View Full Version : Reno Air Races

09-17-2011, 10:32 PM
Glad I got to see them once, in 1991. Wish I'd seen them again.

Because when the FAA and the NTSB and the insurers and the do-gooders and the Safety First crowd and all the lawyers for the families (who will all say, "Oh it's not about the money, we just want to make sure it can't happen again!") of spectators WHO WERE ALL THERE VOLUNTARILY AND COULD FIGURE OUT THAT THERE WAS SOME RISK TO THEMSELVES, . . . when all of these geniuses are done there will be nothing left of the race.

09-18-2011, 06:20 AM
Here’s why it’ll stop, in my opinion. It’s all about politics and it will be “popular” to shut it down by people that know little or nothing about it. And it is just one venue, relatively small dollars.

Not NASCAR -- can you imagine any legislator saying shut that down with all the dollars at stake, etc. I doubt those Reno guys have any lobbyists, but I bet NASCAR does!