View Full Version : Welcome Back BRF!!!!!

Bill Van Steenwyk
11-04-2011, 07:42 PM

Very happy to see that you have overcome the problems and that BRF is back.

For numerous reasons I think it would be a great thing if any that can could make a donation to BRF at this time. I am sure you incurred expense in getting it back up, and even if that is not the case, because of all the information contained on this site about our history, it needs to be backed up in some way to assure continuity. This is probably the place where more of our history and pictures reside than anywhere else including any sanctioning organization, and based on personal experience, that is not easy to access.

Please let us know how we may help to indicate our appreciation for what you have done for all the Boat Racing community.


11-04-2011, 08:53 PM
Welcome back :-)

11-04-2011, 09:12 PM
Thanks for getting BRF back up . Let me [ us ] know how much it will take to keep it here, not rich but I got a few bucks I could send. BRF is the closest I get to boattracing anymore and I miss it. My highlight of the month is Marlees articles , much better then powerboat ever was after Bob Norskog left it. He was a boat racer.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-04-2011, 09:19 PM
You got that right Bill Van. In the last almost seven years, BRF has been a magnet of boat racing history. Unbelievable photos, stories, articles and comments have come in from all around the world. And underlaying the spectacular photos, the stories of national champions, and the histories of motor builders, boat builders, and the people who ran the show, are all of us in the pits. BRF is chock full of Polaroid photos, photos from the family drug store, and most importantly, the stories behind them. Danny Pigott and George Taylor's stories are an example. They were boat racers. But along the way, they took some pictures, or someone in their family or maybe a pit crew member did. They loved what they did to save their memories. Many BRF memebers came here because of all this history.

BRF also had numerous drivers racing abroad which lead to articles and stories of racing around the world. Because of that Boatracingfacts probably is the greatest source ever of boat racing history. Lars Stroms history is one of the most followed threads along with the history of Dieter Konig who has ties with the U.S. and Europe. We have also had race info from South America, and the Rio Balsas in Mexico, not to mention all the stuff from Australia, and New Zeland.

I agree will Bill Van that we need to support Boatracingfacts and do what we can to help BRF preserve boat racing history.

11-04-2011, 09:35 PM
Yes, now this is great. Hello to everyone.

11-04-2011, 09:44 PM
It was very unreal what happened. Reese Hosting totally surprised us when they turned off not only this website but also their website, their email address, all their servers, and their telephone. We thought the boatracingfacts.com site was lost forever. Luckily we were able to run a trace route and tracked the IP address, not back to the public address of Reese Hosting in Paso Robles in Calif., but to Michigan. Apparently Reese was using a third party hosting provider for their infrastructure. We then figured out that liquid web was located in the area and confirmed that Reese was a customer. We concluded that the site must on a disk in that data center. Safe Harbor rules prohibited liquid web from giving us access to the Reese Hosting machines, so we were not yet sure if we would be able to get to the site. After some brainracking... we used our root directory user access to get at the old shared server. We were able to grab a full copy of the site and all that data. The next issue was to restore the site on a new server with the new hosting company. Big problem was that the domain name was still pointing to the old defunct host and the old host still controlled the domain controller. Enom.com would not give us access until we proved the old host was non responsive. Long story short, we gained control of the domain today and probated the changes...And here we are live once again! I have to say liquidweb.com was a big help. This hosting company went above and beyond any other hosting company...pulling a few all nighters with me to restore the site.

11-05-2011, 01:29 AM
This is a nice gift on my birthday thank's.


11-05-2011, 05:34 AM
Great detective work Mike!

Thanks for all that hard work:):):)

11-05-2011, 06:10 AM
Very Glad Boatracingfacts is back!!!!!!

Gene East
11-05-2011, 07:02 AM
Sure glad you're back!

I was about to go stir-crazy just playing solitare and hearts on this machine.

All joking aside, I look forward to checking on all my buddies on BFR several times a day.

A big "THANK YOU" to all who busted their butts to get the best boat racing website in the world back on line!

11-05-2011, 07:33 AM

I didn't know what the internet was till Mike Gwaltney told me about BRF and it was instant addiction!



Master Oil Racing Team
11-05-2011, 07:50 AM
You said it Bruce. If it could be researched, I think people would be surprised how many BDOBR's learned how to do the internet because of BRF.:cool:

Lars Strom
11-05-2011, 07:51 AM
Thanks..I am so glad BRF is up and running again..

Allen J. Lang
11-05-2011, 08:12 AM
Add my thanks to the revival of the site. Sure did miss it. :cool:

Beale Tilton
11-05-2011, 10:54 AM
Thanks Mike. Very glad to see BRF back

11-05-2011, 11:11 AM
What a trip from the land of Bits and Bytes. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to delete all the favorites I have stored. A great site returns Welcome back.

11-05-2011, 05:06 PM
BRF is responsible for making so many things happen. Reuniting old friends, keeping the stories alive, allowing people that cannot get out to be able to remain connected to something they once enjoyed and still can because of BRF, the many pictures posted, messages good and sad.....what would we have done without BRF??? Many of us learned to use the computer because of our love for boat racing. We use BRF as a medium to get the Lone Star Boat Racing Reunion together as well as the Depue Reunion. Thanks Ron and your team for keeping BRF alive.

11-05-2011, 07:22 PM
This website was directly responsible for getting me back into boat racing after a 26 year hiatus. To have it go dark would have been a terrible loss to us all. Thanks for the good detective work to rescue it.

Best do a weekly backup gang! ;)

BTW, for all you watchers, become a participant, not a spectator!

Bills back at 71, bring it on!:eek::eek:

11-21-2011, 07:05 AM
BRF has become one of the great sites for all the old boat racers along with the new people that are keeping a great family sport alive. Having bought my first boat and motor in 1955 and then attending my first APBA race in 1956 I can honistly say that the sport has the greatest people in it. Today my son does the driving and I get the thing started. Shortly my grand daughter wants to try racing so I guess we will need another boat. We race both in NBRA and APBA and totaly enjoy the spirit of everyone on the water.

Ron has done a great job in providing a place to collect the history of the sport. I have been working in England for the last four weeks and never knew that BRF had been unpluged. Good to see it back. Over this winter we have a number of new project going. Doug Kay is close to finishing my two 75-H engines. Will post some photos soon. One I will run on an old Sid I am restoring and hopefully will have my 75-H MOD engine on the water at the same time. Also building a new MOD 44 Merc and a couple OMC's. Should be some great photos I am sure.

Allen J. Lang
11-21-2011, 09:16 AM
Alan, look forward to see the outcome of your projects. :)

11-24-2011, 07:45 AM
Really glad this site is back up...I signed up during my busy season and never got the time to post...when I did finally get the time,it was gone!

Looking forward to learning some things on here:)

Ron Hill
11-24-2011, 11:34 AM
SWAMPMONSTER, welcome. Feel free to list your business here: http://www.boatracingfacts.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=53

Yes, BRF is back almost 7,000 strong.

11-26-2011, 04:49 AM
SWAMPMONSTER, welcome. Feel free to list your business here: http://www.boatracingfacts.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=53

Yes, BRF is back almost 7,000 strong.

Thank you Ron.

I look forward to learning here.