View Full Version : Carl Jackson, Costa Mesa Policeman

Ron Hill
08-20-2006, 09:55 PM
I think that this is at Modesto. Pat Murphy was driving Jimmy Hauenstein's Hydro because he had finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd in "S" Class the previous year. (In those day this was a requirement to run for a kilo record)...Pat broke the "S" Kilo recod at `122 MPH with a 100 inch motor... Actually, I went 122 with Jimmy's boat at the parker Kilos, and got Dq'd becasue the motor was not "Officially" approved... Pat went 126.....or so..

That is Carl Jackson's boat...Carl flew helicopters for the City of Costa Mesa's police department...When my daughter was three, I took her to see Santa Claus, who was arriving via helicopter...Santa got out, and all the kids were having a great time. Then, Carl got out of the helicopter and Jessica says, "Oh my god Dad....Carl Jackson flys Santa around..." I had one hell of a time explaining to my daughter why Carl Jackson, propeller customer, was one of Santa's "ELVES"....

to be continued...

Anyone see Pat, Mike and Nick's mom on Ripley's?? At 84 years old, she skied on an Air Chair to Catalina and back, like 46 miles for a record...

Anyway, Murph was out testing in Jim Hauenstein's boat, named Kathern P. Herzig. (named after his future wife)...and Carl, wanted to test some props... so Ted took Carl's SJ for a "Spin". (Not that it was hard to talk Ted into taking a ride).

About a year after this, on New Year's day, Carl had a fatal heart attach at his home in Costa Mesa. He wasn't very old and it was quite a schocker for us all. He frequently help pit for Bobby Larson (Bob's Marine in Stockton, CA)...

Oh I forgot, one night my wife came inside from Bar-B-Qing and said she'd heard glass break at the neighbor's house. (They were out of town, we knew)...So, I like a dummy, walk around to the house just as some dude comes out the front door...He runs...I start to chase but realize A. he's quite a ways ahead of me. And B. the Sum Bitch might have a gun...

I run back home and there is another dude in car, in front of my house, with Oklahoma plates...I reach in my pocket, I always carry a pen, and write the license number on my hand. I go into my house and call the Irvine COPS and tell them what's up...

I go out side just in time to see the car pick up the dude that had broken into the neighbor's house...I start back in my house and heard a helicopter. Carl had heard me call the Irvine Cops (Costa Mesa had a contract with Irvine at the time)....He knew where my house was and he was over it in a flash...Irvine Cops caught one dude when he went home (They were both marines...license number gave the California address... and Carl caught the other guy with a spot light right outside their house...It was pretty cool......Now days we'd have made BIG news on TV....That was in 1976.

Carl checked, both were kicked out of the Marines . They had other "Burgled" stuff in their garage...

Marathon hull...