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Original Looper 1
12-12-2009, 09:28 PM
A Critical Decision
by Michael Gaddy
by Michael Gaddy
Recently by Michael Gaddy: Battle Rifle Basics


Members of all branches of the United States Military will soon be facing a most critical decision. The European Union Times is reporting here that Obama is using the deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan to cover for the movement of some 200,000 troops, presently on duty in countries other than Iraq and Afghanistan, to USNORTHCOM to prepare for the "expected outbreak of Civil War within the United States before the end of winter."

It would appear those who call themselves "public servants" believe the people they supposedly serve have become dissatisfied with their job performance and will resort to some form of civil disobedience, which will necessitate military intervention. According to the article, Obama believes the reason for this civil unrest to be an expected "implosion" of this country’s financial systems. Should these events occur, members of the military would be forced to decide whether they would support their government, which gave hundreds of billions to government cronies in the financial sector, or their country.

A prudent man would speculate if the government so fears coming civil unrest, will they move to seize firearms throughout the country and use these military forces along with law enforcement to do so? I believe the answer can be found in the events surrounding the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Government forces there not only seized firearms from private citizens but also relocated many citizens against their will.

Millions of Americans have prayed for the safety of the military as they fight the government’s wars all over the planet. Many believe the military to be defending the country from enemies that would take our weapons and our freedoms. What will their actions be when the US military becomes that enemy? Will the military willingly participate in such acts? Such are questions the future holds.

The government has spent decades defining those who oppose its unlawful exploits as enemies of the state. Those who can or will not differentiate between the government and the country have fallen hook, line and sinker for this demonization of those who demand the government operate within the constraints of the Constitution and moral law. Most of those who blindly support the illegal actions of the government have been bought and paid for with the taxes of those who actually produce something. Unfortunately, primary among those bought-and-paid-for entities are law enforcement and the military.

Both political parties have conducted this demonization of true Patriots. While the democrats have been traditionally anti-gun and liberty, the republicans bought into the program with the fascist Patriot Act and the illegal, unconstitutional War on Terror. The two dominant political parties in this country are two wings of the same vulture: blatant in-your-face socialism. There are no answers to our problems to be found in either political party.

Many on the right have bought into the ideas expressed by leaders of the military that all who oppose the state and its illegal agenda should be treated no differently than the "insurgents" the military has been facing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nowhere is that better illustrated than here where a law enforcement publication is advocating military tactics promoted by General David Petraeus be used against those whom the state defines as its enemies. While the article in Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement speaks specifically of gangs and drug activity, don’t forget the Department of Homeland Security has defined millions of patriotic Americans and veterans as possible domestic terrorists in its report sent to LE agencies on April 7th of 2009. If you wonder if you fit the definition of possible domestic terrorist, you should check here.

If the European Union Times report is correct and Obama is moving to strengthen USNORTHCOM with anywhere near the numbers mentioned, indicates the fedgov fears its own citizens much more than it fears al Qaeda. Either the government is anticipating a total financial breakdown, there are plans to confiscate firearms, a new false flag event is in the works, or any combination of the three. Either way, they plan on this event occurring before spring of 2010.

On the minds of many Americans and politicians is exactly how will the military and law enforcement react if told to confiscate firearms or move American citizens to FEMA camps.

Consideration must be given to the militarization of law enforcement entities in this country over the past few decades and our gradual decline into a police state, thanks to the bogus War on Terror. That being said, some police blogs such as this one indicate not all law enforcement personnel are on board with these illegal and corrupt practices. When considering possible actions of military personnel one must be aware of the felons and gang members who became part of the military when recruiters were falling short of their goals. Nothing could be better for a felon or a gang-banger than to actually be ordered to commit crimes with impunity. At some point in time, any true American serving in the military will be forced to ask themselves exactly what and whom they are defending and exactly what became of the "home of the free?"

What will be the reaction of the soldier from Colorado who is confiscating guns and placing so-called domestic terrorists in detention camps in Ohio when he gets word other soldiers are doing the same to his family and friends back home? Who will soldiers and law enforcement officers side with when push comes to shove: the government who has given over a trillion dollars to their cronies in the financial industry, failed to provide their brother/sister veterans competent medical care, denied disability benefits, denied compensation for treatment as prisoners of war, placed single parents in confinement and taken their children, or their family and friends who have lost their jobs and are seeing their homes and farms foreclosed by the same bankers who received huge bonuses from the bailout money? If military and law enforcement personnel begin to side with the citizens, will the fedgov call in United Nations forces to subdue those who cherish personal freedom and will fight to retain it?

Regardless of which series of events occur, Americans will be the losers. Brace yourselves and prepare, this is going to get real ugly.

December 7, 2009

Michael Gaddy, an Army veteran of Vietnam, Grenada, and Beirut, lives in the Four Corners area of the American Southwest.

Copyright © 2009 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Ed Hatch
12-12-2009, 10:21 PM
As coincidence would have it I happened to look at an old NYPD Blue episode the other day. In one the scene, the new PAA, Ms. Abodando?(sp?) was concerned about phone calls from a moonbeam citizen who had a problem with the "gravity layer" and the "laser death squad" for outer space who were after him. The experienced Detective, Andy Sipowitz recommended that when people called with these "critical" issues in the future she should recommend that they put two layers of aluminum foil in their fedoras. Ironically, when the individual called the 15th Precinct again, Ms. Abodando recommended that the guy put the aluminum foil in his shorts (typical chick). This advice apparently eased the anxiety of the caller. So,,,, perhaps Mr. Gaddy ought to try some Reynolds Wrap,,,cone shaped for his head for sure,,,, and an abstract free form on his peewee. That should ameliorate the negative effects of whatever extra-terrestrial forces are doing to his "gravity layer",,,,of course ( out of compassion ) I hope the laser death squads are engaged elsewhere. Alternatively, perhaps a more concerned citizen could forward a list of anti-psychotics to Mr. Gaddy.

For those of use disinclined to go "moonbeam", the revolution will come on election day in 2010 when the forces of reason from left and right will throw out more "legislative" bums than cops emptying a crack den.

If people are truly concerned about the ongoing sellout provided by the "community organizer" and his ilk,,, check out


I'll be there. For those who are offended by my off the cuff comments I offer this URL

http://www.healthline.com/sw/hr-nl-a-comparison-of-antipsychotic-drugs?utm_source=psychotherapy&utm_ad=urls&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=xxx&utm_term=list%20of%20antipsychotic%20drugs&esvcid=S1260681199_ADOGOE_AGI3724220_ADI5091874_TR MbGlzdCUyMG9mJTIwYW50aXBzeWNob3RpYyUyMGRydWdz_RFDd 3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20%3d_RAWbGlzdCUyMG9mJTIwYW50aXBze WNob3RpYyUyMGRydWdz

And for those who buy into Mr. Gatty's delusion, confer with the guy, maybe you can settle on something suitable for all concerned.

12-13-2009, 09:12 AM
The revolution must start now. If you are not registered NOW you will not be able to vote in the PRIMARY. If you let the incumbent win the PRIMARY they will most certainly be re-elected in the general election.

Don't loose your chance to do something ... register NOW, not later

12-14-2009, 01:03 AM
Although there are some things to be concered about, Mr. Gaddy's view is a bit extreme. I work closely with our cops, and there's no secret agenda. They're regular guys like everyone else. That being said, it is very important to voice your opinion NOW to all of your representatives, lest they think nobody is watching them.

Gene East
12-14-2009, 06:01 AM
They already think no one is watching. How many of us are aware that just yesterday our employees (United States Senate) passed a $1.1 TRILLION bill to imporve Medicare and Medicaid among other things.

Cleverly hidden in the other things was a 2% pay increase for federal employees.

Far too many government employees: (including Senators and Congressmen); would be forced to take a CUT in pay if indeed they were even to be retained, if they were compensated on performance like those of us in the private sector!

Master Oil Racing Team
12-14-2009, 06:20 AM
Yesterday I heard an analyst describing the out of control payroll on the public sector employeement. She only mentioned 1....the Department of Transportation where up until this year only 1 employee (not the chairman) made over $170,0000. Today there are 1,000 equalling or exceeding that figure. The vast majority of stimulus jobs were created in local, state and federal beauracracies (they even make their vocation long and hard to spell). Combine them with our elected representatives from every state and locality along with the union thugs, illegals and people that live off of government handouts and you can see why polls for big government projects very rarely get below 43%. That's about the percentage that makes a living off our tax dollars. For the current health care bill to be polling the way it is makes you realize some of the big spenders are figuring out the liberals are choking the golden goose to death.

12-14-2009, 07:59 AM
We used to interview the laid off public employees in chicago. The minute they left the room, thier application went right into the trash can because we knew we would be getting an entitled inept moron who would be half as productive as our slowest employee.

After we dismantle all these agencies, we had best set up a tent city because they won't be able to survive in the real world.