View Full Version : APBA thread?

07-29-2011, 12:03 PM
Just as the thread started to become interestingly provocative, it's removed. Why?

07-29-2011, 01:09 PM
The COR thread was also removed. Something wrong here:mad: I sense a conflict of interests, ego's, personalities, I sure didn't agree with some of the latest posts, but what in the hell did the COR group have to do with it, or was it because the COR group was growing in spite of APBA?

07-29-2011, 02:30 PM
I have no idea

07-29-2011, 10:44 PM
I noticed the thread was missing also and was somewhat disappointed to see it removed. I did not really have a pro or con opinion about the topic and thought that some of the comments were uncalled for personal attacks, but I always admired BRF for allowing all points of view and not censoring comments or topics as long as it stayed clean. I am hopeful that this forum will retain that freedom of speech, even for those that are off the wall or against the grain. Ron, this is a great site, keep it great.

An old friend

Bill Rosado

07-30-2011, 11:18 AM
WE have lost the COR thread on BRF but that does not mean the end to COR. Perhaps a reinstatement is in the near future however, in the mean time I have lost all of your phone numbers. Please e-mail me with phone numbers and e-mail addresses so that we can continue to communicate. We have races at Long Beach, Bakersfield and Isleton in this years plan and we must continue to communicate in spite of our loss which is certainly a loss to a new and exciting class, the COR class. rodneyzapf@gmail.com or (310) 488-3563 Please call and or email so that I can put this class back together as soon as possible. In the mean time, see 7 of you at Long Beach Marine Stadium--home to southern California boat racers. R:)D

07-30-2011, 06:02 PM
I feel that its really F'd up that the COR thread should be removed because of APBA. I dont really see APBA attempting to do much on the east coast other then hydro racers. Im not knocking you hydro guys but I remember when there were SST 120 and 140 boats racing on the Merrimack. You know there quite a few of us who would race but cant afford to travel across the country to do this. Im glad to see that COR will go on reguardless of what APBA or any other sanctioning body has to say. Maybe one day classes like that will exist out here.

07-30-2011, 06:40 PM
Someone on the east coast bought some of the old Mod VP molds that were here on the west coast---I thought it might have been you. COR is not dead because of it's removal from BRF, We just need a new means of communicatrion. COR classes will continue into the future regardless of the sanctioning body. . What we need is for someone in another region, in another part of the country to recognize the potential of COR and "kick-start" the class on a national level. Only then will it be viewed as a viable class. Until then, and in they eyes of the boat racing world, we will remain nothing more than a local class. By not jumping on the COR's, clubs around the country are missing the opportunity to bring new racers into the boatracing world. Rod acing;109001]I feel that its really F'd up that the COR thread should be removed because of APBA. I dont really see APBA attempting to do much on the east coast other then hydro racers. Im not knocking you hydro guys but I remember when there were SST 120 and 140 boats racing on the Merrimack. You know there quite a few of us who would race but cant afford to travel across the country to do this. Im glad to see that COR will go on reguardless of what APBA or any other sanctioning body has to say. Maybe one day classes like that will exist out here.[/QUOTE]

07-30-2011, 06:43 PM
When I went to John@ Superboats with the mold pics we found cracks throughout them. So we took my boat apart to make a mold and modify the bottom a bit to get the boat to fly a little higher and flatter. Theres plenty of places to race out here but having the time to promote it would be an issue for me.