View Full Version : yamato 80

01-02-2008, 01:51 AM
want to test run yamato 80
on side of exhaust leg there is a brass bolt .

i have removed bolt,
and blown air into
the rubber hose , (water returning from head)
i hear and feel air coming from hole where bolt was.
is this where i can hook up a hose into leg to a
constant running water source,in order to run motor
when not on boat?
i asking because i dont know

thank you ralph simmons

Ron Hill
01-02-2008, 09:47 AM
The brass plug was designed to "FLUSHOUT" the motor after salt water use. You can use it to runa test wheel (with a water pump) or to run the motor on land.

Ted May hooked up a water pick up on the bottom on Don Johnson and Eric Nordskog's 20 SS Hydro once...Ted had the hose go right from the pick up to that hole...They were very fast, but SOMEBODY by the name of Russ Hill DQ'd them!!!

Baasically, the hole is connected to the water camber...