View Full Version : 60hp Mercury

05-16-2017, 06:55 PM
What is the rev limit on a 2000 60hp merc with a Timing protection module?

Ron Hill
05-17-2017, 07:08 PM
Simon Motorsports
Website (http://www.simonmotorsports.com/)

(760) 440-9334
Machine shop in El Cajon, California

Address (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS731US731&biw=1920&bih=974&q=simon+motorsports+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LWT9c3LEkuM8s1NNaSzU620s_JT04syczPgzOsElNSilKLiwFj YFAgLgAAAA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8tI_ZrfjTAhVLVWMKHdkeD-cQ6BMIfzAO): 1940 Joe Crosson Dr #14, El Cajon, CA 92020

I have only heard good things about them...I've talked to them on the phone a time or two, they seems very nice and very knowledgable.

05-18-2017, 04:09 AM
5800 rpm can disconnect it real easily

05-18-2017, 08:27 AM
Timing protection module or rev limiter? They are 2 different electronic systems. Rev limiter just bumps at the rev limit but timing protection retards your timing and causes a decrease in rpms by around 1000rpms!

05-18-2017, 11:37 AM
Don't have an answer for you, interested as well. I don't think mine has ever spun past ~7300, thats running a 23 cleaver and I'm turning the same rpm with a 19 chopper. Seems like something is stopping it there. This is on a ported 59"

05-18-2017, 03:53 PM
No worries mate, the timing takes out 2* @ 5000 rpm so goes from 24* back to 22*
Rev limiter is @ 5800

11-22-2017, 01:07 AM
gees can't believe i typed that..
timing takes out 6* @ 5000 rpm taking it back to 18*
max timing is 24* for normal mercs and 22* for seepro's
found this searching forum for an old thread

12-21-2017, 09:41 AM
Do you have Facebook or email FS5?