I did not realized that the file name of the attachments would not show up on the site, so I will explain each pic in the text as I move forward.
The last post is as follows:
Pics 1&2: Mid case and block porting passages as cores. Cores being the removed material.
Pic 3: Same coring including water pockets and passages.
Remaining pics are 3D line drawings and photo rendered pics of the block.
So what is the real status of the block? The block has been roughed in, which was just a weekends work. I quickly realized that this is foolish without the rest of the required parts. The mid case, the front case and the cylinder heads. So I stopped work on the block to proceed to build patterns for the balance of the required parts.
As chance would have it, I came across an add on E-Bay for some T2X parts. I acquired a block with a front cover and the 7 main bearing crank. That cut a good year off the making of patterns and modifying a standard crank and bearing bodies to achieve a 7 main crank.
That left the mid case and the cylinder head patterns to make. A project that could be managed in a couple of months.
I will include in this segment pics of the roughed block and all the dimensioned drawings for finish machining the block.
Pics: 1 Exhaust Positions, 2 Head bolt locations, 3 Lower Transfer port position,
4 Top Transfer port position, 5 Transfer runner positions, 6 Porting angles, 7 Water jacket positions, 8,9,10 Block rough machining.
I will try to honor Ron's request for more pics. The drawings and pics for producing patterns is many. The mid case is a very involved pattern requiring a cope, drag and 2 cheeks. Easier understood by saying the mold has to pull apart in 4 directions.