View Full Version : It Is Not A Boy!!!

Ron Hill
12-07-2009, 03:52 PM
My daughter, Jessica Bodas, just deivered my third granddaughter...8 pounds 13 ounces... Mom is doing well as are proud sisters Reese (6) and Peyton. (3)..An especially, dad, Matt..

9 GRANDDUGHTER BETWEEN MY BROTHER AND I. NO grandsons...Girls can drive boats!!!!

12-07-2009, 04:48 PM
Congratulations to all involved especially Jessica. :) Rod

Marlee Hill
12-07-2009, 06:36 PM
My daughter, Jessica Bodas, just deivered my third granddaughter...8 pounds 13 ounces... Mom is doing well as are proud sisters Reese (6) and Peyton. (3)..An especially, dad, Matt..

9 GRANDDUGHTER BETWEEN MY BROTHER AND I. NO grandsons...Girls can drive boats!!!!

got that right, Ron!!!

congrats Jess! cant wait to see her!!