View Full Version : Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 06:11 PM
March 23, 2007

A one of a kind Unique Museum...

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 06:17 PM
When was the last time I saw 20 kids, in a classroom, studying to be boa racers???? Never!!!

But today, there were at least 20, kids taking a written test on becoming a Boat Racer. It was too cool and for KT Doodle (It was SICK!!!)...

I will post the J test from today, as soon as I figure out the answers to all the questions...

Pictures are in no order...

Thanks to Carl Lewis and Russ Britcher for driving us to the museum and keeping an eye on us....

Thanks, Dave Williams for having such a place, a real dream come true...

The rusty rudder is off of Miss Thriftway, when Bill Muncey was driving it, and when the rudder broke off, Miss Thriftway went through

U-19 model, was Jimbo's four engine V-8 Unlimited.....

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 06:50 PM
Kids building boats with their families..It really doesn't get better than this...

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 06:55 PM
That Jimbo can talk the talk!!!

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 06:58 PM
Good to see Blond Dave, Wayne Peters, John Peters.....Sometimes families "bond"...Pat Gleason gave a "Safety" talk to the "Rookie" School, way cool! (Sick to KT Doodle)...

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 07:01 PM
More pictures...Jimbo took these...

Ron Hill
03-24-2007, 07:06 PM

03-25-2007, 06:16 AM
Ron - Thanks to you and your crew for all the great pictures. You people on the west coats are so fortunate to have the museum in your back yard. I would be like a kid in a candy store in that place. I like what Darrell is doing with his "J" boat kits. I like the idea of a duck bill front end for that class. No pointed pickles to spear another child. My boys first "J" boat had the same front and ran well with that design. Wish more builders would get back to that style.

03-25-2007, 08:07 AM
Funny you mention the flat nose Tom. KT Doodle is for one reason or another obsessed with "Shovel Nose" boats. She saw pictures of dad's old Swift hanging in the boat barn and flipped over it.


You've done it now. After 5 years of marraige to my wife, we have yet to take a honeymoon. We were planning to go to the Grand Hotel at Mackinac Island, Mi. this summer....Looks like she'll have to settle on Kent Washington instead...LOL Thanks for the incredible pictures. It's a way all can see what there is to see without going there. How can we find out about the J class room? It might be a great thing to send KT to after cheerleading camp....

Roy Hodges
03-25-2007, 10:13 AM
Is it still in same place it was about 11 years ago ? I darn near NEVER found it . Like someone went out of their way to hide it , but, once there , i enjoyed seeing the grand old boats . The guys who was working there was so friendly .

carl lewis
03-25-2007, 08:14 PM
I'm guessing here but I think you were at the old place near downtown Seattle.
A rather cramped place in a industrial park.

Well, they have moved to a new home a few miles south in Kent Washington.
Enough room for six unlimited's in the front room a complete motor room for rebuilds and a "back" room with enough room to house the restoration of the Hurricane four.
One of her claims to fame was a run-on part in the movie "Magnificent Obsession" starring Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman.
And even enough room to house 5-7 J hydros under construction.
It was so neat to have Jimbo there giving hints to some of the "dad's" I was unfortunately working on a few other boats and was not privy to his tips, but I'm sure if I ask next week I can find out that hints he was giving.

Ron's pictures just do not do the place justice if you guy's and gal's would like I can try and shoot a few next week to give you a better overview.

This place is pretty much run on membership dollars and believe me they can use every one they can get ( a whole whopping $35.00 for the basic membership) yes this is a plug:D and if that is not your thing they do have really cool dvd-VCR races that you can purchase. nothing like boat racing in your living room any time you like.


one eight-w
03-26-2007, 11:33 AM
Even the fork lift is fast in that place. (Read the warning on it's side)

02-15-2010, 06:31 AM
Great pics, Ron! Who is the guy wearing the Rockey Stone memorial shirt?

02-15-2010, 10:18 AM
Great pics, Ron! Who is the guy wearing the Rockey Stone memorial shirt?

that would be Patrick Gleason of SRP Race Products and Region 10 Chairman