View Full Version : thru hub to over hub?

07-13-2013, 01:58 AM
Just wondering if someone could please explain how i would go from a standard thru hub prop to a chopper that is over hub?


11-20-2013, 06:36 PM
Just wondering if someone could please explain how i would go from a standard thru hub prop to a chopper that is over hub?


Hello. I was looking for other info and came across your post. I recently answered on a topic of the same question on a later post of this forum. My answer is that there is a chopper/cleaver style available in thru-hub types as well, as far as I know. They are better on a standard/performance thru-hub lower unit. There is no advantage to a racing solid-hub cleaver on your set up. You would need to reroute your exaust and that would just mess it all up. I'm sure you can run a thru-hub cleaver high up just like a regular cleaver as well. It will make good noise like this. A nose-cone added on would be great for this as a final touch. All of this will give you the performance that will suit high expectations.

11-21-2013, 06:44 AM
would there be any benefit of closing off the thru-hub exhaust if using a solid prop, providing an area above the plate was opened up to expel the exhaust that is.


11-21-2013, 09:13 AM
would there be any benefit of closing off the thru-hub exhaust if using a solid prop, providing an area above the plate was opened up to expel the exhaust that is.


One could do that. It would likely work, however I honestly don't think any advantage would be at hand at all. Actually, I have always considered the thru hub as a great idea regarding performance on a recreational engine. I would like to believe that the exuast is aided via vacuum created by the thrust of the prop and high speed of travel. At least there is not an issue of backpressure anyway. I like the racing type set ups but I think thru hubs are great.

11-21-2013, 03:42 PM
yeah it seems either way has its advantages when you put it like that.
I will be testing out a couple of idea's with this soon, I think the initial pull away could be quicker with above water exhaust, but top end the same with a thru-hub prop.

but with a semi-cleaver I have a few doubts as to does the exhaust interfere with the surface prop before it gets onto plane and then its the same anyway.

I am beginning to think by drilling the sides I could be just wasting my time, but the sound should be good ha ha