View Full Version : Charley Bradley

06-23-2009, 05:43 PM
Talk about a blast from the past, Charley Bradly showed up at my SCUBA dive business today. Although we were very busy I took the time to talk with Harry. Talk about an encyclopedia of information!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He brought back many memories of my younger years. Peole I knew and people I should have known. Harry, if you are reading this it was definately my pleasure11111111111111111111111111

06-24-2009, 01:19 PM
Good to see you, too, Charlie. It was nice to talk with someone who was around back in the good old days of racing locally. All the big names of our region returned in our conversation..........Jim Stone, John Dressel, Harry Pinner (now a REALLY CLOSE local guy in our area), Dave Rawson, and of course Ralph Donald. Charlie, it was a pleasure and I hope to see you again. (And by the way.........you kept calling me Harry I think because my hair has gotten long again......'Hairy') Ask Alan Ishii about that............good story.

06-25-2009, 04:25 AM
Sorry for calling you Harry so much. I have a friend of the past 15 years whose name is Harry Bradley. He is orginally from Deland. Force of habit I guess.


Gene East
06-25-2009, 06:16 PM
Talk about a blast from the past, Charley Bradly showed up at my SCUBA dive business today. Although we were very busy I took the time to talk with Harry. Talk about an encyclopedia of information!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He brought back many memories of my younger years. Peole I knew and people I should have known. Harry, if you are reading this it was definately my pleasure11111111111111111111111111

I see you and Charley "Harry" live in the same town. If he ever invites you over for grilled alligator, BE THERE!!

Not only is he a great guy with an incredible knowlege of racing history, he's also pretty good on a grill!

06-26-2009, 08:59 AM
I get lucky every now and then with a good piece of Gator. Working on some gator jerky for Bruce Summers. Haven't had the best results but will keep going until I get it right. We have to schedule something up there for DePue as the last batch was spur of the moment...............Better next time.

06-26-2009, 06:42 PM
I get lucky every now and then with a good piece of Gator. Working on some gator jerky for Bruce Summers. Haven't had the best results but will keep going until I get it right. We have to schedule something up there for DePue as the last batch was spur of the moment...............Better next time.


Glad to hear you're still working on it. The keys on the keyboard are sticking from me drooling just thinking about it. I know I'll have to fight Gene[a loosing battle] for first place in the line. If you need help let me know and I could bring my heavy artillery and we'll get some PRIME GATOR!

Can't wait,


Gene East
06-27-2009, 08:21 PM

Glad to hear you're still working on it. The keys on the keyboard are sticking from me drooling just thinking about it. I know I'll have to fight Gene[a loosing battle] for first place in the line. If you need help let me know and I could bring my heavy artillery and we'll get some PRIME GATOR!

Can't wait,


Bruce you know I don't eat much, but I just had to let you and everyone who has ever been to the "River House" in Quincy, know the former owners Jim and Sabina Cottrell have opened a new place , called Jimbeana's.

Not as large as the River House, but the same menu.

I ate the first catfish sold in the new place. I wonder if they put my dollar on the wall.

See you at DePue, and I MIGHT leave you some of Charley's gator!