View Full Version : what happens to some grant tank-towers

06-17-2009, 05:12 PM
hi all,

had to share this with you. i made contact with a gentleman who raced loopers back in the day. as we chatted i found out that the only part of the looper he had left was the grant tower. that tower was the coolest looking tower ever. the bayer tank tower is second. anyhow i asked him if he wanted to sell it, but he said no it had too much sentimental value to him and besides it was on his back deck. he turned it into a planter! as soon as i can get the picture scanned in i'll post it. hmmmm flowers or a nice d powerhead...... i would have voted for the powerhead.

so my seach continues for a grant tower without flowers. anyone know af any? i have just the d looper block to sit on top of it.


Allen J. Lang
06-18-2009, 12:14 PM
Met Marshall at the NOA nationals in Jonesboro,Georgia in 1964. He showed me the runabout and hydro models. Was going to buy one for a D Looper, but, let someone talk me out of it. Big mistake. The stick housing used CRACKED.
Ye Olde Desert Geezer Al :cool:

Don Muncie
06-23-2009, 05:46 AM
These were more stuff that I didn't know existed until just a few years ago. I was lucky enought to find one from Ted Miller. Ted turned me onto a guy in S. Cal. who had it and two 44F loopers (Thanks Dean) The Grant supports Larry Latta's C Looper which sits on Larry Darneille's 10'2" offset.

What I didn't know is and have to ask, Was there really two different Grant tanks, one for hydro's and one for runnabout's? How can you tell them apart?

Thanks Guys

Don Muncie