View Full Version : Veteran's Day requires a rethink??

Original Looper 1
11-11-2011, 02:51 PM
The following is posted with permission of the author:

If central bankers start all the wars,
are veterans heroes, or mercenaries and dupes?

by Henry Makow Ph,D.

When the United States and England loaned Mexico money in 1903 using its customs revenue as collateral, Illuminati banker Jacob Schiff cabled his English counterpart, Ernest Cassel:

"If they don't pay, who will collect the customs?"
Cassel replied: "Your marines and ours." (The Life of Otto Kahn, p. 22)

Marine General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) confirmed that he was "a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers."

In War is a Racket (1935) he wrote: "I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested."

Flash forward to 2011 when NATO fomented and led a "revolution" in Libya, one of only four countries that didn't have a Rothschild central bank. Now Libya does.

They don't call it imperialism anymore. They call it "Our mission in Libya." Soldiers aren't mercenaries; they are "missionaries."


All wars are organized by the Illuminati bankers to collect or incur debt, plunder or profit, and advance their program for "world government" tyranny. They appeal to our patriotism to sucker us in. We are told we are fighting to "preserve freedom" when the opposite is actually the case.

So how should we regard veterans? Certainly a few are heroes, but usually in a bogus cause.

I think we have to regard them as dupes and mercenaries of the bankers. We have all been duped for a very long time. That gives Veteran's Day a tinge of cynicism and pathos.

On Nov. 11, we are mostly commemorating World War Two. While we were losing fathers and sons, Allied and Nazi central bankers were huddled in Basel at the Bank of International Settlements mainly financing the Nazis.

The BIS handed over to the Nazis the national treasure of Czechoslovakia, Holland and Belgium to ensure the war could go on. This gold, worth $378 million at the time, was the basis of loans to the Nazis and was never returned.

The BIS accepted and stored Nazis plunder -- art, diamonds and precious metals including dental gold and wedding rings from concentration camp inmates.

The US Federal Reserve, the Banks of England, France, Italy, Japan and the Reichsbank were all members of the BIS. The Nazi Reichsbank had most seats but the BIS President was a Rockefeller factotum Thomas H. McKittrick (1889-1970). (Significantly he has no Wikipedia entry.)


Questioned by a US Treasury Dept official in March 1945, McKittrick said that the war had been a charade all along, with Germany taking the fall.

Asked why the Nazis had worked with the BIS, he replied, "In the complicated German financial setup, certain men who have their central bankers' point of view are in very strategic positions and can influence the conduct of the German government..."

Then he spelled it out. The war's purpose was to reposition Germany for the banker New World Order:

"McKittrick went on to say that there was a little group of financiers who had felt from the beginning that Germany would lose the war; that after defeat they might emerge to shape Germany's destiny. That they would "maintain their contacts and trust with other important banking elements so that they would be in a stronger position in the postwar world to negotiate loans for the reconstruction of Germany."

This quotation is from Charles Higham's mind blowing book, Trading With the Enemy, 1983, p. 37.

A Who's Who of corporations controlled by these bankers, had factories in occupied Europe. They underpinned the Nazi war effort and profited handsomely.

Ford, General Motors, Standard Oil and ITT provided the Nazis with essential trucks, airplane engines, materiel and technology, often giving the Nazis preference during shortages. In a telling example, the Allies bombed a ball bearing plant in Germany only to have the stock replaced by a factory in Pennsylvania (via Sweden.)

Higham refers to these bankers as "the fraternity." They are the Illuminati.

We could also show how an earlier set of bankers masterminded World War One and how they kept it going. But I think you get the picture. All wars are really waged by the Luciferian central bankers against humanity, i.e "the goyim."

In 1916, almost 1.2 million British, French and German soldiers died or were maimed in the Battle of the Somme alone. They were the cream of their generation. By participating in any war, we are accomplices in our own destruction.

The military is catching on too. A recent poll found that only 34 percent of U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believed that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were worth fighting. US soldiers now generally say they are fighting "for their buddies" not for their country.


We cannot honor veterans without recognizing that, like us, they have been duped. Otherwise, we perpetuate the sinister power which holds us prisoner.

Ultimately, the New World Order is about replacing the rule of God with the rule of Lucifer. That's why "God" has become a dirty word. War is the principal means by which Lucifer's disciples, the Cabalist (satanist) central bankers, "change the world."

They have erected a police state behind the facade of freedom. We don't know this because our leaders in government, education and media are wittingly or unwitting participants. Treason to God and country is a prerequisite for success in many fields.

If honoring veterans means perpetuating a suicidal cycle of endless war, we must stop. Better to honor the dead by abolishing wars. We can do this by nationalizing private central banks, and making the bankers answer for their crimes.


Some of the comments following the story are worth reading as well. Here's the link:

This is the fault of the Liberal Democrats! No wait, this is the fault of the Neo-con Conservatives! No wait a minute, this is the fault of the Liberal Media that's sponsored by the corporate neo-cons! Don't look behind the curtain, just LOL and watch the sports scores. We've got a war on terrorism to fight even though our borders have been practically wide open for over 40 years, through various administrations. Follow the money.... after all, it's yours (and your grandchildren's). After all, you and the other working people of this country add the value to the worthless script called money.

