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jackie wilson
11-02-2013, 03:44 PM
Hi Jackie brings back good old memories talking about these old racing drivers from your past i remember my first 24hr race at Chasewater in 1968 i was 20yrs old and my co drivers were around 50yrs old at the time they were Archi Rolls and Ron Burchell who i may add was a mainstay for powerboat racing in the lincolnshire area he also ran the Grimsby+Cleethorpes powerboat club and really worked hard to encourage young would be powerboat racers.I often get asked how it was to drive a powerboat flat out in the dark at night with no lighting how would you describe it?.

Ridiculous, times were actually quicker during the night, how the hell that happened when you only had a bicycle light for a headlamp is something only the "Trick Cyclists" can begin to explain.
I still remember the giant scrap heap of CARNITI engines at the closing of the 24hours.
Ron Burchell and Graham Musson had a third mate and I'm blowed if I can remember his name( was not Mike Rose)
Sold the three of 'em a bunch of six cylinder Mercs over the years.
Remember big fat Archie Rolls with no teeth, just gums.

Steve Pinson
11-04-2013, 11:47 AM
Ridiculous, times were actually quicker during the night, how the hell that happened when you only had a bicycle light for a headlamp is something only the "Trick Cyclists" can begin to explain.
I still remember the giant scrap heap of CARNITI engines at the closing of the 24hours.
Ron Burchell and Graham Musson had a third mate and I'm blowed if I can remember his name( was not Mike Rose)
Sold the three of 'em a bunch of six cylinder Mercs over the years.
Remember big fat Archie Rolls with no teeth, just gums. Graham Mussons friend may have been Jeff Dunn`also you would have known his father Aubrey Musson who was the Commadore for the Lincolnshire powerboat club at that time?.How come Carniti outboards never made it to the USA?I can remember Max Milton racing a Carniti/bristol outfit at Carr Mill in a national race with about twenty other bristol/Carniti outfits the race was around 20 laps long he lapped everyone twice he even passed John Reed in 18ft Levi with a 115hp Johnson. Fredi Miles had been tweaking his engine so they banned him a few times.Do you remember Freddi with a Levi 16ft outfit with twin Carniti outboards terrific acceleration but no top end `i don`t know what he was thinking but he entered the 24hr race it didn`t last very long`I thought you may have known this Archi Rolls claim to fame i was told`was he was Lord Mountbattons batman in the navy during the war?

Mike Ward
11-12-2013, 10:00 AM
Pic of Archie Rolls in "Rollo"


jackie wilson
11-12-2013, 08:12 PM
Did you notice the bungee to hold the throttle wide open,?

Bill Van Steenwyk
11-12-2013, 09:39 PM
Re: the bungee cord on the throttle.

Probably get you banned from racing for life these days, especially since it is even illegal to have a go-pro camera attached/on your person in APBA racing. Was wondering if UIM has copied this rule on the camera's? Anybody know?

I understand one of the pushers of this rule is big in UIM safety.

Ron Hill
11-12-2013, 11:00 PM
Did you notice the bungee to hold the throttle wide open,?In 1955 or '56, Elgin Gates helped promote a Pan American race in San Diego. There weren't many Mexican entries, so Americans "TEAMED" with the Mexicans. My partner was having engine trouble and my dad was trying to help him by cleaning the gas tank and carb. The motor seemed to start real well, but as soon as we squeezed the throttle the engine would die. Finally, we figured out the throttle was hooked up backwards. The Mexican driver explained he needed two hands to drive, when he got going too fast he just "Squeezed" a little. When Jackie wanted to slow down a little, he'd just "UN-HOOK" the bungee...Yes, that was when racing was fun and the government took about 15% of your money compared to 35% now days!

Lars Strom
11-13-2013, 12:03 PM
One of the best moments at the OFF meeting this year was to finally meet Jackie Wilson again.
We have had many disagreements over the years but it was so nice to give "Mr. Fonda 2 liter" a big hug.

He is still going very strong and always having a good sense of humor.
On top of that Jackie bought me a excellent dinner Friday night.
Thank you and see you next year Jackie.

First picture is me, Jackie and Bert Serra.

The second picture is Jackie and the trophy he made in England for the winner of the 2013 OFF golf game Friday..

Third picture is Jackie's motor home in Paris 1977..(in the background)

I remember the big print on the Motor home "Jackie Wilson..Racing for fun"

jackie wilson
11-19-2013, 06:06 AM
One of the best moments at the OFF meeting this year was to finally meet Jackie Wilson again.
We have had many disagreements over the years but it was so nice to give "Mr. Fonda 2 liter" a big hug.

He is still going very strong and always having a good sense of humor.
On top of that Jackie bought me a excellent dinner Friday night.
Thank you and see you next year Jackie.

First picture is me, Jackie and Bert Serra.

The second picture is Jackie and the trophy he made in England for the winner of the 2013 OFF golf game Friday..

Third picture is Jackie's motor home in Paris 1977..(in the background)

I remember the big print on the Motor home "Jackie Wilson..Racing for fun"
Like MOST of the old racers, we did it for fun.
Only time I ever drove over my head, was Paris '79, was trying to show my son he wasn't as good as me, scared myself ****less and never raced a boat again.
Got into sculpting, facsimileis, concepts, or whatever you like to call it when I turned 75, get a tremendous kick from cobbling bits together, ie, stainless, alloys, hardwoods, granite, glass and marble, just have to do a bit of lateral thinking, outside the box------easy stuff and nonsense really-----most cartoon artists can draw far better than Piccasso or Dali.

Ron Hill
11-19-2013, 10:43 AM
Jackie, the KT class started like many new classes. One person believed in the concept and others joined in. Bill Cooper first talked Carl into putting a small block in a Molinari. Bill raced it at the Elsinore 500. The funny part of that was that Bill and my brother were close friend from Offshore (Pacific Offshore Power Boat Association which Bill was a charter member, my brother one of the founders). Bill knew I raced and knew my brother HAD raced. Bill offered my brother a Co-Driver ride with him at Elsinore. I wouldn't let my brother near that boat, as my brother had never driven anything over about 70 and he wasn't too good with those speeds. Bill next built a Ron Jones, 22 footer with a small block, but he blew that over the first time out a Parker testing for the 9 Hour. Rudy Ramos ended up with that boat, he installed triple Mercury Outboards. Bob Nordskog both a Jones because of Cooper, but he installed a big block. Then, he bought a "CRASHED" Molinari and restored it. Next, Nordskog bought a brand new Molinari, that Ted May drove at Parker. In its first race, with Ted behind the wheel, the boat slowly came apart at about 125 MPH...The onkly thing left was Ted May, the motor and drive. About that time, you (Jackie Wilson) showed up with the Cosworth at Parker. I was trying to get Brad Miller to build a KT with a Drake V-8. Garbrecht raced a KT with Gary Peacock winning every race. Two or three other boats were built. Mr. Ricky built two. Mitch Lemke built up a couple. Art Williams and Lloyd Marschall built one. The class seems to be "Growing wheels". Wayne Brookes built one (He owned JE Pistons). Then the wheels started to fall off. The guy from Reno, who sponsored the Walked Lake 100 blew over at Parker and was killed. (I can't think of his name). Bill Olney blew his over and was killed. Mitch Lemke and his dad got killed on the way to Walker Lake in a car accident. Nordskog went Offshore racing....All of a sudden, we only had four boats, and they wanted us to put capsules in those boats. No one seemed to know if the capsule would work in a KT (boats were big, heavy...)..I believe, a small inboard motor like a Ecoteck aluminum motor, on like a Bravo drive could make a great class.........Right now, I'm working on my Stadium racers...

jackie wilson
11-19-2013, 03:58 PM
Ron,if you look back to around the late sixties/early seventies there was a massive leap forward in motor technology.Tolerances got finer, RPM started to go through the ceiling, HP went ballistic, reliability increased beyond recognition.
My own belief is that using a well tried V8 Ford, Cosworth Engineering re-designed it from top to bottom.
This proved to be so successful that Honda, Toyota, and then the French and Italians soon started buying them, dismantling, and in some cases even improving their own motors as a direct result of the Cosworth.
You don't have to look any further than the USA,and firms like ILMOOR, with it's ex Cosworth staff, to see the way the cookie crumbled.
In twenty years it went from 6,000revs to 20,000.
Hp up from 300 to 1,000.
Reliability as never before.
Barring accidents all 24 cars will finish a race.

Create a formula------normally aspirated------regular fuel------length and weight to be decided----any manufacturer, YANK,JAP, CHINK, ARGY OR ITEYE, it don't matter if you keep to a formula.
Stay away from Turbo's it'll be the death of car racing as we know it.
Clever bit would be to see how little you could do it for-----KT's could resurrect the sport..

PS. I don't charge for this .

11-19-2013, 04:26 PM
Kt's are great we had a couple in OZ small block with 2 drive ssm
Merc also had a package back then a KT 475hp Typhoon, was used in ski race boats but was suited to KT's

In the unlimited races in OZ on short tracks the KT's would race the unlimited hydro's a real David and Goliath stuff, hydros doing wide fast turns and the KT like an F1 tunnel boat on the corners.
They need capsules though

Ron Hill
11-19-2013, 06:57 PM
Ron,if you look back to around the late sixties/early seventies there was a massive leap forward in motor technology.Tolerances got finer, RPM started to go through the ceiling, HP went ballistic, reliability increased beyond recognition.
My own belief is that using a well tried V8 Ford, Cosworth Engineering re-designed it from top to bottom.
This proved to be so successful that Honda, Toyota, and then the French and Italians soon started buying them, dismantling, and in some cases even improving their own motors as a direct result of the Cosworth.
You don't have to look any further than the USA,and firms like ILMOOR, with it's ex Cosworth staff, to see the way the cookie crumbled.
In twenty years it went from 6,000revs to 20,000.
Hp up from 300 to 1,000.
Reliability as never before.
Barring accidents all 24 cars will finish a race.

Create a formula------normally aspirated------regular fuel------length and weight to be decided----any manufacturer, YANK,JAP, CHINK, ARGY OR ITEYE, it don't matter if you keep to a formula.
Stay away from Turbo's it'll be the death of car racing as we know it.
Clever bit would be to see how little you could do it for-----KT's could resurrect the sport..

PS. I don't charge for this .

Where would you start? I don't see anyone standing around wanting to buy a $30,000 tunnel boat. Driver that drive MOD VP bottoms pull off some amazing things when they are driving. The Center Pod keeps them from "BLOWING OVER". I never worry putting a novice in a MOD VP. I never stop worrying when anyone drive a tunnel! I always think of Jay Root. He took an old Scotti, put a junk yard 4 banger in it, welded some pieces together, used an old Speedmaster and went so fast that the Inboard Division of APBA kicked out of the whole Division. Chad ahs a Pro Buggy. It used an Eco Tech Chevy. They bolt on about $2,500 worth of parts to a $600 junk yard motor and you go racing. The Buggie is like $27,000....OR $17,000 BUT THE MOTORS ARE $3,500 max cost. Maybe, after I get my Stadium Boats project done, I'll drop an Eco-Tech in a Mirage and use a Bravo drive.

jackie wilson
11-20-2013, 01:15 AM
Maybe you should start at the arse end and work backwards.
There's no shortage of enthusiastic boaters with money, ie, POKER RUNS. ( 100+ at most meets )
Just need guiding in the right direction.
Well heeled individuals make fine sponsors, just a case of educating and gentle squeezing, and a huge dose of faith.

jackie wilson
11-21-2013, 03:43 PM
Just a word of warning-----and I can tell you this from bitter experience, create something off beat and every body loves it 'till the moment it starts winning-----then the world and his granny starts a bitching and a moaning, and screaming "ILLEGAL".
Even when it conforms to UIM rules and regulations, the moanas and groanas and particularly the "establishment" will hate your guts for being different.
Not one single driver ever tried to stop me racing or complained, was only "the top brass". Just listen to what I tell you.

jackie wilson
11-21-2013, 03:49 PM
Looks like it happened to Jay Root as well.
Bravo 1 just needs tidying up and a bit of sound engineering and it's fine, new elliptical box and a quillshaft and as the song says, WERE ALMOST THERE.

Ron Hill
11-21-2013, 05:55 PM
I don't have my Stadium Boats up and running and now you got me thinking KT....http://www.race-dezert.com/home/alumi-craft-race-cars-perfect-10-24393.html This is a Pro Buggy like Chad Hill has. It uses a 2.4 aluminum block Eco-Tech Chevy that must be sealed before you can race it. I've got an extra boat, Bravo and Alpha Gen II drives and I have a motor..... Here's the motor, the drive and the prop. Why no come over for the winter and rig it for me???

jackie wilson
12-01-2013, 01:25 AM
Lo there Ronaldo, sorry for the delay, but I've been up to my fetlocks trying to finish a couple of sculptures for my grand daughter Louise and husband Gary ( Strake ), they both work @ Gieico, but are coming over this weekend for the Tottenham/ Man United soccer match, and I promised I would have them finished.
Know this is not of much interest to anyone but me, but it's the best excuse you'll get as to why I'm so slow on the trigger this week.
After I finished with boats I decided to forage into off roading and took a regular Range Rover, chopped 12" out of the chassis, moved the motor back and fiddled and farted about, but came up with a very interesting machine called ANIMAL.
Had a modicum of success before wiping the whole lot into oblivion over a ravine and decided to retire gracefully with my tail still between my legs.

12-01-2013, 04:57 PM
That was the Alpha 1 SS, it looked very cool, the lower and the upper were a pair. Most of the stuff is NLA
The oil passage and the location dowels are in different places but can be altered to allow you to use either on stock alpha stuff.
I would have thought that you need to have a basic old chev v8 and an alpha 1 in say a 20' boat ( to keep the speed down) for a CO(i)R inboard class
Be nice to get them to run the same as the COR boats and then each race might have twice the starters what do you think?

Ron Hill
12-01-2013, 06:41 PM
That was the Alpha 1 SS, it looked very cool, the lower and the upper where a pair. Most of the stuff is NLA
The oil passage and the location dowels are in different places but can be altered to allow you to use either on stock alpha stuff.

I would have thought that you need to have a basic old Chevy V8 and an Alpha I in say a 20' boat ( to keep the speed down) for a CO(i)R inboard class.
Be nice to get them to run the same as the COR boats and then each race might have twice the starters what do you think?

Well, after Quindazzi's and R and R Props Shop wreck this weekend, maybe capsule talks can resume. Without "BE LABORING THE POINT" but when Rod Zapf and I started COR 6-7 years ago we only envisioned 80 MPH with OLD Stokers, HST's, Bakers and the like. Next thing you know their are STV "RIVER ROCKET" types boats in the class running 90 MPD and turning like STV have ALWAYS TURNED...JJ Gibbs wrecked his STV at Parker in the Spring. Rod Zapf "Flew out" of his STV at Bakersfield in March and only raced the Enduro since. Now Quindazzi and R and R get together a destroy Quindazzi's STV.

When Drozd was killed in an STV, it was becasue the boat "HOOKED". Rusty Campbell, Chris Bush and other were alwasy driving "HRT" in the OLD MOD VP days becasue their SVT "HOOKED". I did not attend, the 2013 Parker, Thanksgiving Race but did watch COR on live feed. But I ony watch one heat and that was COR, as I looked like a good way to get someone killed. Emilio spun my Baker and tossed against the combing and broke either his shoulder or collar bone. R and R passed Quindazzi as he kept "HOOKING"...in the corners.

For short course racing CAPSULES are needed.

R Pierson
12-02-2013, 08:08 PM
Capsule will kill the class. Design your corners better. None of the one pin power hook types. The corner at the 336 was basicly a 2 pin hook. With a third buoy, not in line with the 2 that were there it would be a nice easy arc.

Capsules are not the great savior. Raced them..been there done that. You think you have accidents now..wait till the boys have capsules! George May used to tell us in the OMC F1 series..you go in the turn 5 widths out you better be 5 widths on exit. If you didn't...one lap penalty. And we didn't run each other over because of it. The v-bottom boys in MN found out in the little VP class..... With out capsules..pretty cool..nice respect. When capsule boats showed up..lots of wrecked boats. No overlap rule and drivers who think they are invincible.

Now you need a diver with you and a rescue boat when you test. ( capsule boat) Bad idea. The speed has nothing to do with it...the nuts behind the wheel have everything to do with it.

Just my thoughts..

Ron Hill
12-02-2013, 08:31 PM
Having said we've been friends forever, it is true. Randy was Jim Hauenstein's Crew Chief, when Jim died in a capsule. Randy was also, Chad's Crew Chief in the F1 season 1997.

Capsules have saved many lives. This last weekend, a young man, with three children under the age of 5, died in a Super Stock V-Drive. When Rudy Ramos started Super Stock Runabout, it was a stock 427 and an 80 MPH boat. Now, it is a $30,000 race motor that goes 100 plus MPH. These boats need capsules to save drivers lives.

I am not advocating Capsules for the 336 Enduro, but for short track racing, I think capsules are needed. When I was OPC Chairman, 1998 or 1999, I wanted to use the UIM rule of lane in, lane out. Ben Robertson said, "UIM says, lane in, lane out...(You enter a turn in lane three you come out in lane three)...." Great idea I thought. But it was Norm Scaub, Ben and myself that liked this.

IF this was the rule, capsules WOULD NOT be needed for COR....Two problems: 1. That isn't the rulle 2. Officials don't usually watch COR heats.

So, the boats, must be idiot proofed!...And yes, Randy, it may kill the class, but capsule won't kill people.

ADD: George May is 92 years old, we can't have him referring at his age....but that would probably work!

Ron Hill
12-02-2013, 08:36 PM
My dad started racing in the late '30's. He had many rules but two of them were:

1. You NEVER put yourself in a position to hit the guy a head of you.

2. You NEVER pass on the inside.

These are family rules, not written rules!


Another rule was, "Start first and improve your position."

Ron Hill
12-05-2013, 08:46 PM
Seems Pat drove with Mike Basso the year they won the ET class a Parker. Pat said, "The Sleek handled great and would run a hundred. He said just about anyone could drive it." His complaint with using the CLE outboard gearcases with the 3/4 shaft, was that becasue it was so short, it twisted off real easy.

So, I've bought a Sport Master off a 300XS. I think the bigger driveshaft will be fine.

Mike Ward
12-28-2013, 05:09 AM
A photo from my archive taken at the 1987 Bristol Grand Prix.

L to R: Jackie Wilson, Don Ross, ???? , Charlie Sheppard, ????

There are 2 faces I do not recognise !!


jackie wilson
12-28-2013, 03:59 PM
HI Ron
you'll need a shorty drive as that DOHC engine on a stock drive that is installed high will make a very top heavy package

Billy Don PRUETT, and Brian Hunt.

Why not stick it low then and use a regular leg???

12-28-2013, 07:48 PM
Billy Don PRUETT, and Brian Hunt.

Why not stick it low then and use a regular leg???
The propshaft to crankshaft centerlines are the issue

jackie wilson
12-29-2013, 12:54 AM
The propshaft to crankshaft centerlines are the issue
Sorry 'bout that, mouth was working overtime, realized what a twattish remark that was and deleted it, then it suddenly came out of nowhere-------crank to propline on V8 Cosworth didn't pose a problem ( until about 125 mph, then I wished we could have gotten the motor lower).

John Schubert T*A*R*T
12-29-2013, 07:06 AM
Billy Don PRUETT, and Brian Hunt.

Why not stick it low then and use a regular leg???
I don't recognize Pruett.

jackie wilson
12-29-2013, 03:45 PM
I don't recognize Pruett.
He's sure as hell right in there John.!!!!!

Bottom to top-------yours truly, next is my wonderful friend, Don Ross, then PRUETT, Charlie Shepperd, and top step Brian Hunt.
PRUETT did not age gracefully---------he got old long before his time----------burning the candle both ends AND in the middle took it's toll
Just as an afterthought----------I'm the only one left out of the five.

John Schubert T*A*R*T
12-29-2013, 04:29 PM
I'll take your word for it as I hadn't seen him for a number of years. But wow, I would never have recognized him if I bumped in to him.

jackie wilson
12-30-2013, 01:13 AM
I'll take your word for it as I hadn't seen him for a number of years. But wow, I would never have recognized him if I bumped in to him.

He and Joan came to stay with us for a couple of weeks before the Bristol race, how the heck she ever stayed with him that long will always be a mystery. She had the patience of job and the forgiveness of a saint,B.D.P, lived life to the full and then some.

12-30-2013, 05:34 AM
I'll take your word for it as I hadn't seen him for a number of years. But wow, I would never have recognized him if I bumped in to him.


That was during the period that Don was working with us on the Jesse James Super Boat project right after Mark Lavin's death. Billy Don had endured some urinary issues a few years before and also had some recurring hip and pelvic pain, but inside he was still as ornery as ever.

jackie wilson
12-30-2013, 09:46 AM

That was during the period that Don was working with us on the Jesse James Super Boat project right after Mark Lavin's death. Billy Don had endured some urinary issues a few years before and also had some recurring hip and pelvic pain, but inside he was still as ornery as ever.
Rich, Billy Don used to share his " urinary" issues with anybody who happened to be around in a skirt, this also helped his backache and hip and pelvic pain. Don Juan was a mere beginner compared to our very own Billy Don Juan.

Steve Pinson
12-30-2013, 10:16 AM
A photo from my archive taken at the 1987 Bristol Grand Prix.

L to R: Jackie Wilson, Don Ross, ???? , Charlie Sheppard, ????

There are 2 faces I do not recognise !!

56035 Its nice to see a picture of this wild bunch again i can remember Brian Hunt in the top corner of the picture he had a serious accident in the 1968 Paris 6hr race he was never the same again.

jackie wilson
12-30-2013, 04:01 PM
Its nice to see a picture of this wild bunch again i can remember Brian Hunt in the top corner of the picture he had a serious accident in the 1968 Paris 6hr race he was never the same again.

Paris has a nasty habit of giving you a reason to remember, I have a couple of nasty moments I'd like to forget.
Not many got away Scott free, you generally had to pay for the privelage ----there was never a free dinner at Paris.

jackie wilson
12-30-2013, 04:04 PM
Dammit I meant privilege.

12-31-2013, 05:31 AM
Rich, Billy Don used to share his " urinary" issues with anybody who happened to be around in a skirt, this also helped his backache and hip and pelvic pain. Don Juan was a mere beginner compared to our very own Billy Don Juan.

Sadly he was hospitalized for quite a spell in early summer '86 for the "issues" and he never seemed to fully recover physically.

jackie wilson
12-31-2013, 06:10 AM
Sadly he was hospitalized for quite a spell in early summer '86 for the "issues" and he never seemed to fully recover physically.
Rich, I don't think he ever got over his horrendous accident at Havasu when he tore his hip out.
He was never quite the same afterwards, the fire went out of him.
Garbrecht, PRUETT , Merton, Stickle, Sirois,Welch, Biers, Wyrobeck, me and Ritchie Powers were at the Gin Mill, GG asked for all our I/D's.He put them in order of seniority------I was the oldest by a country mile, whilst PRUETT was way down the order.
I still called him " Pop" in front of the others, he just had that sort of " lived in " kinda face that had been chewed, spit out and trod on, and the most lovable lopsided toothy grin that the ladies would chuck panties in the fire for.
Then again, everyone loved PRUETT.


John Schubert T*A*R*T
12-31-2013, 06:16 AM
Rich, I don't think he ever got over his horrendous accident at Havasu when he tore his hip out.
He was never quite the same afterwards, the fire went out of him.
Garbrecht, PRUETT , Merton, Stickle, Sirois,Welch, Biers, Wyrobeck, me and Ritchie Powers were at the Gin Mill, GG asked for all our I/D's.He put them in order of seniority------I was the oldest by a country mile, whilst PRUETT was way down the order.
I still called him " Pop" in front of the others, he just had that sort of " lived in " kinda face that had been chewed, spit out and trod on, and the most lovable lopsided toothy grin that the ladies would chuck panties in the fire for.
Then again, everyone loved PRUETT.

Don became good friends with us on the T*A*R*T Team, probably not approved by GG. He especially became close to Jim Briggs who like Don enjoyed his adult beverage. When I went to work at OMC, primarily Lawn-Boy, Jim had me send a Lawn-Boy riding mower to Don. A little trivia no one knows but me, I guess.

12-31-2013, 12:21 PM
Back to the 2.0L OMC back in the 70`s. Does anybody know if it was a cross flow or looper?

Rotary John
12-31-2013, 09:24 PM
Back to the 2.0L OMC back in the 70`s. Does anybody know if it was a cross flow or looper?
The V-6 that Sanders won Paris in '74 was a cross flow.

12-31-2013, 11:38 PM
I think he means a 727 race engine of which very little information exists
Greg from Seaway has one.

jackie wilson
01-01-2014, 04:06 PM
Don became good friends with us on the T*A*R*T Team, probably not approved by GG. He especially became close to Jim Briggs who like Don enjoyed his adult beverage. When I went to work at OMC, primarily Lawn-Boy, Jim had me send a Lawn-Boy riding mower to Don. A little trivia no one knows but me, I guess.

Just goes to show there are still some nice folk around--------I used to go with PRUETT to the OMC shrimp bakes, then we would wander over to see Jimbo and Johnny Sanders, Bob Nordskog, Mc Cune and Posey, Ted May, Charlie Strang.
Everyone made FBI welcome.

01-02-2014, 06:11 AM
Well Jackie..just to get you going for the OFF meeting 2013..

This is Jeff Briggs ON class 2 liter Evinrude V6 in Paris Six Hours 1974..this boat was doing way better than most of the 2 liter Merc´s..but the Scotti boat lost some plywood....;)..I guess to much power..!!

I think this is the one i was thinking about. Is it the same as the one Jonny Sanders won in 74 with? Is it the 727 engine?

01-02-2014, 06:12 AM
I think he means a 727 race engine of which very little information exists
Greg from Seaway has one.

Does he ever post here?

Steve Pinson
01-02-2014, 11:58 AM
I think this is the one i was thinking about. Is it the same as the one Jonny Sanders won in 74 with? Is it the 727 engine? My understanding is the 727 engine you have mentioned will be a looper` the 2.0 litre versions appeared around 1976 with a couple of 2.3 versions then` in 1978 they made some 2.7 and 3.0 versions which ran into the 1980s i suspect this 727 may be a 3.0 engine this is only my opinion of course`all these engines were only made in very small numbers?

jackie wilson
01-02-2014, 12:25 PM
During the ten years i was involved with running the fonda 2 litre world wide series, i cannot remember a two litre omc ever winning a heat let alone a race---------velden came close in munich, he finished a good second in the first heat, but didn,t come out for the second or third heat.
I could be wrong ------but i doubt it,. 'twas quite fast-----but didn't last !!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Pinson
01-03-2014, 11:15 AM
During the ten years i was involved with running the fonda 2 litre world wide series, i cannot remember a two litre omc ever winning a heat let alone a race---------velden came close in munich, he finished a good second in the first heat, but didn,t come out for the second or third heat.
I could be wrong ------but i doubt it,. 'twas quite fast-----but didn't last !!!!!!!!!!! Hi jackie i agree with what you are saying` you will remember Leo Cees old mechanic and buddy he managed the OMC Performance department in Brugge Belgium around the time you are talking about` i think the 2.0 Johnson engine you saw running was the same one i saw racing at Rotterdam in the early 90`s must have been at least 20 Mercury outfits racing and this old Johnson 2.0litre was up to third place but didn`t last.I was told this was Leo`s pet project made up from old engines and parts probably about 16yrs old at that time`now if this is true even a level headed thinker like yourself must agree that must have been some engine in its time but was never developed?

01-03-2014, 12:22 PM
A 2 LTR omc would be all custom
I could only see carbs and ignition common to anything else

jackie wilson
01-03-2014, 03:47 PM
Hi jackie i agree with what you are saying` you will remember Leo Cees old mechanic and buddy he managed the OMC Performance department in Brugge Belgium around the time you are talking about` i think the 2.0 Johnson engine you saw running was the same one i saw racing at Rotterdam in the early 90`s must have been at least 20 Mercury outfits racing and this old Johnson 2.0litre was up to third place but didn`t last.I was told this was Leo`s pet project made up from old engines and parts probably about 16yrs old at that time`now if this is true even a level headed thinker like yourself must agree that must have been some engine in its time but was never developed?
Stevie baby, Happy new year.
Custom made one offs were always competitive or we never would have seen them.
Carniti had just one ( that was ever seen ) power head flew off around the bottom turn in Paris.
Koenig had a two liter six that was like sh-t off a Teflon coated shovel, but it was rarely seen.
Ben Rood had the Hoganrood that Len Melly used to win the world X class in the early sixties.
History is littered with one offs that nearly made it.
Mercury were the only people to win and improve the breed in MOST classes.
OMC did rule the roost in the 850 class, but did not want to come out and play in any other formula.
OZ does not have a formula it's a runaway class stolen from the hydro's
Six out of eight is the rotary score ( but nobody wants to tell us where they were, or what the competition was.) So that hardly warrants the millions of $ invested.
Whatever the reason you choose to believe, the V8 program had the plug pulled and all funding ceased.
Even today MERCURY is still steadily producing winning motors, it's headline news when a Jap motor or a Jonrood wins these days.
Maybe Butler can give us an idea of the total Merc wins versus OMC victories.

In answer to the remark about the OMC 2 liter being 16 years old and made up of old bits, well forgive me Steve if I don't have an orgasmic experience, but it was hardly a world shattering piece of kit.

01-03-2014, 08:52 PM
A 2 LTR omc would be all custom
I could only see carbs and ignition common to anything else

I`m not so convinced about that. Let us allow our imagination to run loose for just a minit and throw some coon *** teknology at it. The highly successful mod 50 OMC was a looper right. Ok then we multifi 50X2=100ci so now throw in some over size .044 over and how close can that get us to 122ci? I don`t know cause i ain`t smart enough or got enough fingers an tows to get there but it cain`t be far. Hell ole Mr OMC prolly had enough pull to get some .060`s made. Now all ya gotta do is get some fancy sleeves made by the machine shop an presto chango ya got a 122ci race mota. Hell maybe i shoulda been runnin OMC with smart thinkin like that.

T-Rex gotta millin machine an i got lots of ole OMC junk layin around so maybe we can build one to. Do ya`ll think they woould let us in COR with that? Dout it. Prolly against the rules.


jackie wilson
01-04-2014, 06:28 AM
I`m not so convinced about that. Let us allow our imagination to run loose for just a minit and throw some coon *** teknology at it. The highly successful mod 50 OMC was a looper right. Ok then we multifi 50X2=100ci so now throw in some over size .044 over and how close can that get us to 122ci? I don`t know cause i ain`t smart enough or got enough fingers an tows to get there but it cain`t be far. Hell ole Mr OMC prolly had enough pull to get some .060`s made. Now all ya gotta do is get some fancy sleeves made by the machine shop an presto chango ya got a 122ci race mota. Hell maybe i shoulda been runnin OMC with smart thinkin like that.

T-Rex gotta millin machine an i got lots of ole OMC junk layin around so maybe we can build one to. Do ya`ll think they woould let us in COR with that? Dout it. Prolly against the rules.

Well thar ya go-----problem fixed------ could a bin a flyer, all ya needsa scrapyard an a mill.

01-04-2014, 07:01 AM
If you were gunna weld 2 blocks togther you would use 31M,s.
The only true race engine OMC ever produced
( and the 727 2ltr v6)

Ron Hill
01-04-2014, 01:41 PM
I have been reading this thread with much interest, but felt I knew little of the facts, So I haven't "JUMPED IN". But I did ask Fred Hauenstein what he remembers:

Re: OMC 2.0 FROM Fred Hauenstein

Hi Ron:

I do remember that Cees van der Velden dragged some of the old OMC 2.0 liter looper V-6s out of the Waukegan warehouse and tried to race them in the '90s. They weren't too successful because they didn't have a lot of parts to work with, the parts were old (16 years old sounds about right), and the Mercs had gotten better over the years; but they were still competitive! They were "earth shattering" in the mid '70s, winning the ON worlds and APBA titles, etc, several times.

That engine is a 90 degree Vee 6, not 60 degrees. By the way, the 6x2bbl carb/crankcase setup on the Evinrude CCC (like the one we won Parker with) and Johnson RS 2.5 L cross-flow race engines came from this 2.0 liter looper project. The same 90 degree 2.0 liter (122 CID) looper block also had 90, 98, 135 and 143 CID versions, but the entire project had no more than ~37 total cylinder blocks ever made.

The 2.0 engine was not developed further than a race-only engine because that was what the project was - race only. The blocks, etc, were sand cast only. Even the first pistons were sand cast!

I developed the engine in the mid 70s and the first prototype won the UIM ON class World Championship in 1975 (Cees at Cardiff). Jimbo also won the APBA nationals that year with that same engine in both MOD 120 and MOD U. It was clearly better than the Mercurys of that era. When I went to Mercury, I was amazed at how little power the Merc 2.0s had (~12% less than my 2.0 OMC loopers). The difference that made them competitive was that Merc had boats that were ~33% lighter!

I believe Leo Molendyk was managing the MERCURY performance center in Liege, Belgium, in the '80s. Then he did the OMC performance support in the '90s. But I think I remember the 2.0 liter OMC loopers were run out of Cees's operation in Holland???

Just a few memories of the old times.


01-04-2014, 10:00 PM
Many thanks Fred and Ron
great to read some info on the engines as there is so little around. I wonder how many have survived other than Jakes one?

01-05-2014, 09:32 AM
Many thanks Fred and Ron
great to read some info on the engines as there is so little around. I wonder how many have survived other than Jakes one?

Fred, very accurate, excellent memory.

jackie wilson
01-06-2014, 01:16 AM
I have been reading this thread with much interest, but felt I knew little of the facts, So I haven't "JUMPED IN". But I did ask Fred Hauenstein what he remembers:

Re: OMC 2.0 FROM Fred Hauenstein

Hi Ron:

I do remember that Cees van der Velden dragged some of the old OMC 2.0 liter looper V-6s out of the Waukegan warehouse and tried to race them in the '90s. They weren't too successful because they didn't have a lot of parts to work with, the parts were old (16 years old sounds about right), and the Mercs had gotten better over the years; but they were still competitive! They were "earth shattering" in the mid '70s, winning the ON worlds and APBA titles, etc, several times.

That engine is a 90 degree Vee 6, not 60 degrees. By the way, the 6x2bbl carb/crankcase setup on the Evinrude CCC (like the one we won Parker with) and Johnson RS 2.5 L cross-flow race engines came from this 2.0 liter looper project. The same 90 degree 2.0 liter (122 CID) looper block also had 90, 98, 135 and 143 CID versions, but the entire project had no more than ~37 total cylinder blocks ever made.

The 2.0 engine was not developed further than a race-only engine because that was what the project was - race only. The blocks, etc, were sand cast only. Even the first pistons were sand cast!

I developed the engine in the mid 70s and the first prototype won the UIM ON class World Championship in 1975 (Cees at Cardiff). Jimbo also won the APBA nationals that year with that same engine in both MOD 120 and MOD U. It was clearly better than the Mercurys of that era. When I went to Mercury, I was amazed at how little power the Merc 2.0s had (~12% less than my 2.0 OMC loopers). The difference that made them competitive was that Merc had boats that were ~33% lighter!

I believe Leo Molendyk was managing the MERCURY performance center in Liege, Belgium, in the '80s. Then he did the OMC performance support in the '90s. But I think I remember the 2.0 liter OMC loopers were run out of Cees's operation in Holland???

Just a few memories of the old times.

Now Fred, I believe most of what you ever comment on, you have been around the race boat scene and a UIM Commisioner since Pontious was a Pilate so normally I would not dare to question one of your statements.
Just which boats were OMC using that were 33% heavier than Mercury .?
All the boat builders I know were using the same timber, Molinari, Scotti, Seebold, Velden, Burgess, Hodges, Molgard and Clerici, methods were almost identical, and they were all pretty capable of using a spindle or router on the frames.
There COULD have been a max of maybe 5% between the lot! unless Mercury had found a new fluff weight lumber for the much heralded but pug ugly Twistercraft.
Glass boats were invariably heavier-------but I gather you didn't mean that, or did I get it wrong AGAIN..???

01-06-2014, 01:29 AM
maybe it was the size of the fuel tank, they didnt call the tower of power fuel cooled for nothing
so they had to cut a few corners elsewhere?
lol cheers

01-07-2014, 08:18 AM
Well it looks like the 2.0L OMC is no longer a mystery thanks to Mr Hauenstein and also Mr Hill for asking him the right question. Ya done good Ron.


Lars Strom
01-07-2014, 08:30 AM
I raced ON with a Molinari/Saffa/Evinrude 2 liter looper at Idroscalo, Italy 1978. I was invited to drive the boat by Renato.
Finished second in the race, after Renato in a similar rig

This was a test race for me to get ready for the Paris 6 hours same year. Drove a Molinari/Saffa/Evinrude CCC in the OZ class with Angelo Vassena in Paris.

Here is a complete story on my racing site..http://svera.se/blogg/paris-6-hours/paris-6-hours-1978-started-in-finland-for-me/

01-07-2014, 08:57 AM
You forgot to add that the engine was banned because it was so good.
so OMC said ok its crossflows from now then..lol

Steve Pinson
01-07-2014, 12:20 PM
Now Fred, I believe most of what you ever comment on, you have been around the race boat scene and a UIM Commisioner since Pontious was a Pilate so normally I would not dare to question one of your statements.
Just which boats were OMC using that were 33% heavier than Mercury .?
All the boat builders I know were using the same timber, Molinari, Scotti, Seebold, Velden, Burgess, Hodges, Molgard and Clerici, methods were almost identical, and they were all pretty capable of using a spindle or router on the frames.
There COULD have been a max of maybe 5% between the lot! unless Mercury had found a new fluff weight lumber for the much heralded but pug ugly Twistercraft.
Glass boats were invariably h
eavier-------but I gather you didn't mean that, or did I get it wrong AGAIN..??? Hi Jackie I would like to add my comments about OMC running heavier boats ` Freds comments may be more true than you think in 1977 Molinari was now OMC s boatbuilder of choice he offered 2 boat sizes of around 17ft or marathon boats over 18ft for some reason the Factory ordered all marathon boats I think 6 or 7 were delivered for the OCT 77 Paris race and as you know I drove one of them these were good boats for Paris/Amsterdam/parker but I must add Molinari himself had won the Amsterdam race 6 weeks earlier and had run the smaller lighter version I myself was in that race as well `Molinari never raced a marathon boat again only in the 1978 Thames race even Hering brought the smaller Molinari to Bristol in 1978` if you watch the you tube video of the 1978 THAMES RACE the VELDEN boats are all around 17ft and Molinaris boat is larger. I myself had this problem in 1978 I had to have a new smaller lighter boat built for the 1978 races it would have been a waste time running the Molinari but I got it out again for the 1978 Paris race.Now you yourself Jackie saw the smaller white Molinari cat which ran at the last OFF event held at Cadillacs that was the size Molinari raced?`

jackie wilson
01-07-2014, 04:29 PM
Steve, it shows how little I know. In 1970 I was running a 17'-----in 1971 it had come down to a 16' . That was my last Molinari. All the Cosworth boats were16'/17' until the V8 which was 18'+.
Just when did Renato revert to 18'----I thought they finished with the Glastron/Carlson era.

Ron Hill
01-07-2014, 05:10 PM
Hi Jackie I would like to add my comments about OMC running heavier boats ` Freds comments may be more true than you think in 1977 Molinari was now OMC s boatbuilder of choice he offered 2 boat sizes of around 17ft or marathon boats over 18ft for some reason the Factory ordered all marathon boats I think 6 or 7 were delivered for the OCT 77 Paris race and as you know I drove one of them these were good boats for Paris/Amsterdam/parker but I must add Molinari himself had won the Amsterdam race 6 weeks earlier and had run the smaller lighter version I myself was in that race as well `Molinari never raced a marathon boat again only in the 1978 Thames race even Hering brought the smaller Molinari to Bristol in 1978` if you watch the you tube video of the 1978 THAMES RACE the VELDEN boats are all around 17ft and Molinaris boat is larger. I myself had this problem in 1978 I had to have a new smaller lighter boat built for the 1978 races it would have been a waste time running the Molinari but I got it out again for the 1978 Paris race.Now you yourself Jackie saw the smaller white Molinari cat which ran at the last OFF event held at Cadillacs that was the size Molinari raced?`

Ron Hill (https://us-mg4.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch#)

Hi Ron:

I was referring to boat (bare) weight and in '78 OMC had Molinari against Merc's Seebolds and Veldens. OMC's Molinaris were around 400 pounds (bare boat) while Billy's Seebold was said to be at about 265 pounds (bare). In '77 I had a Velden at OMC (yellow boat) that was somewhat light, but it broke almost every time I ran it. And: "Molinaris never broke."

Other boats may have been up or down from these numbers, but the Molinaris we got at OMC in '78 were of beautiful woodworking craftsmanship - and paid the price by being heavy. How much did the CrazyHorse Molinari weigh?

I may be off a bit, but not much... But, if you look at complete rig weight at about 1200 pounds with a driver (a light one), the difference was around 10%. Still significant, though.

I know OMC would have been more competitive in ON or MOD 120 in '78 but for the boat weight. Cees won the ON worlds in '75 and '76 because he had boats that were as light as (or lighter?) than the Molinaris the Mercury Team was running then, and he was light, too.


ADD: 2.0 Liter OMC

Hi Ron:

Not exactly true. It lost out to the three liter looper V-6 I helped develop in factory racing (they didn't care about ON when the challenge was F-1). And then the 3 L was banned by OMC themselves in favor of the F-1 V-8s, which it might have outrun...? (The V-8s were loopers, though.)


01-08-2014, 06:44 AM
What an interesting post! WOW, is it great to get so much insider information. This is the stuff "Legends" are made of! Banned??? Too darn cold in Chicago.

Jeff Brown and Tom Ireland tested our first Molinari Mod50 in Parker. Jeff was impressed with how well the boat handled and how safe it ran. A quick calculation of speed and we determined it was 10mph slower than the old Burgess. Next gen was better!

Steve Pinson
01-08-2014, 12:31 PM
Steve, it shows how little I know. In 1970 I was running a 17'-----in 1971 it had come down to a 16' . That was my last Molinari. All the Cosworth boats were16'/17' until the V8 which was 18'+.
Just when did Renato revert to 18'----I thought they finished with the Glastron/Carlson era. Hi Jackie hope you are keeping well`now you have me thinking we are talking about a long time ago even i had forgot how big the scimitar boats were like you ran in Rotterdam i have found the old plans out and even i had forgot it was a 19ft boat 20 ft overall less 1ft transom overhang with a 6ft 5in beam i have these drawings but will have to reduce them to post them?

jackie wilson
01-08-2014, 03:37 PM
[QUOTE=NERSTROM;137126]What an interesting post! WOW, is it great to get so much insider information. This is the stuff "Legends" are made of! Banned??? Too darn cold in Chicago.

Jeff Brown and Tom Ireland tested our first Molinari Mod50 in Parker. Jeff was impressed with how well the boat handled and how safe it ran. A quick calculation of speed and we determined it was 10mph slower than the old Burgess. Next gen was better![/QUOTE
Beats the hell out of me how you can do a quick calculation and determine a new Molinari was 10mph slower than an old Burgess-------I just put any new boat on my home circuit and started the stopwatch, never ever did have a new boat that was slower than the old one.

jackie wilson
01-08-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi Jackie hope you are keeping well`now you have me thinking we are talking about a long time ago even i had forgot how big the scimitar boats were like you ran in Rotterdam i have found the old plans out and even i had forgot it was a 19ft boat 20 ft overall less 1ft transom overhang with a 6ft 5in beam i have these drawings but will have to reduce them to post them?

Only ran the Scimitar for half a season, too safe, too heavy, too long, but loved the sloppy water.
Sold it to a Dutchman after six races------got Hodges to build the little 16'. Sprint-----much more exciting. Had him put an adjustable wing on the front-----Renato took a lot of pictures of that little boat.

Mike Ward
01-10-2014, 04:24 AM
Another pic from my archive. The caption reads: "Jackie Wilson competing in the 1966 World EU Championship at Palamos, Spain in his König powered Bristol".

Surprisingly the event was dominated by Mercury powered craft !


Steve Pinson
01-10-2014, 11:14 AM
Fred, very accurate, excellent memory. Hi Jim do you or Fred remember a one off 2.0 litre crossflow engine we had one at OMC Brugge Belgium I was told it was a sleeved down 2.5 engine and it looked the same to look at as the 2.5 everything identical to the 2.5 even carbs` we were supposed to run it in the 1976 Paris 6 hr race the racing department decided not to run it so we ran a 2.0 litre looper instead?

jackie wilson
01-10-2014, 01:21 PM
Another pic from my archive. The caption reads: "Jackie Wilson competing in the 1966 World EU Championship at Palamos, Spain in his König powered Bristol".

Surprisingly the event was dominated by Mercury powered craft !


Yup, one of my worst races ever. Had the whole family over on holiday, had problems with the kids, the camper van the food ( squats).
Water was sloppy and i was set up fast but could,t use it. Finished fifth and well pissed, but got the rig back to England OK had sold it to Dave Mintey for a big bag of gold and didn't want to bend it. Palamos was still a small fishing village back then, Thought the race was in Roses ????

Steve Pinson
01-11-2014, 04:23 AM
Yup, one of my worst races ever. Had the whole family over on holiday, had problems with the kids, the camper van the food ( squats).
Water was sloppy and i was set up fast but could,t use it. Finished fifth and well pissed, but got the rig back to England OK had sold it to Dave Mintey for a big bag of gold and didn't want to bend it. Palamos was still a small fishing village back then, Thought the race was in Roses ???? Hya Jackie those were the days looks like you were enjoying yourself anyway`i always thought they were good little boats when i started racing nearly everybody had one.
Last year i went to Carr Mill Dam to watch some boatracing and they still had four or five of these boats still racing after the race was over i overheard the drivers laughing about these boats were over 20 yrs older than they were i think Charlie Shepherd would have been very proud?

jackie wilson
01-11-2014, 06:24 AM
Hya Jackie those were the days looks like you were enjoying yourself anyway`i always thought they were good little boats when i started racing nearly everybody had one.
Last year i went to Carr Mill Dam to watch some boatracing and they still had four or five of these boats still racing after the race was over i overheard the drivers laughing about these boats were over 20 yrs older than they were i think Charlie Shepherd would have been very proud?

Carr mill was one of the few clubs to have had enough sense to buy out the entire complex, huge house, nice grounds, a lake to race on, freehold.
If memory serves me right, Len Melly was the force behind the purchase.
LMBRC got offered the chance to buy the Iver lake and mansion, but they wanted the outrageous price of Ł25,000 for the lot, Len Britnell black balled the idea and the chance was lost, Johnny Hulme, Phil Toller, Ted Jones, and Cyril Benstead all wanted the club to purchase the lot but in the end Cape Asbestos bought it as a dumping ground.
Rare as hell Charlie will be spinning in his grave to think 40 years on his Bristols are still running.
Just as an aside,--------I bet you didn't know that Charlie bought a flat bottomed Shakespeare Avon Special, took the deck off, glassed some hooks in the side, opposite each other, tied ropes across, pulled the sides in until he had the very first V bottom Bristol. Don Ross and I were the only people who knew this.

Lars Strom
02-09-2014, 05:03 PM
A fun lunch with John Schubert and other well known boat racers…

… at Sailors Return in Stuart, Florida

Click on the link below for full story and many more pictures..


Master Oil Racing Team
02-09-2014, 07:37 PM
I bet there was a lot of old boat racing stories passed around at that lunch Lars. Thanks for posting. That would have been a fun time just to listen in and hear the stories.

Rotary John
02-10-2014, 02:23 PM
A fun lunch with John Schubert and other well known boat racers…

… at Sailors Return in Stuart, Florida

Click on the link below for full story and many more pictures..

Now that's truly OFF!!!!

jackie wilson
02-10-2014, 04:29 PM
Now that's truly OFF!!!!

Hey Johno, the only one missing was you, -----you were mentioned in dispatches a few times, and no matter what, we all still love you to bits.

Mike Ward
04-01-2014, 08:37 AM

Grahame Burton and Jackie Wilson at the 1964 Chasewater Regent 3 hour race with their 16ft Blufin Mr Keikaefer built by John Merryfield and fitted with a 100 Merc.

Mike Ward
04-29-2014, 11:26 AM
Jackie preparing to launch for a race at Southampton in 1969 - not health and safety issues in those days !


jackie wilson
04-29-2014, 10:47 PM

Grahame Burton and Jackie Wilson at the 1964 Chasewater Regent 3 hour race with their 16ft Blufin Mr Keikaefer built by John Merryfield and fitted with a 100 Merc.

Can that really be fifty years ago Mike-----you sure that was a Bluefin ? It was a stretched Hal Kelly design, Ron Walbold (Wobbly) didn't do glass boats.

jackie wilson
04-29-2014, 10:52 PM
Jackie preparing to launch for a race at Southampton in 1969 - not health and safety issues in those days !


Very first Molinari brought into England---caught Percival running a tape measure over it and threatened him with an early demise if he did not desist!---He desisted.

Mike Ward
04-30-2014, 08:04 AM
I think Tom may have taken some measurements because the following year he built this craft at his Horning boatyard which just happens to look similar to your Molinari !


Steve Pinson
04-30-2014, 09:35 AM
I think Tom may have taken some measurements because the following year he built this craft at his Horning boatyard which just happens to look similar to your Molinari !

57309 I think Tomcat was built by Peter Sabberton at his Horning boatyard and owned jointly by Tom Percival and himself the Evinrude engine was a customer Stinger engine purchased from University
Marine I can remember Tom flying that boat at Oulton Broad it did a loop landed ok and Tom carried on driving it?

Mike Ward
04-30-2014, 10:52 AM
Another pic from my archive - Jackie co-driving with Don Ross at the 1969 (or 68?) Paris 6 Hour Race.
Forgot to mention Jackie, met KIM at a LOBMBC Publicity Meeting here at Oulton Broad a few weeks ago.


jackie wilson
04-30-2014, 02:29 PM
Another pic from my archive - Jackie co-driving with Don Ross at the 1969 (or 68?) Paris 6 Hour Race.
Forgot to mention Jackie, met KIM at a LOBMBC Publicity Meeting here at Oulton Broad a few weeks ago.


Don had this boat built by a friend of his----was known as "The ROSSINARI",had a tendency to fly when you least expected it, would also hook for no reason.

jackie wilson
04-30-2014, 02:31 PM
I think Tomcat was built by Peter Sabberton at his Horning boatyard and owned jointly by Tom Percival and himself the Evinrude engine was a customer Stinger engine purchased from University
Marine I can remember Tom flying that boat at Oulton Broad it did a loop landed ok and Tom carried on driving it?

Used to love going up to Oulton and upsetting Tom and Bob.

Steve Pinson
05-10-2014, 12:04 PM
Used to love going up to Oulton and upsetting Tom and Bob. Well Jackie Oulton Broad always drew big crowds to watch Thursday night boat racing and still does today` if I hadn`t watched boatracing as a young boy I would never have driven racing boats .I can remember some of the old characters like Toby Sutton owned Toby Marine sportsboats held the lap record with a Chrysler powered inboard hydro called Rooster and Alex Snelling or ( POP ) to his friends he was a ex Spitfire fighter pilot who ran Ludham Marine.In 1963 I can remember him opening a massive box it contained the first 100 HP Mercury outboard I ever saw we all hung around while he fitted his outfit out we couldn`t wait to see how fast it ran it did seam fast for those days.Another name Gerry Marsden from Gerry and the Pacemakers he ran a 65hp Mercury on a Broom Outfit and Carl Denver another singer showed up with boats mainly other peoples?.Dick Kimbling was a regular Thursday night racer drove a 15ft Bristol with 100hp Mercury he owned slot machine Arcades in Gt Yarmouth his wife controlled the purse strings when he had a breakage he paid for it with sacks full of coins we had 240 Pence to a Ł1 in those days his race shop was told if she asked about his costs they new nothing.The Young Guns of the time were Tom Percival who raced anything he could find from his fathers boatyard inboard or outboard then along came Bob Spalding I think his first outfit was a 14ft Flecher arrow with s 50hp Mercury and sometimes I would show up with a Hcraft V hull with a 65hp Mercury.I can remember Dennis Burton and his son as passenger racing his Levi 16 110hp Mercury and the unforgetable sounds in those days of the Cresent Powered hydros.If you could bottle that noise you could sell it?

Master Oil Racing Team
05-10-2014, 09:23 PM
That is some very interesting information Steve. Wow... I grew up listening to Gerry and the Pacemakers the year I started racing. Now I will think about boat racing whenever I hear their songs. And that's the first I heard about when Tom Percival and Bob Spalding's beginnings.

jackie wilson
05-13-2014, 05:08 AM
[QUOTE=Steve Pinson;140269]Well Jackie Oulton Broad always drew big crowds to watch Thursday night boat racing and still does today` if I hadn`t watched boatracing as a young boy I would never have driven racing boats .I can remember some of the old characters like Toby Sutton owned Toby Marine sportsboats held the lap record with a Chrysler powered inboard hydro called Rooster and Alex Snelling or ( POP ) to his friends he was a ex Spitfire fighter pilot who ran Ludham Marine.In 1963 I can remember him opening a massive box it contained the first 100 HP Mercury outboard I ever saw we
all hung around while he fitted his outfit out we couldn`t wait to see how fast it ran it did seam fast for those days.Another name Gerry Marsden from Gerry and the Pacemakers he ran a 65hp Mercury on a Broom Outfit and Carl Denver another singer showed up with boats mainly other peoples?.Dick Kimbling was a regular Thursday night racer drove a 15ft Bristol with 100hp Mercury he owned slot machine Arcades in Gt Yarmouth his wife controlled the purse strings when he had a breakage he paid for it with sacks full of coins we had 240 Pence to a Ł1 in those days his race shop was told if she asked about his costs they new nothing.The Young Guns of the time were Tom Percival who raced anything he could find from his fathers boatyard inboard or outboard then along came Bob Spalding I think his first outfit was a 14ft Flecher arrow with s 50hp Mercury and sometimes I would show up with a Hcraft V hull with a 65hp Mercury.I can remember Dennis Burton and his son as passenger racing his Levi 16 110hp Mercury and the unforgetable sounds in those days of the Cresent Powered hydros.If you could bottle that noise you could sell it?[/QUOTE

Remember Frankie Holmes with the Yarecraft-----had "HELP" written all over the underside.
My son in law went to Horning on a remember trip -----he had a spell working for Tom + Bob when they had the John Player sponsorship-----Steve moved to Oggiono to work for Bootsie for a couple of years. He said Percival boats are long gone----and his beautiful house---Deersfoot I think it was called, is a socking great housing estate.
There is a Tom Percival memorial seat to remember him by----30+ years gone by since Liege!!!
He was worth more than that.
You ever remember the QUALCRAFT.?

Steve Pinson
05-17-2014, 12:10 PM
[QUOTE=Steve Pinson;140269]Well Jackie Oulton Broad always drew big crowds to watch Thursday night boat racing and still does today` if I hadn`t watched boatracing as a young boy I would never have driven racing boats .I can remember some of the old characters like Toby Sutton owned Toby Marine sportsboats held the lap record with a Chrysler powered inboard hydro called Rooster and Alex Snelling or ( POP ) to his friends he was a ex Spitfire fighter pilot who ran Ludham Marine.In 1963 I can remember him opening a massive box it contained the first 100 HP Mercury outboard I ever saw we
all hung around while he fitted his outfit out we couldn`t wait to see how fast it ran it did seam fast for those days.Another name Gerry Marsden from Gerry and the Pacemakers he ran a 65hp Mercury on a Broom Outfit and Carl Denver another singer showed up with boats mainly other peoples?.Dick Kimbling was a regular Thursday night racer drove a 15ft Bristol with 100hp Mercury he owned slot machine Arcades in Gt Yarmouth his wife controlled the purse strings when he had a breakage he paid for it with sacks full of coins we had 240 Pence to a Ł1 in those days his race shop was told if she asked about his costs they new nothing.The Young Guns of the time were Tom Percival who raced anything he could find from his fathers boatyard inboard or outboard then along came Bob Spalding I think his first outfit was a 14ft Flecher arrow with s 50hp Mercury and sometimes I would show up with a Hcraft V hull with a 65hp Mercury.I can remember Dennis Burton and his son as passenger racing his Levi 16 110hp Mercury and the unforgetable sounds in those days of the Cresent Powered hydros.If you could bottle that noise you could sell it?[/QUOTE

Remember Frankie Holmes with the Yarecraft-----had "HELP" written all over the underside.
My son in law went to Horning on a remember trip -----he had a spell working for Tom + Bob when they had the John Player sponsorship-----Steve moved to Oggiono to work for Bootsie for a couple of years. He said Percival boats are long gone----and his beautiful house---Deersfoot I think it was called, is a socking great housing estate.
There is a Tom Percival memorial seat to remember him by----30+ years gone by since Liege!!!
He was worth more than that.
You ever remember the QUALCRAFT.?. Hey Jackie never new Franki Holmes but I remember watching that boat a yellow yarecraft with help in black letters underneath it was at lakeside lido north sommercoates they had that many entries in those days they had to run 3 heats? Great fun was enjoyed by all good times to remember and did you ever hear the sound of those cresent outboard engines on the hydros I think Doug Willy ran one at Oulton Broad they were awesome.

jackie wilson
05-17-2014, 11:58 PM
[QUOTE=jackie wilson;140358]. Hey Jackie never new Franki Holmes but I remember watching that boat a yellow yarecraft with help in black letters underneath it was at lakeside lido north sommercoates they had that many entries in those days they had to run 3 heats? Great fun was enjoyed by all good times to remember and did you ever hear the sound of those cresent outboard engines on the hydros I think Doug Willy ran one at Oulton Broad they were awesome.

And the smell that was there all day!!
Never got to know "Pip" Willey, but did know "Paddy"Rolfe------he was the English distributer for Konig----P&R Hydraulics at Walton On Thames-----knew Andy Chessman for years.
London club was a hydro club previously -----so was South Staffs----come to think of it, the only one that wasn't was Cotswolds.
Forget the name of the bad lad ( did a bit of bird for a while ) famous----- for inboard hydro's ----came out of the LOB? Late fifties?------blasted memories shot I'm afraid Steve.

Steve Pinson
05-18-2014, 11:29 AM
[QUOTE=Steve Pinson;140477]

And the smell that was there all day!!
Never got to know "Pip" Willey, but did know "Paddy"Rolfe------he was the English distributer for Konig----P&R Hydraulics at Walton On Thames-----knew Andy Chessman for years.
London club was a hydro club previously -----so was South Staffs----come to think of it, the only one that wasn't was Cotswolds.
Forget the name of the bad lad ( did a bit of bird for a while ) famous----- for inboard hydro's ----came out of the LOB? Late fifties?------blasted memories shot I'm afraid Steve.. Andy Chessman drove a small Shakespeare Cat for marine sales Taunton Butch and Daves outfit with a 1000sbp Mercury at Windermere would have been 1972 while Marine Sales had took over all Bill Shakespears Johnson engines from Bob Glen in 1972. Both Jeff Edwards and myself raced another Johnson powered Shakespeare in the same race I can remember Andy Chessman spinning the little Shakespeare boat and came ashore the boat was left tied to a buoy. Andy didn't like how it drove and Rodger Jenkins came up to Dave said if I can get out to your boat can I drive it for the rest of the 3hr race which he did?

jackie wilson
05-19-2014, 07:38 AM
[QUOTE=jackie wilson;140486]. Andy Chessman drove a small Shakespeare Cat for marine sales Taunton Butch and Daves outfit with a 1000sbp Mercury at Windermere would have been 1972 while Marine Sales had took over all Bill Shakespears Johnson engines from Bob Glen in 1972. Both Jeff Edwards and myself raced another Johnson powered Shakespeare in the same race I can remember Andy Chessman spinning the little Shakespeare boat and came ashore the boat was left tied to a buoy. Andy didn't like how it drove and Rodger Jenkins came up to Dave said if I can get out to your boat can I drive it for the rest of the 3hr race which he did?

Andy was a hydro man at heart but he persevered with a sit in hydro cat and gave the kneel ears a real hard time---great lad!

jackie wilson
05-19-2014, 07:42 AM
Sorry Steve it's that bloody stupid predicted text that keeps rearing it's ugly head , should have read "" kneelers"---------kneel ears my bum hole!!!-----can't get the staff any more.

Steve Pinson
05-20-2014, 10:42 AM
Don had this boat built by a friend of his----was known as "The ROSSINARI",had a tendency to fly when you least expected it, would also hook for no reason.. Hey Jackie I remember the Ross Saunders cat 1968 the Rossinari did it only do the one Paris 6 hr race I remember it got beat up pretty bad.I also remember Don advertising his Levi 16 v hull in the Motorboat and yachting and a club driver from Carr Mill called John Mellon bought and painted it blue his idea was to put a 9 stone jockey in it called Paul Yates and run it round Carr Mill and beat the lap record which I held at that time of 58 seconds(today's lap times with a DAC/Optimax is 38 seconds).Well he spent a couple of days trying different props but could not better 59 seconds.Well he rang Don to say that he didn't like the boat anymore so Don agreed to buy the boat back for a much lower price so Don put the boat Gawd L Pus back in its original yellow livery.Well this got me thinking Jackie how would you and Don have managed to win the 1969 Amsterdam 3hr International with that boat if the Carr Mill driver John Mellon had not asked for his money back?

jackie wilson
05-20-2014, 03:08 PM
. Hey Jackie I remember the Ross Saunders cat 1968 the Rossinari did it only do the one Paris 6 hr race I remember it got beat up pretty bad.I also remember Don advertising his Levi 16 v hull in the Motorboat and yachting and a club driver from Carr Mill called John Mellon bought and painted it blue his idea was to put a 9 stone jockey in it called Paul Yates and run it round Carr Mill and beat the lap record which I held at that time of 58 seconds(today's lap times with a DAC/Optimax is 38 seconds).Well he spent a couple of days trying different props but could not better 59 seconds.Well he rang Don to say that he didn't like the boat anymore so Don agreed to buy the boat back for a much lower price so Don put the boat Gawd L Pus back in its original yellow livery.Well this got me thinking Jackie how would you and Don have managed to win the 1969 Amsterdam 3hr International with that boat if the Carr Mill driver John Mellon had not asked for his money back?

'Twas me that smashed the boat up in Liege, when Jeremy got himself deaded going over the wier, remember I told you the boat had a tendency to hard left for no reason.
Didn't realize we HAD won Amsterdam .
I had no love for the 16' Levi--the damn thing would bury it's nose underwater like a mole in a hurry ----so Don cut a foot of the front and gave it the ugliest turned up snout in powerboat history, it never submarined again.
I couldn't make Stockholm so Don did the whole race and won it all on his own.
Kim told me yesterday Thorneywork died recently, sorry to hear that R.I.P. Peter.

Steve Pinson
05-26-2014, 10:48 AM
'Twas me that smashed the boat up in Liege, when Jeremy got himself deaded going over the wier, remember I told you the boat had a tendency to hard left for no reason.
Didn't realize we HAD won Amsterdam .
I had no love for the 16' Levi--the damn thing would bury it's nose underwater like a mole in a hurry ----so Don cut a foot of the front and gave it the ugliest turned up snout in powerboat history, it never submarined again.
I couldn't make Stockholm so Don did the whole race and won it all on his own.
Kim told me yesterday Thorneywork died recently, sorry to hear that R.I.P. Peter.. So sorry Jackie to hear the sad news about my old friend Peter Thorneywork I had some good times with Peter we first met in 1969 at the Rabadanse French international race he had Rodger Jenkins with him as part of his crew he was driving one of Charlie Shepherds Bristol 16ft v hulls and we decided to team up together for the next up and coming race in Liege Peter bought a new Bristol Soggy moggy Cat and we fitted my Mercury 1250sbp engine to it this was the same race you entered the Rossinari in with Donn Ross.We never had a fall out even after I submarined that soggy moggy in the Thames race and broke it in two and flew it in the race after that Charlie just kept rebuilding it.The next race we teamed up together was the Chasewater 500 in 1970 we ran a Shakespeare cat with a Mercury Twister 1 engine which failed after 1hr but you and Don did much better you won the race and I hope you have't forgot about that Win either.Bill Shakespeare was building me a new boat for the Paris 6hr race so Peter and myself ordered a new Customer Johnson Stinger engine for that race which was the same race you drove with Molinari in 1970?.

Mike Ward
05-31-2014, 03:00 AM
Peter Thorneywork R.I.P.


Mike Ward
06-04-2014, 08:22 AM
Jackie crewing for John Hulme in "Gemini". Frank Holmes in 34 "Sea Mistral". Mid-1960's ?


jackie wilson
06-28-2014, 03:31 AM
Jackie crewing for John Hulme in "Gemini". Frank Holmes in 34 "Sea Mistral". Mid-1960's ?


Thats going back a while Mike. John was an absolute gentleman complete with monocle and an E type Jaguar [white of course and the V12] John never did things by half. I bought my first camper van from him a custom made Commer van conversion-- He wanted Ł400 for it , but i could only raise Ł350 so he let me have it anyway. Wonderful days----great memories.

06-28-2014, 04:19 AM
Is that a steam powered gravel dredge in the background...
how times change
I can wait for someone to say to me, does that race engine have a carburetor, how do they work?

jackie wilson
06-29-2014, 06:47 AM
Is that a steam powered gravel dredge in the background...
how times change
I can wait for someone to say to me, does that race engine have a carburetor, how do they work?
You got sharp eŷes Tinker, TIS indeed a steam powered dredger, Iver was a working gravel pit and they kept pulling ballast out for over 20years, Cape asbestos bought the lake, ( quarry or pit,) and used it as a dumping ground for years.

06-29-2014, 07:36 AM
You got sharp eŷes Tinker, TIS indeed a steam powered dredger, Iver was a working gravel pit and they kept pulling ballast out for over 20years, Cape asbestos bought the lake, ( quarry or pit,) and used it as a dumping ground for years.
First job I ever had was working on a small suction cutter dredge for the marina that I ended up doing my apprenticeship with.
The old boy (rip) that taught me a trick every day for that year was a 2 bob pom, George Bolton from Bolton, he used to run gravel dredges in the 30's and 40's during the war drafted to help US 8th army eng run constuction for the uk.
Had lots of photos.
He loved it as they brought all their own equipment that was light years ahead of the uk at the time.

jackie wilson
08-02-2014, 08:07 AM
Woodlands park at Iver Heath was the home of The London Motor Boat Racing Club. LMBRC.. Was really too small to host full blown internationals----lap record in 1965 was 1min.06 secs with a Torriggia tunnel.
We did hold the world OE Champioships there a few times, but the commodore was sh-t scared of the speeds that were being wrung out of 125hp motors, had a total dislike of tunnel boats and made the memorable remark that will go down in history--------"two of those on the course and we're full". ( tunnel boats ).
It eventually was taken over by the skiers, sea scouts and the rag and stick brigade. Cape asbestos bought the lake and used it as a dumping ground, the fish all died and the lake got smaller, in the end, even junior boats couldn't use it.
Do not know what happened to the dredger.

08-02-2014, 08:18 AM
Woodlands park at Iver Heath was the home of The London Motor Boat Racing Club. LMBRC.. Was really too small to host full blown internationals----lap record in 1965 was 1min.06 secs with a Torriggia tunnel.
We did hold the world OE Champioships there a few times, but the commodore was sh-t scared of the speeds that were being wrung out of 125hp motors, had a total dislike of tunnel boats and made the memorable remark that will go down in history--------"two of those on the course and we're full". ( tunnel boats ).
It eventually was taken over by the skiers, sea scouts and the rag and stick brigade. Cape asbestos bought the lake and used it as a dumping ground, the fish all died and the lake got smaller, in the end, even junior boats couldn't use it.
Do not know what happened to the dredger.

jackie wilson
08-04-2014, 06:49 AM
Mine was secs-e-u.

jackie wilson
12-07-2015, 06:17 AM
Mine was secs-e-u.

That went down like a turd in a punch bowl -----must be a coupla years since they let me on this site.
Fact I can never remember passwords might have had something to do with it.

jackie wilson
05-04-2017, 10:44 PM
That went down like a turd in a punch bowl -----must be a coupla years since they let me on this site.
Fact I can never remember passwords might have had something to do with it.

Just to let you all know, I'm alive and kicking------ making concepts of no particular value----for people I used to know who don't really want them anyway !
Would show you some pictures of the stuff I cobble together, but me and the facts forum are "INCOMPATIBLE", always tells me that the photos are "INVALID"
Thanks Deanne Pruett for getting in touch------my email address is -------jackwilson@macace.net.
If you get in touch, I'll fill you in on the capers you're grand daddy and me used to get up to, Tell grandma Joan I sad hello.

jackie wilson
05-04-2017, 10:47 PM
[attach]61891[/attached ]

Master Oil Racing Team
05-06-2017, 07:57 PM
Glad to see your post's again Jackie. Like very much your English wit style of posts. Reminds me much of talking to my old friend Douglas "Pip" Willey. I have had though the same problem you have with pictures. I have not been able to figure out how to post pictures with this new format. I had a computer friend scan some up for me, and one worked OK. but after that, all went bad. I was able to post some of my Son on the Autograph thread, but they all turned out junk. Since then I have looked at some of my old threads, and every photo is terrible quality. I posted a lot that were not that good of a quality, but they needed to be part of the story, and were good as they helped tell the story. Most of these stories were of other members, and I happened to be able to add some visual to what they were saying. Unfortunately, I have noticed that all of the good photos I have posted have all been junked out. They are not clear and sharp anymore. I don't know how or why. I have not talked to Ron about it. I just got bummed out and quit trying to post pictures. Hope it can get straightened out soon.

jackie wilson
05-07-2017, 12:04 AM
Glad to see your post's again Jackie. Like very much your English wit style of posts. Reminds me much of talking to my old friend Douglas "Pip" Willey. I have had though the same problem you have with pictures. I have not been able to figure out how to post pictures with this new format. I had a computer friend scan some up for me, and one worked OK. but after that, all went bad. I was able to post some of my Son on the Autograph thread, but they all turned out junk. Since then I have looked at some of my old threads, and every photo is terrible quality. I posted a lot that were not that good of a quality, but they needed to be part of the story, and were good as they helped tell the story. Most of these stories were of other members, and I happened to be able to add some visual to what they were saying. Unfortunately, I have noticed that all of the good photos I have posted have all been junked out. They are not clear and sharp anymore. I don't know how or why. I have not talked to Ron about it. I just got bummed out and quit trying to post pictures. Hope it can get straightened out soon.

No two ways about it, it's much easier to post pickies on the "OTHER" site.
Needed a decent picture of Rons HALLETT pickle-------the ones I got came from the facts forum-----lousy quality.
Time to step up to the post Ron !

John Schubert T*A*R*T
05-07-2017, 05:43 AM
No two ways about it, it's much easier to post pickies on the "OTHER" site.
Needed a decent picture of Rons HALLETT pickle-------the ones I got came from the facts forum-----lousy quality.
Time to step up to the post Ron !

here is a newer picture

John Schubert T*A*R*T
05-07-2017, 05:58 AM
Glad to see your post's again Jackie. Like very much your English wit style of posts. Reminds me much of talking to my old friend Douglas "Pip" Willey. I have had though the same problem you have with pictures. I have not been able to figure out how to post pictures with this new format. I had a computer friend scan some up for me, and one worked OK. but after that, all went bad. I was able to post some of my Son on the Autograph thread, but they all turned out junk. Since then I have looked at some of my old threads, and every photo is terrible quality. I posted a lot that were not that good of a quality, but they needed to be part of the story, and were good as they helped tell the story. Most of these stories were of other members, and I happened to be able to add some visual to what they were saying. Unfortunately, I have noticed that all of the good photos I have posted have all been junked out. They are not clear and sharp anymore. I don't know how or why. I have not talked to Ron about it. I just got bummed out and quit trying to post pictures. Hope it can get straightened out soon.
Jackie & Wayne. Here is how to attach pictures. I just did it & know that it works.
After clicking reply to post & posting your message, in the lower right corner click on "GO ADVANCED". On the next page that comes up, scroll down to where there is the option to click on "MANAGE ATTACHMENTS" & click on it. This brings up the option to select pictures that were previously selected to post or to click on "+ ADD FILES" to select new files. In doing this then go to your saved pictures to select what you want to post. Click on "OPEN" then click on "UPLOAD FILES", then click on "SUBMIT REPLY".

05-07-2017, 11:18 AM
here is a newer picture

That's a pretty good picture John.
Have a good day!


jackie wilson
05-07-2017, 11:26 AM
Jackie & Wayne. Here is how to attach pictures. I just did it & know that it works.
After clicking reply to post & posting your message, in the lower right corner click on "GO ADVANCED". On the next page that comes up, scroll down to where there is the option to click on "MANAGE ATTACHMENTS" & click on it. This brings up the option to select pictures that were previously selected to post or to click on "+ ADD FILES" to select new files. In doing this then go to your saved pictures to select what you want to post. Click on "OPEN" then click on "UPLOAD FILES", then click on "SUBMIT REPLY".

Tried like a demented Guipetto for twenty times John-------gets as far as"Upload files"----- gives me the same reply, "UNABLE TO UPLOAD FILE"------I got shedloads of pickies, but am a bit short on patience-------why make things so easy when you can make it so bloody difficult without really trying--------YOUR MOVE !

jackie wilson
05-07-2017, 12:01 PM
here is a newer picture

I bow to your superior ability John------that is simply beautiful !

Master Oil Racing Team
05-07-2017, 02:33 PM
I got the same problem. I can get through everything, but downloading the picture and it tells me it can't. This is the third format change I believe and I have figured all of them but this one out. I think mine may have been too large, but I tried resizing and still have problems. I'll give it another try one of these days. Like Jackie, I ran out of patience. When I get in the right frame of mind, such as when someone wants to see a picture of someone, and no one else can find it, then I will get inspired.

Ron Hill
05-07-2017, 04:47 PM
This was my dad's favorite cartoon. I did some research and found it to be around 70 years old.

OK, posting pictures. There is no new soft ware from VBulletin, Facebook is so easy.

1. Click: Reply to Thread
2. Click: Go Advanced
3. Click: Manage Attachments
4. Click: Add files
5. Click: Basic
6. Click: Chose file
7. Click: Up load

If that doesn't work, send the picture to me and maybe we can figure out why you can't post it.....

Otherwise as the cartoon says, "You had your chance."


Another thing I do, is bring the picture up on the screen, and take a picture of the screen.

jackie wilson
05-07-2017, 11:16 PM
This was my dad's favorite cartoon. I did some research and found it to be around 70 years old.

OK, posting pictures. There is no new soft ware from VBulletin, Facebook is so easy.

1. Click: Reply to Thread
2. Click: Go Advanced
3. Click: Manage Attachments
4. Click: Add files
5. Click: Basic
6. Click: Chose file
7. Click: Up load

If that doesn't work, send the picture to me and maybe we can figure out why you can't post it.....

Otherwise as the cartoon says, "You had your chance."


Another thing I do, is bring the picture up on the screen, and take a picture of the screen.

Just tried another three times-------answer always comes back 1020116 jpg unable to upload file.
There is no number 5. Basic ?

Err, am I missing something here-------if I'm having a problem sending out pictures on Facts Forum----how do I get the pictures to you to sort out the problem. As her who shall be obeyed says "Maybe you're getting past it babe"!
Ok so I'll try bringing up the picture and taking a screenshot, if that don't work I'm getting up and taking a leak.!

jackie wilson
05-08-2017, 11:11 PM
Wayne, I never knew Pip Wiley, got to know quite a few of the Hydro boys. Some of them switched to runabout racing.
London club was all hydro in the early days, same as South Staffs and Oulton Broad and Car Mill.
Knew Paddy Rolfe for many years, he was the Koenig importer------ haven't got the time this morning !

Maybe we both have the same problem-------after " add files" there is no " basic" on my set up--------it goes straight to ""choose file" and then dies. I always blame Ron ( because it's easy ) maybe the problems with our set ups or management system.
Pity really, have a few pickies I would like you to see ( Rudes and unmentionables), maybe one day we'll get it sorted !

John Schubert T*A*R*T
05-09-2017, 06:31 AM
Wayne, I never knew Pip Wiley, got to know quite a few of the Hydro boys. Some of them switched to runabout racing.
London club was all hydro in the early days, same as South Staffs and Oulton Broad and Car Mill.
Knew Paddy Rolfe for many years, he was the Koenig importer------ haven't got the time this morning !

Maybe we both have the same problem-------after " add files" there is no " basic" on my set up--------it goes straight to ""choose file" and then dies. I always blame Ron ( because it's easy ) maybe the problems with our set ups or management system.
Pity really, have a few pickies I would like you to see ( Rudes and unmentionables), maybe one day we'll get it sorted !
I'm going to try again.

It worked, picture of 1971 Paris race leading prior to throwing a rod. I didn'y use the basic button, just "upload files" & "submit reply" & there it was.

jackie wilson
05-10-2017, 02:28 PM
I'm still flogging a dead horse here---------facts forum------any of my hundreds of pictures------totally non compatible, nobody can say I didn't try.
Maybe in a couple of years I'll try again .

Ron Hill
05-10-2017, 02:42 PM
Send me a picture, and let me see IF I can figure out why it won't post. RonHill@HillMarine.Com

jackie wilson
05-10-2017, 10:20 PM
Send me a picture, and let me see IF I can figure out why it won't post.

Ron my friend-------WHERE do I send the picture to ?
Thereby lies the problem !

Try sending them to my email: RonHill@HillMarine.Com

I up loaded the pictures, then used my camera. I think I can save them to my desk top, then post them.

jackie wilson
05-11-2017, 10:53 PM
Ron, looks like there's nothing wrong with my pictures------so wherein doth the fault lie ?

Just tried posting pickies again ! Nothing happened-------even had a geekie whizz kid take a look, says something like "encrypted" -the minute he started talking I was lost------sounded like computer rap to me and I dislike rap intensely!

Be nice to have a normal relationship with facts forum------well, as near as anyone can have"Normal" with me !

05-13-2017, 10:43 PM
Jackie, go online and google, 'free picture sizing'. It will reduce the photo so it can be safely uploaded. Many color pic are way over 1 million pix. Most mail boxes and other sites can only handle less then 5 megs. I hope this makes sence since it has been years since I tried. Even my black and whites loaded easier. Unfortunatly I lost all my pics. Trying to locate all my post and retrieve some. Good luck

jackie wilson
05-14-2017, 12:07 PM
Jackie, go online and google, 'free picture sizing'. It will reduce the photo so it can be safely uploaded. Many color pic are way over 1 million pix. Most mail boxes and other sites can only handle less then 5 megs. I hope this makes sence since it has been years since I tried. Even my black and whites loaded easier. Unfortunatly I lost all my pics. Trying to locate all my post and retrieve some. Good luck

Ill try anything once Alky------im a glutton for punishment and thick as two short planks when it comes
To freakie geeky technology .
All i ever wanted to do was post a piccie of some of the nonsensical stuff i churn out to stop the athritis setting in.

05-15-2017, 03:37 AM
Jackie, I just located the one I used online. It was FREE & SIMPLE. Go to www.picresize.com and follow. When you get to their home page, go to #1 which lets you browse your pc. Generally pics are located inC:\Windows\Pictures. But once you browse, it will bring up whichever picture you select. #2 select size you want. I usually had good luck reducing by 2/3's. Made a sharper pic. #3 save. Make a new folder for your reduced pics. When you have all of the pics you want reduced, then you can send to anyone! Just use the paperclip symbol in your email, browse to your new folder and select the pic you want to send. Just as easy as roping a 460! Well maybe a PR. Have fun.

jackie wilson
05-24-2017, 04:21 AM
Jackie, I just located the one I used online. It was FREE & SIMPLE. Go to www.picresize.com and follow. When you get to their home page, go to #1 which lets you browse your pc. Generally pics are located inC:\Windows\Pictures. But once you browse, it will bring up whichever picture you select. #2 select size you want. I usually had good luck reducing by 2/3's. Made a sharper pic. #3 save. Make a new folder for your reduced pics. When you have all of the pics you want reduced, then you can send to anyone! Just use the paperclip symbol in your email, browse to your new folder and select the pic you want to send. Just as easy as roping a 460! Well maybe a PR. Have fun.

Sorry Alky , guess I'm just a slow learner--------downloaded the app ok ------then it all turned to worms.
Thanks for taking the time out to explain things !

05-24-2017, 05:04 AM
Sorry Alky , guess I'm just a slow learner--------downloaded the app ok ------then it all turned to worms.
Thanks for taking the time out to explain things !
been using it for years

jackie wilson
05-25-2017, 02:03 AM
been using it for years

Ok Pilgrim, that's another useless app I just downloaded---------must be a trick I'm missing out on--------put in a Good word next time you're on there. Sauce for the goose and all that jazz !

05-28-2017, 02:01 AM
Jackie, if I'm reading your reply correctly, it says you downloaded the app. That is a NO-NO! The app I referred you to is an free online app. You just click on what you want to do with the picture. Where it says browse, they want you to point to the folder that has your pictures. Then you click on the pic you want to scale down. I usually divide the total pixels by 3 and take it down by 1/3! then save as and rename it. When you are ready to post it, just attach it from the folder you put it in. Double clicking the renamed picture. It will load (might take a minute or two) then attach.

jackie wilson
05-28-2017, 09:18 AM
Ok Alky-------up to my fetlocks at the minute, then I'm on it !

Ron Hill
05-28-2017, 10:03 AM
My wife has me signed up for iCloud, my phone pictures all go there, then, I down load the picture to my desktop and I can go right to BRF. I took this picture froma picture. This is Fred Hauenstein in the boat, Brad Miller and myself after we won the 1978 Parker 7 Hour Enduro.

jackie wilson
05-28-2017, 11:12 PM
Finally we're getting back to some real boat racing history here.
Haven't heard from young Thiberdeaux for a while, he was the one that introduced me to BRF in the first place.Guess losing his dad Gene didn't help, I was so sorry to learn of his passing, he was a lovely man !
Must be getting on for ten years since we sent the cosworth to the USA . Afraid the progress has been snails pace at best. Excuses ? We've all got those, Finance and time are the commodities most lacking. First and foremost everyone has to make a living and to do that and be successful you need to work long and hard. While you do this with your head down and your arse up, time goes by at a prodigious rate of knots and suddenly it's ten years down the line
Will look into this iCloud deal Ron. Will need the help of my grandkids, I find all this silicone valley technology way above my mental capacity.

Ron Hill
05-29-2017, 09:19 AM
I had just won the John Ward Trophy Race for 500 CC Outboards. This is Valleyfield, Canada. I was driving Harry Bartolomei's equipment. Fred Hauenstein finished second, after breaking the Canadian World Record in the second heat.

jackie wilson
05-29-2017, 10:08 AM
Was there such a thing as a photo taking phone in '67 ?
Loved the atmosphere in Valleyfield, met Joe Gamboni and his family there in '76 ------they put me in with the guppy's, 7 litre inboard hydros! It's where I learned all about being "Hosed Down"-------- came away a hell of a lot smarter than when I landed.
Laudabach gave a little speech ------didn't understand a word he said, he had an accent from one of the outer space planets or was it Louisiana .
Paul Ulrich was there with one of the most beautiful boats on earth-------didn't go worth a flying fart, but looked the part?
Was also the first time I came across the lethal combination of "Flashmans" and brownie cake with the chewy bit in the middle ? Had a strange effect on the unwary mechanic--------like, for no apparent reason my mechanic Chas Shooter suddenly stripped off to stark bollock naked, Carried a push bike up the steps to the top of the water slide and rode it all the way down into the pool. Wound up with half the population of Valleyfield frolicking naked in the pool------great times.

Master Oil Racing Team
05-29-2017, 04:13 PM
I was there in 76 also Jackie. I had half a lap lead in my qualifying heat and coming out of the final turn on the way to the finish the electric fuel pump shut off. Fred Hauenstein, Tim Butts, Jimmy Aderholdt and Dan and Jerry Kirts were there also. It was the John Ward race. Maybe the last one ever held. Jerry Kirts won. I think Fred might have been second. I took a lot of pictures and maybe have one of you if you can give me the boat number. I didn't know any of the inboard guys. I was planning on doing a story for Powerboat and so I asked Lee Hertz to write the story. One of two stories I did for Powerboat where I only supplied the photos. Lee wrote the Region 6 column in the Propeller Magazine and knew the inboard guys, so I figured that was the easiest way to get the story out. I might also have some pics of you at the driver's meeting if you can tell me about where you were seated. Was Paul Ulrich from Switzerland?

jackie wilson
05-29-2017, 11:09 PM
I was there in 76 also Jackie. I had half a lap lead in my qualifying heat and coming out of the final turn on the way to the finish the electric fuel pump shut off. Fred Hauenstein, Tim Butts, Jimmy Aderholdt and Dan and Jerry Kirts were there also. It was the John Ward race. Maybe the last one ever held. Jerry Kirts won. I think Fred might have been second. I took a lot of pictures and maybe have one of you if you can give me the boat number. I didn't know any of the inboard guys. I was planning on doing a story for Powerboat and so I asked Lee Hertz to write the story. One of two stories I did for Powerboat where I only supplied the photos. Lee wrote the Region 6 column in the Propeller Magazine and knew the inboard guys, so I figured that was the easiest way to get the story out. I might also have some pics of you at the driver's meeting if you can tell me about where you were seated. Was Paul Ulrich from Switzerland?,

Don't have a single picture of the little Cosworth in Valleyfield. Can't remember my number.
Canadians refused to recognise the UIM paperwork, I told em it was an outboard but nobody believed me.
Stayed with Jim and Louise Thompson for a couple of weeks--------was the time of the '76 olympics in Montreal.
Was only allowed to run with the 7 litres--------- damned things would go across the start line six abreast, even thought about jumping the gun to avoid those bloody rooster tails---------was rumoured there was a hundred tons of water in the air at any one time in any GP race ! I could take em in the corners but they always managed to pass me on the straights .
Paul Ulrich was from Switzerland---------worlds number one poser-------very wealthy philanthropist-------couldn't drive a babies pram, gave away poster sized pictures of his boat in their thousands---------must have cost $20 each to produce!
Had some wonderful evenings and Barbies with drivers from all over North America and Mexico, Canada and all points of the compass--------we told stories until the early hours of the morning then would go into town for an early breakfast, finally we would sober up and head for some sleep.
Would appear I got to know Jeff Lytle-------wish I could remember !
Fast Freddie must have still been with OMC at that time, so I didn't get to know him until years later.
One last question master oil--------what's your name-------if folk don't give me a name, I tend to give them one, like dingleberry and pilgrim.

John Schubert T*A*R*T
05-30-2017, 06:14 AM

Don't have a single picture of the little Cosworth in Valleyfield. Can't remember my number.
Canadians refused to recognise the UIM paperwork, I told em it was an outboard but nobody believed me.
Stayed with Jim and Louise Thompson for a couple of weeks--------was the time of the '76 olympics in Montreal.
Was only allowed to run with the 7 litres--------- damned things would go across the start line six abreast, even thought about jumping the gun to avoid those bloody rooster tails---------was rumoured there was a hundred tons of water in the air at any one time in any GP race ! I could take em in the corners but they always managed to pass me on the straights .
Paul Ulrich was from Switzerland---------worlds number one poser-------very wealthy philanthropist-------couldn't drive a babies pram, gave away poster sized pictures of his boat in their thousands---------must have cost $20 each to produce!
Had some wonderful evenings and Barbies with drivers from all over North America and Mexico, Canada and all points of the compass--------we told stories until the early hours of the morning then would go into town for an early breakfast, finally we would sober up and head for some sleep.
Would appear I got to know Jeff Lytle-------wish I could remember !
Fast Freddie must have still been with OMC at that time, so I didn't get to know him until years later.
One last question master oil--------what's your name-------if folk don't give me a name, I tend to give them one, like dingleberry and pilgrim.

Master Oil, the Company his father founded & under whose banner he raced is Wayne Baldwin from Alice, TX or at least that was where Master Oil was located.

Sorry Wayne, jumped in as I guess you are busy out in the field. BTW how is Joe doing?

Master Oil Racing Team
05-30-2017, 07:29 AM
Quite all right John, and you are correct mostly. I was born in Alice, Texas Jackie, and we first raced under Alice Specialty, then CB Racing Team, and later and mostly under Master Oil Racing team. Master Oil and Alice Specialty were both located in Alice. We later moved to Corpus Christi, Texas and my Dad EE "Baldy" Baldwin bought 534 acres of land on the lake with a partner to develop a lakeside subdivision. The real reason he was interested in the property was because it was perfect for outboard racing. I still live there and have lived on the lake mostly since 1970. My Dad Baldy was the prime force in getting UIM outboard racing in the U.S. during modern times.

I had seen the gentleman Ulrich in Karlshaven racing on the Weser River in West Germany a few months before Valleyfield. I concluded then that he must be very wealthy and that he was more like a gentleman racer that preferred to be with the racing crowd with an antique hydro than to be competitive.

I am 99.3 percent that I have a picture of your boat. It is a black & white photo so I can't give you the color. Fuel tank cap is about eighteen inches behind the cockpit centered on a white stripe. Looks like a vertical stabilizer on either side of the cockpit on the deck back at the transom. They are about a foot high and three feet long. Number looks like 4, and there is a smaller than regulation British flag at the rear of the starboard stabilizer. Looks like side draft carbs.

And I talked to Joe this morning John, and he is doing very well. His daughter Christi is a very high muckety muck in Texas education and deals everyday with the significant legislation and politics in Texas Education. He was telling me about the ruckus on the floor the other day. She knows all the players, and has had significant impact on what happens to all our school districts, etc.

jackie wilson
05-30-2017, 11:26 AM
Quite all right John, and you are correct mostly. I was born in Alice, Texas Jackie, and we first raced under Alice Specialty, then CB Racing Team, and later and mostly under Master Oil Racing team. Master Oil and Alice Specialty were both located in Alice. We later moved to Corpus Christi, Texas and my Dad EE "Baldy" Baldwin bought 534 acres of land on the lake with a partner to develop a lakeside subdivision. The real reason he was interested in the property was because it was perfect for outboard racing. I still live there and have lived on the lake mostly since 1970. My Dad Baldy was the prime force in getting UIM outboard racing in the U.S. during modern times.

I had seen the gentleman Ulrich in Karlshaven racing on the Weser River in West Germany a few months before Valleyfield. I concluded then that he must be very wealthy and that he was more like a gentleman racer that preferred to be with the racing crowd with an antique hydro than to be competitive.

I am 99.3 percent that I have a picture of your boat. It is a black & white photo so I can't give you the color. Fuel tank cap is about eighteen inches behind the cockpit centered on a white stripe. Looks like a vertical stabilizer on either side of the cockpit on the deck back at the transom. They are about a foot high and three feet long. Number looks like 4, and there is a smaller than regulation British flag at the rear of the starboard stabilizer. Looks like side draft carbs.

And I talked to Joe this morning John, and he is doing very well. His daughter Christi is a very high muckety muck in Texas education and deals everyday with the significant legislation and politics in Texas Education. He was telling me about the ruckus on the floor the other day. She knows all the players, and has had significant impact on what happens to all our school districts, etc.

That's my boat Wayne------you described the Hodges--------there was only one of those ever raced in Valleyfield.

Master Oil Racing Team
05-30-2017, 12:00 PM
Well, maybe that can be my inspiration to figure out how to post pictures again on this website Jackie. I'm not going the cloud route though. I don't understand where the stuff hides out, so I don't trust it. WOW! It worked. This is the contact sheet Jackie. Now I can scan the negative for a better picture. You and your boat are far left 4th frame down.

jackie wilson
05-30-2017, 10:25 PM
Wayne, sorry to tell you, it's not me on the far left (as far as I can tell). It's not the best picky I ever saw ------but keep taking the tablets--------it can only get better-------and thanks a bundle for trying.

Master Oil Racing Team
05-31-2017, 07:15 PM
It's hard to tell who's who Jackie.....especially the frames are so small and you have to cock your head around. I was using this contact sheet merely as a test to see if I could post pictures again. Didn't want to waste my time otherwise. Tomorrow, if I'm here, I will scan the negative and post it where you can really see it.....then tell me who it is racing under the flag of the UK.

jackie wilson
05-31-2017, 10:57 PM
It's hard to tell who's who Jackie.....especially the frames are so small and you have to cock your head around. I was using this contact sheet merely as a test to see if I could post pictures again. Didn't want to waste my time otherwise. Tomorrow, if I'm here, I will scan the negative and post it where you can really see it.....then tell me who it is racing under the flag of the UK.

I don't ever remember any other English men racing at Valleyfield in the Seventies-------I think I would have remembered!
Hydro boys were a different breed to the runabouts, Lowestoft was the only club that ran both, although I'm sure Lancashire and South Staffs will tell you different.
Got to know a lot of the old hydro racers--------Paddy Rolfe, Pip Wiley, Len Melly, Andy Chessman and the likes, great people and all legends in their own time!

jackie wilson
06-01-2017, 02:29 PM
I'm not getting into it with the hydros------I have no knowledge of the sport at all------just some of the characters.
UIM gave the hydros the O classes as their designated race series letters,-----when the runabouts got their knickers in a twist-------they stole the O series. Classic axamples were the Oe---------ON-----and Oz classes, with the OZ being the biggest laugh of all----------it's not a class at all---------it had no beginning ------it had no end.
It was from beginning to infinity 10 CC--------to 1,000,000,1CC. A Runaway class with no control. Run what you brung-------2------4-------6-----8----10------20 engines on the transom-------you could legally run anything in the OZ category!

Master Oil Racing Team
06-02-2017, 06:56 AM
I met Pip Wiley and number of times, and also knew Chris Applebee who broke my old OD Kilo World Record. And am a friend of Mike Ward who is doing a good job of historical info on ALL CLASSES of boat racing.

I went to find my negative from that contact sheet I posted two days ago Jackie, but could not find it. I did not put it back in the proper file. Something in the back of my mind remembered that I probably already posted it before, and that's why it was missing from it's sleeve. I just found it. Check on this same thread on Page 20, post No. 195 on May 27, 2011...almost six years ago to the day. Check it out and tell me if that's not you, who do you think it is?

jackie wilson
06-02-2017, 11:52 AM
Yes the number 4 is one of my 2 litre Hodges Cosworth-------never once stopped during a race!

Master Oil Racing Team
06-02-2017, 07:22 PM
I don't know if you ever looked at my Autograph Collection thread Jackie, but I think there is a lot of people you know, or know of. I would very much like to have you autograph the photo from Valleyfield and return it to me for my collection, which I will post on my thread. That is only part of my proposition. I will send you two copies of that same photo, which you mentioned you had no photos of your race in Valleyfield in 1976, but I would also like two autographed mug shots (or more) of you and your son Mark for my collection. When I started this back in 1979, I didn't know I would be out of racing in two years. Most of my additions have been since I started going to reunions to collect autographs. Since I never met you and Mark personally, I have no pictures other than on the race course at Valleyfield. I always try to get people to autograph the photos I took, but there have been cases where there were none. In that case I ask if there are pictures someone else took that they could make copies of and sign them. If this is something you would might be able to help me with, please PM me your interest and contact information. My books are growing and varied. You and Mark would make a great pair. I'm not going to put these on any market or try to make a personal gain. I have made copies of some for and auction at two DePue Reunions for fund raising, but it was all for preserving the sport. Many of my photos have been put on the internet, but not for my gain. What I want is autographed photos of boat racing from the 60's to the 80's mostly, but I also have gotten a lot from current racers in a popular class in Texas. If you look at my thread you will see that it includes racing officials, pit crew, etc. I have found it is more difficult to do through the mail than when I last walked through the pits in West Berlin to get autographs. But, if you are willing to make a go of it, let me know.

jackie wilson
06-02-2017, 11:33 PM
Wayne, I can still wield a pen. I'll fall in with whatever you want to do. Autographs are free, but I don't know how you would get the rest of the Wilson family.
Nobody ever got all the Wilson racers autographs on one page. If you did, it would read GEORGE, JACK, MARK, SAMMY, CRAIG, KATE. Grandpa George. (my dad) died some twelve years ago so won't be signing anything.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-03-2017, 08:06 PM
Okay, let's do it the easy way. I will send you a couple of photos from Valleyfield so you will have one for your collection. You sign one I sent, and if you happen to have a copy of a mug shot or pit shot of you that you could add, sign that and put it in the envelope. I will send along with the photos a prepaid envelope for you to send the signed photos back to me. All I need is for you to PM me your address, or I think my email is around here somewhere. I have had some trouble with sending stuff to Mike Ward. Be sure to include all the UK address info that I need to send it to, as Pip Wiley would say "from one of the colonials".

jackie wilson
06-03-2017, 10:51 PM
Wayne, honestly , you don't have to send pre paid envelopes, I know we are supposed to be down on our uppers after "Brexit" but I can still afford the price of a stamp.
It happened again in London last night------six people murdered and another thirty injured by crazy Muslim jihadists. I'm beginning to think Trumpy might have gotten it right with his ban muslims.
I used to believe everyone was entitled to their own religion, but not at the expense of killing folk in the name of God!

Master Oil Racing Team
06-04-2017, 07:33 AM
In our own schools over here, they are sympathetic to the muslim community and their religion , while at the same time attacking Christianity. Donald Trump won the Presidency because he spoke against political correctness and is doing what he campaigned upon. Anymore blood spilled over here in attacks can be blamed on liberal judges and Democrats. I don't know why they hate America when it has given them so much.

We are all very sorry for what is happening over there, and hope that maybe this latest attack will cause many of your leaders to understand political correctness and terrorism are the real and current threat to society and not global warming.

06-04-2017, 07:49 AM
Totally agree, Wayne.

Original Looper 1
06-04-2017, 10:07 AM



Always remember Unlimited Money buys Unlimited Bull**** !

jackie wilson
06-04-2017, 02:43 PM
In our own schools over here, they are sympathetic to the muslim community and their religion , while at the same time attacking Christianity. Donald Trump won the Presidency because he spoke against political correctness and is doing what he campaigned upon. Anymore blood spilled over here in attacks can be blamed on liberal judges and Democrats. I don't know why they hate America when it has given them so much.

We are all very sorry for what is happening over there, and hope that maybe this latest attack will cause many of your leaders to understand political correctness and terrorism are the real and current threat to society and not global warming.
I thought I was just a normal Christian-------I believe in God but don't push it at anyone whatever their colour or religion. But, I'm changing-------I cannot agree with this senseless slaughter of innocents! If five men with knives go on a killing spree "In the name of Allah" then they should be put down like the mad dogs they are. Whatever measures are needed to make sure this never happens again. Bugger Political Correctness, let's get back to saying it the way it is without fear of upsetting people who shouldn't be in my country in the first place.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-04-2017, 08:04 PM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning.

jackie wilson
06-04-2017, 11:18 PM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.`````````````````````````````

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning.`````````````````````````
Noel Coward was an English actor, composer, talented------- but gay as a jaybird --------wrote the song "MAD DOGS AND ENGLISHMEN GO OUT IN THE MIDDAY SUN" during a tour of the Far East. Was as far back as 1931.
It's been used in all sorts of shows by various artists from the muppets to Joe Cocker.
Even Roosevelt and Churchill got into it during the war. I think it all stems from the days of the Raj in India !
Your right about getting away from boat racing-------but then , I've always been of the opinion that if you got something to say------say it, don't stew on it and keep it bottled, spit it out and take the hit.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-05-2017, 07:29 AM
That's what makes this thread on of the most interesting Jackie.

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 10:32 AM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning. Joe Cocker lived 10 mins away from me as a kid i saw him perform at a local nightclub called the Penny Farthing when he would have been about 25yrs old. He went by the name of VANCE ARNOLD we all new he would do well.

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 10:38 AM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning. Joe Cocker lived 10 mins away from me as a kid i first saw him perform at a local night club called the PENNY FARTHING he went by the name of VANCE ARNOLD we all thought he would do good.

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 10:43 AM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning. Joe Cocker lived 10 mins away from me as a kid i first saw him perform at a local nightclub called The Penny Farthing he went by the name of Vance Arnold he would have been around 25yrs old at the time we all new he was good.

jackie wilson
06-05-2017, 01:57 PM
That's what makes this thread on of the most interesting Jackie.

Just wish more of the "oldies" would come out with some of yesterday's tales, a lot of them have far more interesting stories than I ever had Wayne.

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 02:45 PM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning.Joe Cocker lived about 10 mins from my house when he was a kid the first time I saw him sing was at a local night club called the Penny Farthing he went by the name of Vance Arnold he would be around 25 yrs old at that time we all thought he would make it big someday.

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 02:53 PM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning.. Joe Cocker lived about 10 mins from my house when he was a kid the first time I saw him sing was at the Penny Farthing nightclub he went by the name of Vance Arnold he would be about 25 yrs old at that time we all thought he would make it someday

Steve Pinson
06-05-2017, 03:00 PM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning.. Joe Cocker lived about 10 mins from my house when he was a kid the first time I saw him sing was at the Penny Farthing nightclub he went by the name of Vance Arnold he would be about 25 yrs old at that time we all new he would make it big someday.

Steve Pinson
06-06-2017, 09:58 AM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning. Joe Cocker lived about 10 mins from me as a kid i first saw him sing at the Penny Farthing nightclub he would be about 25yrs old at the time went by the name of Vance Arnold i always thought he would do good.

jackie wilson
06-06-2017, 11:18 PM
Just wish more of the "oldies" would come out with some of yesterday's tales, a lot of them have far more interesting stories than I ever had Wayne.

Old boat racers are like fish----------they think about it forever before they take the bait!
It will happen, but there's no telling when!

Steve Pinson
06-07-2017, 09:58 AM
Old boat racers are like fish----------they think about it forever before they take the bait!
It will happen, but there's no telling when! When i think back about boat racing with you Jackie and missed opportunities if you had the big Cosworth outfit finished in early 1977 you could have cruised around in the river Thames race and won so easily.

Steve Pinson
06-07-2017, 10:09 AM
Amen Jackie.

I don't like to get off target in a thread, particularly on a hot subject such as this. But this is one of the most interesting threads of all, and has wandered far and wide from its origins, so considering the latest news, it's appropriate. I don't think it would be a good idea to keep this current discussion up, so I want to lighten it up a bit and ask you about this mad dogs comment before we get back into boat racing. Kind of change the subject a little bit.

When I was in college in Central South Texas, I went to as many concerts as possible. My friends and I went to see Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, Dave Mason, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, etc. One time in 1970 we drove down to San Antonio to see the Mad Dogs and Englishman Tour. We had no idea who it was or knew any of the performers. Turned out it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, the fuzzy headed guy with a lisp that announced at Woodstock, etc. It was one of the best concerts we ever saw, but did not know anyone in the group. A documentary was made, which I saw in a theater a couple of years later, and many in the group became famous. Now my question is....what is it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen that caused them to name that tour? I have heard that phrase since then, but I'm unclear as to the underlying meaning. When Joe Cocker was a kid he lived 10 mins away from my house the first time i saw him sing was at the Penny Farthing nightclub he went by the name of Vance Arnold i always thought he would do good.

Steve Pinson
06-07-2017, 10:16 AM
When Joe Cocker was a kid he lived about 10mins from my house the first time i saw him sing was at the Penny Farthing nightclub he went by the name of Vance Arnold i always thought he would do good.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-07-2017, 01:37 PM
When Joe Cocker went by Vance Arnold, did he also move with that same unique style? He is probably the best ever at covering a song and adapting it and making it his own.

Hey guys, How about Rosalind Nott? What was she like? I did a few stories for Powerboat & Waterskiing and wanted to meet her, but never got back to London.

jackie wilson
06-07-2017, 11:18 PM
When Joe Cocker went by Vance Arnold, did he also move with that same unique style? He is probably the best ever at covering a song and adapting it and making it his own.

Hey guys, How about Rosalind Nott? What was she like? I did a few stories for Powerboat & Waterskiing and wanted to meet her, but never got back to London.

There ya go, told you there were folk out there who had more exciting stories to tell than me. Always liked Joe Cocker but never even met him. He was Dave Biers favourite singer!
Roz Knott was one of the all time great female characters in the powerboat racing world with a laugh that was more of a snort than a laugh, but it would light up the room---------she listened to everyone, ------was passionate about powerboat racing! Married the Earl of Normanton ( himself a passionate offshore racer) and became a "Lady". ,
Wayne, if you never met her, you missed a treat---------had mad moments of depression when going for the ladies world water speed record.
Was one of that elite group of powerboat writers who included Ray Bulman, Rod Baverstock and the likes!
Usually gave a fairly accurate account of what was going on on the powerboat scene.
I had a stand at the Brighton Boat Show------Roz turned up with this fat kid-------she asked me what I thought of this Aussie bloke who had just done a new World Water Speed Record of 330 mph ? I just came straight out and told her," that guy has to be off his head--------a bloody lunatic-------and unheard of!
Typical Roz, she turned and said "Jackie--------meet KEN WARBY"

Master Oil Racing Team
06-08-2017, 08:10 PM
That's the kind of stories I'm talking about Jackie. You've already told many that keeps people coming back to this thread.

I actually met Ken Warby myself, but I already knew who he was. Worked out perfectly. We were at the APBA National Convention in Washington, D.C. After the meetings were over everyone went to a hospitality room. It was very small considering the number of people they should have expected. Very noisy, got very hot. Then someone yelled into the doorway "They're going to show who shot JR." Everyone immediately left the room except for Ken Warby and myself. I never watched the show "Dallas" because it was a soap opera with total BS regarding the oil industry. Ken Warby either didn't know about the show or cared less like me. So for nearly an hour we just talked. We talked about other things than his record, but he told me about how he did it on a shoestring and no one ever thought it would happen until it actually did.

I was in London for a week in 1975, and after touring around, I bought a copy of Powerboat & Waterskiing off a rack in London. I still have that issue. I had my first two page spread published by Powerboat out of Van Nuys, California the previous October. I looked inside the front cover and found that Rod Baverstock was the editor, and found the address. I wasn't too far from where it was published, so I thought I would just show up, see if they might me interested in some boat racing stories from the U.S., and try to get something going. The morning I was going to catch a taxi, I had stopped off at a shop around Picadilly Circus. Set my camera bags and cameras on a table and went to get some tea. My back was turned less than thirty seconds, and two of three cameras were going. It was cold, and everyone was covered with coats, jackets, etc. I know people saw it and I asked everyone, but no one even acknowledged me. They just looked away and kept their mouths shut. I went and filed a report with Interpol, but I knew nothing would ever happen, so the rest of the day was very miserable except for a young guy I met from Brighton. He like to gamble and was a fast talker. Took me for about twenty pounds a few pence or pounds at a time betting on how close he could bounce a coin to a stair step, picking cards, etc. He took me to a very nice club, and I lost the rest playing some game of chance, but it wasn't much money. Took me away from my misery and I went back to my room. Never tried to get to the P&W offices after that. Went to West Berlin for a week two days later.

I wish now that I had gotten to meet Rosalind. She came to the U.S. one time and did a story on Billy Seebold's boat factory. She was editor at P&W on all my stories they published, but we never talked or corresponded.

jackie wilson
06-08-2017, 10:35 PM
ROZ also had a number of girls around her who were very good. She delegated well.
Anybody remember Zoe Trumper--------Cees Velden would have remembered her better than most. She did lots of boat racing articles and publications.
Another interesting old fart would be Rod Baverstock, I flew to LA with him , he was covering the OMC record attempt at Lake Havasu--------he never made it, we spent the week in San Bernardino ? But that's another story.
Ray Bulman has had a very interesting life-------he's still staggering around holding up the odd bar or two on the Isle of Wight----------he's had a few interesting rides!

Steve Pinson
06-10-2017, 04:22 AM
When Joe Cocker went by Vance Arnold, did he also move with that same unique style? He is probably the best ever at covering a song and adapting it and making it his own.

Hey guys, How about Rosalind Nott? What was she like? I did a few stories for Powerboat & Waterskiing and wanted to meet her, but never got back to London. Ros Nott I new her but not that well but a very nice lady she went on to marry the Earle of Normanton who was some relation to James Beard they both raced the first Couger picklefork it had V4 OMC Evinrude power that was in the 1970 Paris 6 hr race it was also a stepped hull maybe 3 or 4 inch step the Earl spun it round he only just managed to stay in the boat but damaged his back he never drove a circuit boat after that.62184 This Cougar cat had a powertrim system worked by clutch pedal and master cylinder engineered by Cougar.

jackie wilson
06-10-2017, 07:06 AM
Ros Nott I new her but not that well but a very nice lady she went on to marry the Earle of Normanton who was some relation to James Beard they both raced the first Couger picklefork it had V4 OMC Evinrude power that was in the 1970 Paris 6 hr race it was also a stepped hull maybe 3 or 4 inch step the Earl spun it round he only just managed to stay in the boat but damaged his back he never drove a circuit boat after that.62184 This Cougar cat had a powertrim system worked by clutch pedal and master cylinder engineered by Cougar.

James moved in an entirely different circle to most of us-----I was on a camping holiday in the south of France with my wife and five kids when I first met him. He was there with his brother and Grant Wilson. I had a boat on the back of a Ford transit camper van, was the only way I could carry all the kit that goes with five kids and a wife.
He was a friend of the nobility,but fell out with Prince Charles when he started dating Koo Stark who was the princes girl friend at the time and an absolute drop dead gorgeous female.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-10-2017, 06:37 PM
I remember the story about Koo Stark and think I still have an issue of Time Magazine with her picture and some controversy.

So Jackie and Steve, if I can get this to upload, here is my favorite photo of Rosalind appearing with James Beard. You can read the rest of the story as to why James Beard has his right foot atop the bottle of Long John Scotch whiskey. This is in the June 1978 issue of Powerboat & Waterskiing.

jackie wilson
06-10-2017, 11:20 PM
You can see the mischief in Roz's eyes------I'll bet a pound to a pincha----it was her idea to get James to pose. She was the fun person.
Koo Stark could have made a fortune if she ever told her side of her relationship with Prince Charles-------she never did.
She was stunningly beautiful and allowed a few revealing "Soft Porn" pictures to be taken------Buckingham Palace put the boot in and Charles never had any more to do with her. She was offered big bags of gold to tell all, but never uttered a word about their affair. That's a rare thing these days.
I won the Long JOHN gallon of whisky award------damned if can remember what it was for!
Drank the whisky, refilled the bottle with tea and built it into the bar of the farmhouse we lived in at the time.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-11-2017, 01:09 PM
Here is at least one time you won it. It appears to be for a fine job of chasing Billy Seebold around.

jackie wilson
06-11-2017, 02:34 PM
Here is at least one time you won it. It appears to be for a fine job of chasing Billy Seebold around.

Rest of the boat racing world chased Seebold around Bristol-----------My son Mark finished second behind him on five occasions---------he still says he could have been famous if it wasn't for Seebold!
Billy was the only other person to try the cosworth, Duckworth got to thinking that I wasn't maybe on top of the game any more (I was well over forty at the time) he asked if I would mind if Bill could do a test run, I knew there was no danger of him bending the equipment so I agreed!
He couldn't get it going round any quicker than I did, which kinda put a smirk on my face at the time.
Brett May drove with me at Parker in '78/9 and drove a great race.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-12-2017, 07:08 AM
This must be the time that Ken Warby showed up at the P&W offices that you mentioned earlier Jackie.

Steve Pinson
06-12-2017, 10:43 AM
James moved in an entirely different circle to most of us-----I was on a camping holiday in the south of France with my wife and five kids when I first met him. He was there with his brother and Grant Wilson. I had a boat on the back of a Ford transit camper van, was the only way I could carry all the kit that goes with five kids and a wife.
He was a friend of the nobility,but fell out with Prince Charles when he started dating Koo Stark who was the princes girl friend at the time and an absolute drop dead gorgeous female. Hey Jackie is this a million to one chance i have some pictures of the Earle of Normanton having his accident in the 1970 Paris race driving James Beards stepped Cougar look at his boat in the pits before the race parked next to a yellow inboard boat and look what boat is at the side of his boat when he had his accident looks the same boat to me not bad a 3 mile circuit with 80 boats running.622156221662217

Steve Pinson
06-12-2017, 11:06 AM
James moved in an entirely different circle to most of us-----I was on a camping holiday in the south of France with my wife and five kids when I first met him. He was there with his brother and Grant Wilson. I had a boat on the back of a Ford transit camper van, was the only way I could carry all the kit that goes with five kids and a wife.
He was a friend of the nobility,but fell out with Prince Charles when he started dating Koo Stark who was the princes girl friend at the time and an absolute drop dead gorgeous female. Hey Jackie i have managed to find some pictures of the Earle of Normaton driving James Beards Cougar in the 1970 Paris 6hr race look at the Cougar boat parked in the pits before the race it has a yellow inboard parked next to it.In the race looks like the same inboard boat is at the side of him when he has his accident.Whats the odds over 80 boats on a 3 mile circuit ?622186221962220

Steve Pinson
06-12-2017, 11:21 AM
James moved in an entirely different circle to most of us-----I was on a camping holiday in the south of France with my wife and five kids when I first met him. He was there with his brother and Grant Wilson. I had a boat on the back of a Ford transit camper van, was the only way I could carry all the kit that goes with five kids and a wife.
He was a friend of the nobility,but fell out with Prince Charles when he started dating Koo Stark who was the princes girl friend at the time and an absolute drop dead gorgeous female. Hey Jackie whats the odds of this i have found pictures of the Earle of Normanton driving James Beards Cougar when he had his accident look at the 1st picture in the pits you can see a yellow inboard boat parked next to the Cougar the next picture the yellow inboard is at the side of him whats the odds 80 boats on a 3 mile circuit?.6222162222

jackie wilson
06-13-2017, 10:31 PM
Swedes, French and Italians always seemed to run inboards. Always sounded like they were running fifty miles an hour faster than they actually were. Sopwith and Shead ran a huge Souter with a Volvo-------damned thing just refused to go round corners and wound up on the bank several times.
Americans turned up with with a super/turbo inboard-------might have been the V8 Rover----- but it's all a long time ago.
Earl of Normanton was hurt bad in that accident, I was there but didn't see it. That boat just never looked right!
I was standing on the bridge when "Humming Bird" did its famous submarine act--------must have gone fifty yards underwater before it broke water again!
There has been some weird and wonderful creations entered in the Paris race. The Spaniards turned up with a "BATWING" that was ten miles an hour quicker than anything else--------was miles in front at the fourth hour-------forget what happened to it, but it finished second--------nobody remembers second !

jackie wilson
06-16-2017, 11:40 PM
Ron, did you ever think to tell your readers it's ok to actually reply to some of these threads ?
There's a distinct lack of communication out there ! Lord knows they all have shed loads of nonsense to shout about when they meet up, and I doubt they're all totally illiterate !
Even Tim Thib. Keeps quiet these days !

Ron Hill
06-17-2017, 10:23 AM
Jackie, I really don't know for sure why more people don't post. At any given moment, there are at least 50 people viewing the web site. I don't know if people are too busy to post, not interested or what. I don't feel BRF's members have ever been "MEAN" or "DEMEANING" to any posters.

I've had quiet a few people ask me about new pass words, I've set them up with new pass words, but never seem to see any of their posts.

I have BRF on Facebook and get about three new members a day there, but no real posting.

I've posted many pictures of Facebook from BRF, and I'll get over 100 likes, but not any posts on BRF.

I used to send a newsletter out, maybe I should do that more often and ask people to post.

Master Oil Racing Team
06-17-2017, 12:07 PM
Ron, when Joe Rome first saw Boatracingfacts, he call me up and said "Wayne...I just found this new website that Ron Hill started. You got to take a look at it." So I did and called him back. Joe asked, " You know Ron Hill don't you?" and I told him I did, but it's been many, many years since I've seen him". Joe said "Let's sign up then get together to figure out how to post something. Do you know how"? I told Joe "I have no clue." BRF was brand new then....maybe a month or six weeks old. Joe said "Let's both read it a little bit, then you call Ron to find out how, then we can try to post something". I waited several days for Joe to call back, and being on the shy side and not knowing if Ron would even remember me, I didn't call. I didn't wait anymore for Joe except I was not sure about what to do. Then I went on another website, Hydroracer, and found my mechanic Jack Chance's grandson Eddie had posted about me. I figured out how to answer his post, so my first two posts ever were on Hydroracer. I went back to BRF and joined, then did my first post. I called up Joe and told him.

I didn't know much about computers at all then. I had no clue about scanning, sizing, or even what jpeg, PDF or any of that was. I was so fascinated about BRF and the opportunity to add to boating history with my photos that I started learning all that stuff. I know of several other boat racers that had to learn computers themselves, but none of them have ever posted anything. Joe does from time to time, but he types very slow, so his posts are short.

I think Jackie a lot of it is people unsure how to jump in to post stories and pictures, and maybe some like Joe that don't type much. I have had several people send me photos and information for me to post and I know a lot of them have sent stuff for Ron to post, but don't want to do it themselves or know how. And then there are some people who think they don't have anything interesting to post. You have said that about yourself, but contrary to that, I have pointed out to you that your posts are indeed interesting. Look at how this thread has grown. We just have to keep pushing people to tell their stories. Just like a few posts before, Steve got interested in the stories about Rosalind Nott and ended up finding pictures of the Earl of Normanton.

jackie wilson
06-17-2017, 11:59 PM
I'm with you Wayne------I don't know HOW to make it easy for folk to post, comment, start a thread, reply to a thread without the dreaded and never remembered password. I do know there are a whole lot more racers-----ex racers , mechanics, spectators, enthusiasts who all have tales to tell ! Clever bit is getting em to post the tales!

Master Oil Racing Team
06-18-2017, 07:47 AM
That's exactly right Jackie. One of my best friends and partner who helped guide me in my early racing is Clayton Elmer. He has millions of tales, but has never posted anything. Some years back Billy Seebold was at Highlands, Texas with his Son Tim who was racing. Joe Rome spotted Billy and went up to talk to him. He told Joe "I don't have to do anything here, let's go sit down and talk." And so they did. They sat in the shade on a grass hill to watch the races and talked between races. There were a couple of other retired racers sitting with them in the bull session. About two hours later, between races, a nearby spectator butted in. He said "Did you guys do all that stuff? Sitting next to you guys and listening to your stories is as good at watching the races."

There are some like Miss BK who had many great stories, but for some reason moved on a few years back. But I'm afraid that so many who can tell a good tale are just not able to write it down. I think they could if they tried, but probably don't feel comfortable to give it a try.

Ron Hill
06-18-2017, 06:17 PM
I have learned to re set passwords in ABOUT 30 SECONDS. So far I have re set five passwords and still didn't get any posts.

We have to have passwords and we have to OK new members or we get about 4,000 new "BOTS" a day.

You look at the 1973 Propeller magazine and you realize there was a lot of boat racing going on!

jackie wilson
06-19-2017, 09:40 AM
I have learned to re set passwords in ABOUT 30 SECONDS. So far I have re set five passwords and still didn't get any posts.
We have to have passwords and we have to OK new members or we get about 4,000 new "BOTS" a day.

You look at the 1973 Propeller magazine and you realize there was a lot of boat racing going on!
Takes me less time than that to forget a password------there are sites that tell me my password has already been taken, which is a load of old cobblers----- nobody in their right mind would pick my password.

jackie wilson
07-26-2017, 02:29 PM
Hells teeth Ron------dead lice are dropping of the site-------is there anyone left alive out there?
I read that a couple of the old farts cashed in, but surely there's a couple of live ones left out there!

Ron Hill
07-26-2017, 10:40 PM
John Rinker, brother Jerry still races Tri Hulls at 73 year old, Dick O'Dea...Me, Fred Hauenstein is still racing. Jimbo and Cathy are living in Needles. I was in Needles last weekend....

jackie wilson
07-26-2017, 11:05 PM
John Rinker, brother Jerry still races Tri Hulls at 73 year old, Dick O'Dea...Me, Fred Hauenstein is still racing. Jimbo and Cathy are living in Needles. I was in Needles last weekend....
Just nice to know there's life out there somewhere-----my son Mark came across Jimbo a few years back when he was teaching a youngster how to go racing------last time I saw him was at the OMC shrimp bake in Havasu in 1971. Last time I saw Fred was at one of the FONDA races in the 80/s, ( wonder if he's still got the five o'clock shadow)
Guess our paths haven't crossed since the early 70/s Ron .
Ted May always looked to have a sour face but once you spoke to him turned out to be very affable.
There are some great characters still turn up at the OFF meetings in Tavares-----you should at least give it a try Ron!

John Schubert T*A*R*T
07-27-2017, 06:42 AM
John Rinker, brother Jerry still races Tri Hulls at 73 year old, Dick O'Dea...Me, Fred Hauenstein is still racing. Jimbo and Cathy are living in Needles. I was in Needles last weekend....
Geez Ron, what about me?

07-27-2017, 02:21 PM
Geez Ron, what about me?

John----ME TOO

We just lay in the WEEDS sleeping till something like this post pops up. DePue pro [title series] nats this weekend. Havn't got enough boat racers to put on a race so get 2 sanctioning bodies, cut everything in half and wonder why we can't fill the field.

John you at DePue? Keep us informed.


John Schubert T*A*R*T
07-27-2017, 05:47 PM
John----ME TOO

We just lay in the WEEDS sleeping till something like this post pops up. DePue pro [title series] nats this weekend. Havn't got enough boat racers to put on a race so get 2 sanctioning bodies, cut everything in half and wonder why we can't fill the field.

John you at DePue? Keep us informed.

Bruce, I'll be there Sat & Sunday

jackie wilson
07-27-2017, 10:59 PM
Bruce, I'll be there Sat & Sunday

You see Ron------All it takes is a nudge and all the bugs come to life !
Heard about DePue most of my life------always thought I might go one day, but I think I missed the boat ------so to speak!

07-28-2017, 12:14 PM
You see Ron------All it takes is a nudge and all the bugs come to life !
Heard about DePue most of my life------always thought I might go one day, but I think I missed the boat ------so to speak!

In 1965 I was working at OMC for "LEAKY JACK". There were only 3 tech's in the race group-Mouse, Ray and Me[Bruce]. I lasted till '68. Jack made the mistake of telling me if I wanted to see a real race go to the ALKY nationals at DePue. We got the racing bug and never found a cure! I quit the race team at OMC in'68 so I could do my own thing. Had a lot of fun thru the years and met a lot of great people. Do think I'm cured now but no guarantee.


jackie wilson
07-28-2017, 10:44 PM
In 1965 I was working at OMC for "LEAKY JACK". There were only 3 tech's in the race group-Mouse, Ray and Me[Bruce]. I lasted till '68. Jack made the mistake of telling me if I wanted to see a real race go to the ALKY nationals at DePue. We got the racing bug and never found a cure! I quit the race team at OMC in'68 so I could do my own thing. Had a lot of fun thru the years and met a lot of great people. Do think I'm cured now but no guarantee.


Je concur Bruce-------unfortunately for those that get bitten by the boat bug, it's incurable------worse than tabacco------or the hard stuff!
Good part is you get to die happy ( so I'm led to believe) after making a shed load of lifelong friends along the way!

Master Oil Racing Team
07-29-2017, 08:24 PM
Hey Jackie...You been jacking up a bunch of old timers lately as to where they've been. You were gone for two years. Glad you're back. Glad you are pushing. It's been a good run to hear from folks. But you need to PM me or send me an email so I can send you the photos for you to sign for my autograph collection. Then I will post them here and maybe cause more old timers to chime in.

jackie wilson
07-30-2017, 01:21 AM
Hey Jackie...You been jacking up a bunch of old timers lately as to where they've been. You were gone for two years. Glad you're back. Glad you are pushing. It's been a good run to hear from folks. But you need to PM me or send me an email so I can send you the photos for you to sign for my autograph collection. Then I will post them here and maybe cause more old timers to chime in.

Now you know as well as I do, old gits are low on patience-----tried to log into this site but it kept spitting me back out-----so for two years I couldn't be arsed with it.
With a bit of help from Ron and a bunch of "Tolerance" from me-----common sense prevailed and I'm back stirring the pot!

Email address is ; jackwilson@macace.net

Why the hell you want my autograph remains an enigma------it's not even valid on a cheque any more !

jackie wilson
08-02-2017, 12:51 AM
Ron, I have to ask------have any of the old farts got any red fluid running through their veins?
Seems like most of em are armchair jockeys these days!

jackie wilson
08-18-2017, 01:04 AM
Well, it's as I suspected, most old farts are dead from the dick downwards------Wayne went to sleep and I never heard from him again------do all race boat heads require some "Ginger up their bum". ? Just asking.

jackie wilson
08-24-2017, 11:06 PM
Wayne (Master oil) by the time I get a PM from you, hell will have frozzed over and the pope will have become "Protestant".

Master Oil Racing Team
08-25-2017, 02:42 PM
Gotta get through this hurricane first Jackie. My computer's been acting up again, and it was in Corpus Christi for a week or so.

jackie wilson
08-25-2017, 11:26 PM
Gotta get through this hurricane first Jackie. My computer's been acting up again, and it was in Corpus Christi for a week or so.
C'mon Wayne, since when did a little old "Blowjob" worry folk in Texas? ------but having said that, I must confess this latest palm bender does appear to be a tad bad tempered
As for your dot-dot--------you shoulda bought an Apple.
I bought one in the days of steam power twenty years ago-------one of my sixteen year old great grandkids still gets me out of trouble with the damn thing.
I still write letters with one of those New dangled ball point pen things to folk I care about.

Ron Hill
08-26-2017, 07:37 PM
Wayne keep us up dated, please.

We in California got no idea what weather is.

My dad, George Klous and me WERE HAVING BREAKFAST IN GALVESTON, 1970. The cook was turning the pork chops over with his fingers, my dad thought that was cool, I wasn't sure.

As we sat in this little cafe, we could see about three blocks of vacant land, but we could also see light poles bent over even with the ground. I said to the cook/owner of the cafe, why did they make those light poles, all bolted down and bent over?

He just looked at me and said, "Ever hear of a hurricane?"

Wow, for a Californian, I was in shock!

Master Oil Racing Team
08-27-2017, 08:06 PM
I didn't buy an Apple Jackie because I heard it's the best for security, but hard to learn to use. How was it you figured it out?:D Anyway, We're done I think with the wind part. But it's been circling back toward us tonight, and should head more eastward and skirt the gulf up toward Houston. We were without power for eighteen hours. Got it back a couple of hours ago. Houston is getting it bad. We lucked out because Harvey made a northwesterly turn toward the end and went in about thirty miles above Corpus Christi, and thus missed a direct hit on us by about 60 miles. The southerly part of the circle is the least threatening. Joe Rome is in the worst part now. Houston area was hit with a lot of water, which is in the Northeastern, North and Northwestern part of a hurricane. They got it bad when it came ashore, and now that it is doing an end around down here, it is headed back up toward Houston, Beaumont, Lake Charles, etc.

jackie wilson
08-27-2017, 11:17 PM
Mark patched me in to the weather forecast on "Facetime" last night Wayne, watched the shocking plight of Texas----27" of rain already, with another 33" predicted-------until you've been in that situation, nobody can begin to imagine just how bad things are.
At least there's help coming-------Trump stood up and was counted, called in the national guard with a promise of all the help needed-------finally you got a decision maker instead of a ditherer ( aka New Orleans).

Master Oil Racing Team
08-29-2017, 07:32 PM
You're right Jackie, we have a leader now, and not someone who says he is "leading from behind" whatever the he11 that means.

jackie wilson
08-30-2017, 10:20 PM
You're right Jackie, we have a leader now, and not someone who says he is "leading from behind" whatever the he11 that means.
Surely not a shirt lifter Wayne ?

Master Oil Racing Team
08-31-2017, 07:13 PM
You're thinking of the President BEFORE George Bush II Jackie. I think that president would have switched to the Republican party if he thought Sara Palin would have been his vice president.

Would love to hear what Maggie Thatcher's response would have been to our "dear past president's 'threats' to our enemy's to 'cut it out'" !

I'm going to e mail you about how to get this autograph from you. Got an idea.

jackie wilson
08-31-2017, 10:38 PM
You're thinking of the President BEFORE George Bush II Jackie. I think that president would have switched to the Republican party if he thought Sara Palin would have been his vice president.

Would love to hear what Maggie Thatcher's response would have been to our "dear past president's 'threats' to our enemy's to 'cut it out'" !

I'm going to e mail you about how to get this autograph from you. Got an idea.

Is it one like Michael Caine had in "The Italian Job" ?

Master Oil Racing Team
09-02-2017, 07:31 PM
Don't know about "The Italian Job" Jackie. Don't watch many movies.

I emailed you, but couldn't come up with the good pic I wanted so I cancelled the email. Found the contact sheet that was so obscured you couldn't recognize yourself. I will have to rescan the negative so I can send it to you for you to sign.

I will email you my idea after I get the negative scanned.

jackie wilson
09-02-2017, 11:24 PM
Don't know about "The Italian Job" Jackie. Don't watch many movies.

I emailed you, but couldn't come up with the good pic I wanted so I cancelled the email. Found the contact sheet that was so obscured you couldn't recognize yourself. I will have to rescan the negative so I can send it to you for you to sign.

I will email you my idea after I get the negative scanned.

Jesus wept Wayne, what are you trying to prove here ?
Remember those little things called "letter boxes" -------I presume they still got em down the post office ! You know the things I mean. Those are the means of communication that will still be left, long after "Cyberspace" has imploded and destroyed itself. Send me a piccy, (I believe it's still called US MAIL ) I'll sign it and send it back via the GPO-------I know it takes a little longer, but what the hell, even pony express could have delivered in the time we've been talking about it.
So much for the dot-dot-------it obviously is not the answer to "EVERYTHING".------ it never ever cooked me a full English breakfast.

jackie wilson
09-02-2017, 11:27 PM
Oh yes, and another thing Wayne, if you never saw Michael Caine in "THE ITALIAN JOB" ---------you got some serious omissions in your life.

jackie wilson
10-31-2017, 04:12 AM
Does anyone out there know what happened to a black "tunnel"boat with a couple of outriggers and a nasty looking V 8 Rude on it, based in Stuart Fl. I've seen a couple of vids on this machine, travelling at low speeds. Must be over a year ago now-------- just wondered if any of the facts forum boys had seen it, or knew what was happening with it!

Mike Ward
05-09-2018, 09:04 AM
Jackie - is this you ? If so, why the unusual race number and year.


01-06-2024, 12:48 AM
I don't have time, right now, working to props like crazy, and tomorrow working on the web page problems...

But, Jimbo and I talked to Karon May, Brett's sister, Sunday...and we promised to get together and talk... https://eldfall-chronicles.com/product-category/miniatures/class/mage/

I'll tell about the time Brett fell off Lee Holden's trailer and Lee ran over him.... https://www.viberate.com/music-analytics/stats-for-spotify/

Only picture I ever saw of the Cosworth on the water...We'll get these pictures back to normal, maybe...tomorrow...

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate with work and other commitments. It's great that you're planning to connect with Karon May and share stories. The tale of Brett falling off Lee Holden's trailer and the unique image of the Cosworth on the water sound like interesting stories worth sharing.