View Full Version : Big Welcome to the fastest man on water !!!!

05-19-2005, 08:01 PM
Welcome Ken Warby !!

Master Oil Racing Team
05-19-2005, 08:24 PM
Welcome Ken Warby! I Always remember the (down)underdog who critics said couldn't break the water speed record. I know you don't remember me, but I had a good long talk with you in Washington DC at the national APBA Convention. (1978-1980?). It was the day when the whole nation found out who shot JR. I never watched Dallas, it was a bunch of BS. The oilfield is not like that.

Anyway, after the meetings were over everyone convened to the party rooms. your World Speed record was a hot topic. The room was elbows to elbows when someone announced "Dallas" was coming on. The room cleared and we were about the only ones left. Never forget that night. Welcome and tell us what's up with the latest attempt.

Miss BK
05-19-2005, 08:38 PM
Glad you found it Ken!

This is a fun place. Great history too

And you'll find shots of LT's flying chicken right over here: ;)

07-15-2005, 07:00 PM
Thought I would stick a few Ken Warby Pics here from Taree, Australia
First the Old Fella as he hoses down the Camera Crews.
Second the close up shot.
Thrid is lighting the Candle.
Forth is leaving the Sillycopter behind.

Edit geez this thing posts the images in order to make ya look stupid eh! :confused: