bill boyes
06-19-2011, 08:55 AM
The officers of EBBC did not file for the Sanction so there is no Chowchilla this year. SAD fun race and they have water.
The reasons given were lack of officials.
City moved the race date from the 4 of July weekend to a week later
Lack of entries on prior 2011 events
45 series racers voted not to attend without Tow Money.

06-19-2011, 09:22 AM
Bill, tow money had nothing to do with not going to chowchilla.Change of dates were responsible for our two boats to miss the race. Just to set the record straight;

Bill Reiter,sr.

bill boyes
06-19-2011, 10:06 AM
Yes change of dates was an issue. However, suggest to ask Ross Wallach as he spoke with Denise Morris and said the 45 series racers wanted tow money account they also wanted to attend Trenton and Kankakee and did not have the funds to attend all three.

06-19-2011, 10:36 AM

Here's the deal in a nutshell (as I even emailed you when you asked what was going on).
1.) Prior to the announced date change I was asked by several teams to see if there was going to be any tow or prize money for the Chowchilla race. I said I didn't think so but would ask, which I did. At NO time did I threaten not have it be a series race due to NO prize money/tow money, it was a simple question by some of the racers and with the cost of gas, and wanting to go to the Worlds and Kankakee (again by the same folks) I just asked Denice. When she got back to me that there wasn't any I didn't cancel it from the series schedule, in fact nothing happened that is until the date was changed.
2.) When the announced date change occurred I got several calls from several teams stating the date change made it impossible to attend due to planned time off work, personal finances, etc. I was asked by several teams to ask for a vote from the membership to see if there was going to be enough boats to attend and thus keep it on the 2011 schedule. When the vote came back it was voted down and again mainly due to the date change, not tow /prize money as the problem.

So tow/prize money was orginally just a question, not a mandate and the date change is what caused it to be taken off the schedule. I know the teams would go to Chowchilla as they have done in the past so the door is always open (at least on my side) to have Chowchilla on the schedule.

I am sorry boat racing in your region is feeling the effects of the economy as it is in my region and do look forward to Isleton!


Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

06-19-2011, 07:11 PM
Once again, APBA and its bureauocrcy win out over boatracing.

Ron Hill
06-19-2011, 07:25 PM
AOF sanctions would have to come from the AOF main office. Sue Bircher 1220
Ham Hill Road Centralia, Washington phone numbers are 360-359-6440 or 360
359 6441. We do not have anything to do directly with the operation of AOF
so I am sure that Sue as executive director would be able to assist you in
obtaining a sanction.

I'm going to call AOF in the morning. If I can figure out how they run their races in Washington, with Nostalgia, Mods, Pros and Stocks......I will report back.

I will find out if OPC can run under AOF and I will also ask about Jets, and personal water crafts.

Maybe, we could just have a big lay day at Chowchilla with two days of testing.

Lake rental is $500 PLUS AOF INSURANCE......I have not given up on a BOAT RACE, I just have given up on APBA!

06-19-2011, 08:35 PM
Thank you for your effort Mr. Hill. I appreciate your efforts in trying to keep boat racing alive and hopefully affordable. My interest in boat racing is purely for the fun of it. I really don't care about points and such, I just like to get the boat on the water and hang out in the pits with the other racers. Keep up the good work!

06-19-2011, 09:02 PM
AOF sanctions would have to come from the AOF main office. Sue Bircher 1220
Ham Hill Road Centralia, Washington phone numbers are 360-359-6440 or 360
359 6441. We do not have anything to do directly with the operation of AOF
so I am sure that Sue as executive director would be able to assist you in
obtaining a sanction.

I'm going to call AOF in the morning. If I can figure out how they run their races in Washington, with Nostalgia, Mods, Pros and Stocks......I will report back.

I will find out if OPC can run under AOF and I will also ask about Jets, and personal water crafts.

Maybe, we could just have a big lay day at Chowchilla with two days of testing.

Lake rental is $500 PLUS AOF INSURANCE......I have not given up on a BOAT RACE, I just have given up on APBA!

Ron, before you give up on APBA and jump ship to AOF, you BETTER check out the INJURY insurance coverage first!!!! There is a HUGE difference!!!!! Thank god I was insured by APBA (K&K) when I had my accident last year.................

Ron Hill
06-19-2011, 10:37 PM
I've already given up on APBA, but what is their medical insurance?

06-20-2011, 06:04 PM
I've already given up on APBA, but what is their medical insurance?

here is a link to APBA's member benefits summary http://www.apba-racing.com/Forms/2007/Sanction%20&%20Insurance/1301%201395%20P-A%20&%20Event%20Liability%20Benefits%20Summary.pdf

Is AOF's summary available?

06-20-2011, 07:25 PM
I've already given up on APBA, but what is their medical insurance?

you should already know if you have been a member!!!!! I dont blame APBA for the costs, but the insurance and medical providers!!!!!! Lets just say that it cost almost $30,000 to repair my knee after my "accident" at Oroville............and K&K covered EVERYTHING my insurance provider did not (about 20%)!!!!.....................and my injury was really nothing major (torn ACL, MCL, cracked knee cap)...........imagine if I was racing in AOF and that happened...........I would have been out atleast $6000!!!!! I think I will pay the APBA member and entry fees!!!

at the AOF races I have race at up, I never seen an ambulance on site!!!!!!

PS: for those racers that are racing WITHOUT any personal medical insurance, you might wanna rethink that and GET SOME!!!

Ron Hill
06-22-2011, 06:41 PM
That little * star on APBA medical insurance says • Excess Accident Medical*
$20,000. Excess....too uch medical??? Is this the basic plan of APBA???

How much does the basic membership cost??

On a side note: I called AOF in Seattle on Monday, left my name and number. AS of 6:40 P.M. June 22, 2011 no one has called me back.....

But that is OK, As K and K will sell insurance direct...