View Full Version : SAD NEWS-Bill Seebold Sr.

02-01-2007, 02:46 PM
Marshall Grant just called to let everybody know we have lost the Patriarch of Seebold Racing. Mr. Bill will be missed by his boat racing family.

02-01-2007, 03:02 PM
sorry to hear about grandpa seebold. he was a really nice guy.

02-01-2007, 05:41 PM
This man new more on making boats run well and banging props than any other. Sad to here he's no longer with us. Gods speed. Read more about Pops Seebold at the Seebold racing site @

02-01-2007, 06:27 PM
This picture shows the great smile that Bill had. It was infectious. Especially when he was around boat racing. I send my thoughts and prayers to the family. He was a great guy.

Master Oil Racing Team
02-01-2007, 07:10 PM
When Joe called me today and said Marshall had called him, I was excited until Joe told me the reason. It was a very sad thing to hear of the passing of Bill. I can still hear his voice. Always positive and looking forward to upcoming events. I talked to him and Pauline at length last year. He had rebuilt several PR's and had them running on boats. He told me about one that only needed a carb and he found that Clayton Elmer had one in perfect condtion. He was so proud of getting that motor running. I'll post more later, but it will be in the Encylopedia section where it can be found easier.

Bill Van Steenwyk
02-01-2007, 08:48 PM
I had an idea this might be coming from a conversation I had with Billy in Florida a couple of weeks back at a gathering of "old fart" boat racers. I had asked about his Dad as I knew he had not been well and Billy mentioned that he was not good and the time could be near.

When I decided in 1967 to get back into boat racing after about an 8 year absense, I got some of the NOA "Rooster Tales" to see if anyone had any equipment for sale. Bill Sr. was still running his Merc dealership in Granite City, Il. and he had an ad in one of them to sell two C flatheads and one D I believe. I called him about the C and basically bought it over the phone and made arrangements to pick it up a few days later. A friend flew me over to the STL area in his 210 Cessna and Bill Sr. picked us up at the airport and we went on over to his shop, got the motor, and he took us back to the plane and helped us wrestle the engine with pipes and all into the back seat which was no easy job. The engines he had for sale were his own that Billy and Bob McFarland had been racing and as Billy was going OPC racing he had no use for them anymore. That started a 40 year friendship that I really enjoyed. He gave me a lot of help with props and setup, as during the time I had been out of it, boat speed in C hydro had gained about 20-25 MPH and I was very appreciative of his help and advice. I found out that he was a real horse race fan at that time and as I was traveling to STL about 3-4 times a month, I hung out at the dealership picking his brain about boat racing and then going to the races with him in the evening. I don't think I ever lost a daily double with him picking the horses for me. We used to go in his Coupe De Ville that he won at the race track. I think it was a drawing or something of that sort, and the main thing I remember about it besides it was a nice car is he had to put AC in it at his own cost, and he always said, if you can afford to give a Cadillac away you ought to at least air condition it first.

When I got the deal to build the "Miss Nickel Eagle", the electric boat project in the mid 70'S, I told him about it in detail as I wanted him to furnish the props for it. We both were in for a BIG surprise as the changing of the battery pack material after the boat was already built increased the total wgt of the boat by 50 per cent and really put us in a trick bag as far as getting the boat on plane and running properly. He must have sent me 25-30 props to try (all at no charge) from alky wheels all the way to some quite large inboard and OPC wheels until we finally found something that would work.We did manage to set both a drag and Kilo record with his help, Although as Wayne Baldwin brought out in another thread about this project, we had to do so much testing because of the overweight problem, we about wore the batteries out before the record runs.

There will be a lot of boat racers, both past and present, that will have many stories about him, but besides all the other great traits he had, he was just a great person. Just like a good friend of his that is also gone now, Harry ZAK, he would help anybody, anywhere, anytime. As I posted a couple of months ago he called me back in the summer of 06 and wanted to know if I knew anybody who would like to run one of his Speedytwins at DePue. Wouldn't it be great and a great tribute also if we could make that happen?

Original Looper 1
02-01-2007, 10:18 PM
I talked with the Seebold family today and gave my condolences. Bill Sr. was a great friend of my father, O. F. Christner, and of mine. He was also a mentor to many and more than once provided me with one of his exceptional propellers.

I remember going to many races and being around Bill Sr and Bill Jr. They were always perfect gentlemen and fearsome competitors on the race course. As most of you know, Bill Jr was always up front (and usually leading) in any race he participated in.

I grew up around these people and when one of them passes on it's like losing a close member of our family.

I too want to join in with the others posting here in honoring this great man. He will be missed.


Paul A. Christner

Danny McManus
02-01-2007, 10:55 PM
...God Rest His Soul...

I met Grandpa Bill years ago and I will always remember him as a true
gentleman that loved his family and friends. My prayers are with the
entire Seebold family at this time of sadness, Godspeed.

Ron Hill
02-01-2007, 11:10 PM
Joe Rome called me yesterday and left a message for me to call him back. I really only met Joe last year about now at the LSBRA Reunion, but we have become friends, as if we went back fourty years...SO, I didn't call him right back, as I knew we'd talk for fourty five minutes or so...

So, when Joe called today, I said, "Hey, I'm going to Havasu tomorrow and I was going to call you back..." He said, he had good news and bad news...The bad news was that Marshall Grant had called and said, "That Big Bill Seebold, as John Riner Woods called him, had passed" ....Don't recall what he said the good news was...

Several stories come to mind about Big Bill.....The first was about 1968, when Timmy (Seebold) was still in diapers....Seems I watched Big Bill help change Timmy's diapers. At the time, I thought, I guess that is what a real grandpa does....I didn't even have my own kids yet...

That same weekend, I bought a C Racing runboutr wheel from Big Bill, off Billy's boat (Bill had jumped the gun)....but what I liked about Big Bill, he told me he could make another for Billy...though Billy wasn't so sure...

Big Bill and I talked props, we both kind started our businesses at the about the same time. His son-in-law Bob MacFarland raced F Runabout and helped Bill with props...Bob passed while working props in Bill's basement...Big Bill always got a lump in his throat when talking about Bob MacFarland.

I remember the 1976 OPC Nationals, Billy was doing well driving for Mercury and Michael was getting a ride now and then. (Neithe was a Dayton) ..At Dayton, Ohio, at the OPC Nationals, Big Bill was with Timmy running R class, I think...They were'nt Factory sponsored... They were GRANDPA and GRAND SON racing together... Big Bill was coaching Timmy and sharpening his prop...I thought how time flys...Last time I saw these two, Grandpa was changing his diaper, now he's changing his prop... I wasn't sure who was the luckiest, Grandpa or Timmy...THAT WAS 197631 YEARS AGO...

My father has been gone for ten years, I miss him, but some how, I feel Chad misses him more, as I had my dad for 52 years, and Chad only had him for 17 years...

Many of us will miss Big Bill, but I know Timmy will miss him the most....

So long Big Bill, you made me some get props for my Twin Engine Jones...and that C racing Runabout wheel was a HUMMER!!!! Sorry you won't be making the Reunion at DePue this summer...Me and John Riner Wooods will eat some corn and talk about you...and yes, we'll chew the damn corn!!!

Roy Hodges
02-02-2007, 10:23 AM
I saw him at the 1976 O P C nationals (Dayton) walking around, but not racing. Something about his back hurting , maybe had injured it .

Gene East
02-02-2007, 10:46 AM
Johnny Dortch called this morning with the following information regarding Bill's funeral.
Tuesday 4:00 t0 8:00
Irwin Funeral Chapel
3960 Maryville Road
Granite City, IL
Wednesday Time uncertain
Will update as more information is available

02-02-2007, 03:02 PM
Was very sorry to hear Bill Seebold Sr, aka Grandpa, had passed away this week. The sport has lost another one of its great legends. I always enjoyed my visits with Grandpa at the St. Louis race. He would always come by my trailer to look at the old motors and boats. He would talk about the old timers of the sport.

I would like to offer my condolences to Bill, Jr and the whole Seebold family.

I dug through my photo album and found a couple pictures of Grandpa. The first one was probably taken in the late 1950's. I'm not sure where, possibly Springfield, IL or St. Louis at an awards banquet. As usual, he had the top awards.

The other photo was taken at the St. Louis race three years ago. Left to right: Barry Woods, Bill Seebold Sr, Art Neadeck.

Master Oil Racing Team
02-02-2007, 06:19 PM
Pictures of people eating are generally not flattering. This one is one of that kind! But I think my Dad and Bill would get a kick out of it. I posted it because it they would both think of their friendship, their many phone conversations, meals they shared and especially in the pits. Mostly you are not hungry waiting for the first heat to begin, but after the day wears on you dig out the bread, mayo, ham & cheese and get a quick snack between heats while you can. The night will bring on the fulfilling meals and the great and memorable times at restaurants they tried along the way.:)

May God Bless and Rest in Peace Bill.

02-02-2007, 07:41 PM
Gene was mistaken on funeral arrangements - They are as follows - The Viewing will be on Feb. 6TH from 4:00 to 8:00 PM - The Funeral Services will be Feb. 7TH at 11:30 AM at Irwin Chapel on Glen Rd in Glen Carbon, IL Tom

02-05-2007, 06:03 AM
May God Bless Him.

He was always a gentleman...very generous and had the patience of a saint as a he fielded question after question (most of them repetitive) on props and speed tricks.

One need look no further than his family of champions to realise the measure of the man.

Somewhere, the saints are learning a thing or three about how to go fast on the water.


02-08-2007, 09:21 AM
I never met a finer gentleman. He was "Grampa" to all of us older racers. We will always remember him but miss him terribly.

Jack Withrow

Ron Hill
09-07-2008, 09:30 AM
I posted this picture under DeSilva Boats...But thought some would like it here...Big Bill is to the right, top. (1947)