View Full Version : Help me identify this boat...Please!

11-28-2007, 05:33 PM
Can anyone give me any info on this boat. It is an STV tunnel with a 115 short shaft merc on it. It has Nydahl steering and through transom trim. I have had the boat for quite a while and totally refurbished it. I have looked all over the internet and talked to numerous people about it but have had no luck finding any information. I live in central texas and unfortunately boat racing isn't that popular here.
I know it was raced by Micheal Schubert in 1/4 mile drags, but thats about it. The friend whom i bought it from has died and i don't know anyone else who races boats. Some things I would like to know would be: How many of these hulls were made? What class were they specifically built for? Which years were the hulls made? What is the boat's value? etc....Any help would be greatly appreciated.



11-28-2007, 09:30 PM
That doesn't look like an STV, but I don't know every boat ever made under that name. Try stvowners.com

11-28-2007, 10:27 PM
It's an STV but it looks like the one built for SST 60 class.
Mark N

11-29-2007, 12:25 PM
I don't know exactly what it is but I saw one run in V4 comp at the drag races one time and it hauled azz!!:D

Sorry I wasn't much help. COOL boat anyway!

Miss BK
11-29-2007, 04:08 PM
Didn't STV call them "Scorpions"? Or was that just their SST45 version?
I don't think I ever saw a SST-60 version of the Scorpion in person.

Tim - there are several Mirage Cheetah's (built for SST60) that ran V4 Comp at the drags. A few are still running today

11-30-2007, 04:30 PM
hey...thanks for the information so far...I went on STVowners.com and found some pics of an STV scorpion & concluded that's what the boat is. The thread on STVowners.com said that STV made only about 20 of these hulls around 1992. Still don't know what it's worth though. I am going to run it on a local lake on monday morning and see what she'll do!!! I will try to post the results and possibly a video on this thread afterwards.

Thanks for the help...any further information is greatly appreciated also


12-01-2007, 01:03 AM
Didn't STV call them "Scorpions"? Or was that just their SST45 version?
I don't think I ever saw a SST-60 version of the Scorpion in person.

Tim - there are several Mirage Cheetah's (built for SST60) that ran V4 Comp at the drags. A few are still running todayVal, those are more than likely what I'm thinking about. Seems like to me the capsule was a bit different! I know the SST 60 Brad built for uncle Robin was the FASTEST thing in the country for a couple years!!;)

Miss BK
12-01-2007, 07:29 AM
Val, those are more than likely what I'm thinking about. Seems like to me the capsule was a bit different! I know the SST 60 Brad built for uncle Robin was the FASTEST thing in the country for a couple years!!;)

Hi Tim,
There were a few non-capsule Cheetah's built specially for V4 drag racing. Back then, they had to have a pod attached to the tunnel bottom to meet the rule requirements (no true tunnels allowed). The v-bottom V4 guys weren't happy at all when the first guy showed up with one! :eek: :D On those, the capsule top & sides were cut way back so the driver was not enclosed - and no kevlar/carbon used for the cockpit - just paper thin glass for safety. The boats were extremely light (to be used as 1/4 mile drag racers only) and they couldn't be beat. (Some are still top contenders today more than 15 years later). Maybe that's what you saw?

01-10-2008, 01:39 PM
I think this was/is? Eric Saloom's STV Scorpion. I don't remember is STV built these for SST60 or SST45, I know they were 12ft.

06-23-2008, 11:41 AM
where can i get one?

06-23-2008, 12:33 PM
I will sell this one for $5000.00 cash, e-mail me at jb1440@txstate.edu if you are interested.


06-23-2008, 12:36 PM

08-23-2008, 05:05 PM
i would if i had the money.