View Full Version : Boat racing Jewlery?

07-23-2005, 04:50 AM
I was wondering if anybody knew where to find (buy) boat racing Jewlery?

I know I've seen people wearing Props, Hydros and other stuff,,, But I don't know where to look!

Got any ideas? :)

Thanks in Advance!

07-23-2005, 05:10 AM
I am sure I have seen ads for this sort of thing in PowerBoat and Hot boat magazine a good few years ago now thoug. Still I found this place


This one has some race type boats down the page a bit

A bit more looking and found this site too

Miss BK
07-23-2005, 07:22 AM
I've always wondered why we don't make jewelry out of broken parts? Why not? Many times they are far more expensive than gold. :D

playin boats
07-24-2005, 08:45 AM
Sold out by STV/OMC racing rig and parts, listed them on a paper sack with prices that I paid and got for them. Mistake came went my beautiful wife found the bag. Her ownly comment was,
" Wow, I could have had a 2 carat diamond!"
Thank God that she is a great friend and wife.


ps The diamond that she has in mind cost about 25G's

Jeff Lytle
07-24-2005, 08:58 AM
Tom Hindley from Washingston State used to produce some really good looking stuff. From props, PRO hydros, and Unlimiteds.

I think he called his Company "Miniatures in Gold"

Anyone have a contact for Tom??

Master Oil Racing Team
07-24-2005, 09:32 AM
There was a Tom from Washington that was a jewelry maker, but I forgot his last name. I think he may have raced stock. I do know he always did pickup boat duty at the kilos at Devil's Lake. I ran into him at the APBA Convention in Portland, I believe 1978, and he asked if I had some slides he could use for their club banquet. I sent him a carosel full. Later on, he and a friend came to visit and spent the night at my Dad' house and he gave me a gold prop tie clip as thanks for the use of the slides. It is a minature 3 bladed prop with a little diamond in the middle. I have tie clips that friends from Germany, Italy and Sweden gave me with their boat club emblems, but I alway wear the prop one. I will take a picture of it with my digital camera. It is a beautiful piece of work. If it is the same Tom, I would recommend him to any boat racer who would like boat racing jewelry.

07-24-2005, 09:57 AM
Guys,,,,,,,,,, Thank you soooo much! :p I that BRF was the place to get an answer! :p

I want something like this in Silver or Plat! :eek:

http://www.seawear.com/images/propeller/cleaver-speed-prop-large~100.jpg http://www.seawear.com/images/propeller/three-blade-displacement~10.jpg

Master Oil Racing Team
07-24-2005, 10:32 AM
Here is the tie clip Tom made.