View Full Version : Greg Foster: Crane Rental Service

Ron Hill
01-07-2009, 09:58 AM
This web page is sometimes hard to find things....I did a search for Greg Foster and 15 things come up...

Greg should have his own thread...

Greg is truly a great person...when he raced Formula One Tunnels they called him "MADMAN ACROSS THE WATER" which he was...

Now, he offroad races, works in the FAMILY business called Crane Rental and owns Crane Rental of Lake Havasu City, AZ.

Greg has handled being a NEWPORT BEACH KID very well...better than i would be able to handle it.

Anyway, Greg and I are friends and the last month he called me, he was in Kingsburg and wondered if Fred Hauenstein was in town, Greg was on the way to his daughter's Cross Country meet, the California State Championships..I told Greg Fred had been in town but was back in WESTCONSIN....

On MOnday after that weekend, I read the results of the state's meet. It said top ten girls, and list 6.....I looked through the paper and could not find 7-10. So, about two days later, I called Greg and said, "What's the dang deal?" He kind of said...Hmmmm. Staci Foster had finished 7th in the state and her team almost won the meet, but the paper didn't cover that part...

So, about a week ago, I see ALL CIF listing in the paper and see Staci Foster listed as ALL CIF...

Congratulations Sherry and Greg...You've got yourself another "RACER"...

01-07-2009, 12:01 PM
have known greg for 20 years and have used crane rental when I was with orange co. public works. great racer but more importantly both greg and his dad are great people and treat their customers very well. Congratulations to staci on all her accomplishments Orange Lutheran High is one of the best in Orange County. Bill Reiter sr.

Ron Hill
05-30-2009, 05:09 PM
Greg and I attended Chet Herbert's Services the other day. While we were there Greg told me he'd had a SECOND heart attack. Seems he'd quit taking his medicine (doctor told him it was OK) but something plugged his stink in his heart....Of course he was racing Go Karts at the time....Anyway, while he was in the hospital getting a new stink which the doctor says will be good if he keeps taking his medicine...While he was getting ready to leave the emergency room his daughter came in. She had fallen in a Cross Country Race and spiked herself bad enough to need stitches. The good news was she got up in time to STILL win the race.

Greg is taking 8 girls to Clovis next Thursday for the State Championship....

Last week I call Greg and ask if he could put an air conditioner on my shop's roof...He said, "Sure when do you want it?" The guy stops what he doing and drives frigging GIANT Crane Rental Crane to my shop, drops the air conditioner on the roof, climbs up the hoist arm and unhooks the air conditioner and leaves....Is there any wonder h this guy has heart attacks...

He has his sights on an Unlimited Hydroplane ride....keep an eye out...

Congratulations to Staci Foster on being athlete of the week in the Orange County Register Newspaper 5/09

Ron Hill
05-18-2012, 03:13 PM

I just got this in an email. I called Greg, and he didn't answer. I'm not sure it Greg was driving this crane or not. I do know that Greg runs the yard at his family's business.


GREG JUST CALLED, HE DIDN'T TIP THIS THING OVER. HIS DRIVER DID and HE IS OK........More the a half million damage, though. It was the second largest crane they owned.

05-23-2012, 05:37 PM

I just got this in an email. I called Greg, and he didn't answer. I'm not sure it Greg was driving this crane or not. I do know that Greg runs the yard at his family's business.


GREG JUST CALLED, HE DIDN'T TIP THIS THING OVER. HIS DRIVER DID and HE IS OK........More the a half million damage, though. It was the second largest crane they owned.

Hopefully last Sunday Greg driving a midget focus car help with any stress from this......was a site to see for sure and glad no one was injured!!

Thanks for the OC Register link Ron.....was interesting!

Ron Hill
04-10-2013, 02:08 PM
Foster at the Mint 400 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IInTkubsoJU&sns=em

Walt Yarborough always called Greg "The Madman across the water". I think we need to add to that and say and on lan.